Schematic Multi-Verse Resonator Construction Details


Most require some skills, like the HDR. I can't think of any that needs zero basic astral skills.

The Flux Capacitor by Bajak?

Briggits Norseff

Junior Member
I've been working on my Multi-Verse Resonator. I updated the sensor coil to Gibbs newer style caduceus coil. Right after I did that I was able to get a stick type reaction during tuning. So I decided to go through the entire project and redo the old wiring, and also construct a bottom cover for the copper pyramid. Thus covering up all the exposed wiring underneath. Well, I completed the update making the device less prone to accidentally electrocute me. Of course now after the update I no longer get the stick reaction. But I did record the position of all the dials when I did. So at least I now have dial settings to use. I have a few pictures to share for those of you interested. The copper pyramid is the defining feature of the MVR. And I have not seen anyone else post pictures other than Patrick Murphy who is the guy that I modeled my MVR after.

Here is an updated schematic I made to reflect the current design I am using:
View attachment 7342

A couple of pics showing all the necessary holes cut out:
View attachment 7343
View attachment 7341

Here is a pic of the modifications I made to allow a bottom cover to be attached:
View attachment 7344

View attachment 7349
View attachment 7348

Here is one showing all components installed with a plexiglass bottom cover.
View attachment 7345
And the final two pics showing a completed MVR:
View attachment 7346
View attachment 7347

Is that for physical Time Travel ?
