MONTAUK - The Montauk mind control and space-time manipulation projects

In that case, I have a boat to sell you. Well that, or we're on a site that deals with time travel and Albert Einstein was one of the pioneers of the subject. Do you assume that every person on every site is the reincarnation of the dead celebrity that's in their profile picture? There are literally millions of people with "deep scientific and esoteric insight"; literally choose any single person that works for Cern, or Nasa, or the hundreds of thousands of other scientists, philosophers, and higher education professors. Now, assuming reincarnation exists, consider the likelihood of some random guy you "know" on a niche website being the reincarnation of one of the zillions of people who have existed throughout history. Him having been Elvis, Mussolini, or Babe Ruth is no sillier than him having been Albert Einstein.

People not remembering their past lifetimes is no reflection of their ignorance or lack of awareness in the least bit - just saying that makes you sound silly and ignorant.
I was obviously myself last time. It only makes sense.
Obviously Num is Doc Holiday (however it's spelled)
I do believe reincarnation to be very real, however there is something to be said for questioning things. Ronnie makes a valid point. (I don't agree with the carrot though. ) :D
Thank you Aryeandris for your comment. I thought we were done with this in letting Ronnie have the last word. But you are a good peacemaker. I never meant this to be such a big deal. But you hit the nail on the head with your comment about Num7. I only meant my comments to be a subtle, playful suggestion, the way you are doing. And as you point out Ronnie makes some good points. I'm sorry if you were offended by my comments Ronnie. In reality I don't know any of you from Adam and you don't know me. I like this secretive way of doing things. Now, wasn't this supposed to be about Montauk.
I apologize if I was patronizing or insulting - I was actually quite enjoying the conversation, debate, whatever you wanna call it, because all though I disagree with your ideas, you argued/presented them in an articulate and well thought out manner; I especially liked your comment about imagination, as I took it to be in playful jest. Anyway, well said regarding Aryeandris; it took a woman's (I assume that's you in the picture) touch to defuse this somewhat heated argument and make everyone feel good. Well done.
Ok, I was in my teens when Albert Einstein died, I think it was in 1955. I own copies of Einstein's technical writings and It would have been nice to meet Albert Einstein and talk about time and space.

Yes, I can remember past lives, but I never was any person that you could Google in history. And thank you for the kind words from follow members.
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Albert Einstein was German and Professor Opmmur also is German.

My brother lived in Germany and reads and speaks German,
I lost my German, when I started School and learned English.
By the way that still doesn't say that you aren't a part of Albert Einstein's soul group or connected to him in some significant way, which is suggested by your intense interest in him, opmmur. Likewise with other people on this site as well.
