Music and life

Dear Father in Heaven and and My Savior,

Thank you for this early morning. I like waking at 5am. Thank you for getting me alone in this season of my life. To grow in ways I never imagined I would have to. Thank you for the quiet. Thank you for the solitude. Thank you for grounding me (like a child :giggle:). Thank you that I am not utterly destroyed. Thank you for loving me. Thank you that I am not homeless. Thank you for the opportunity to learn a new trade. Thank you for the opportunity to learn how to decorate my own soul with you and my savior at the center of it.

Help me to read all scripture and get through the hard parts that I don't understand. Help me to learn to trust you in all things, in all ways without fear. To understand there is none when living in the Spirit of Christ.

Thank you for the tears I've cried and the pain I've felt. They have given me wisdom and have helped me to grow.

Thank you for forgiving me. Everyday, for my imperfections. Help me to become a better person in your sight.

May my faith in you, Dear Father and Savior, renew me. Let there be joy today.

Forever in your name, Jesus Christ.
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For weeks, in my dreams I've been shown a boat. In previous dreams before recent, the boat was huge... Taking waves with a turn that the whole boat would shift and I felt the wave... Wonderfully terrifying.

Now? It's a smaller boat. One I really have to man... And, handle. The waves. The sails. When I was to taught to steer and navigate... It's a new world of boat to me. Not a ship...

On the small boat, I have a wonderful crew. Those whom know their way around the sails. I need only to steer and look for danger (as I am used to).

Thank GOD for a good and
good crew!

I'm sure it means those whom love God and the true Savior... Require a smaller boat.


Loved the ship and huge adjustments in turning and waves!
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To all the paranormalis members out there, now that we are looking at the possibility of the end of our civilization as we know it, here is some relaxing music to calm your worries down:

Sacred Treasures III: Choral Masterworks from Russia and Beyond

Whatever may happen, never ever loose your hope, never give up even when our society has collapsed, stay strong mentally, physically and especially spiritually!
Someone once tried to make me believe I was a tiger. Sorry. I've always been a lioness! You'd get this if you knew me. But, you don't... Do you. ;)
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To all the paranormalis members out there, now that we are looking at the possibility of the end of our civilization as we know it, here is some relaxing music to calm your worries down:

Sacred Treasures III: Choral Masterworks from Russia and Beyond

Whatever may happen, never ever loose your hope, never give up even when our society has collapsed, stay strong mentally, physically and especially spiritually!
We're not close to the end of civilization. Sorry. We have a thousand years of peace to look forward to with the True Christ on earth. But, will gladly listen to beautiful music from anywhere.

No one's burning for eternity. Sorry. Outer darkness with their own guilt? Yep. That in itself is enough. Only meant for three. The Antichrist, Satan and Pontius Pilate. Truth. Sorry.

Bible was changed to fit Roman needs of dictatorship. The true gospel was restored in the end times...

God is so loving. His house has many mansions. Enough to fit all of His creations no matter where they land on the Richter Scale of goodness. Everyone will be comfortable according to their ability and understanding.

Can't wait till He comes!
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To all the paranormalis members out there, now that we are looking at the possibility of the end of our civilization as we know it, here is some relaxing music to calm your worries down:

Sacred Treasures III: Choral Masterworks from Russia and Beyond

Whatever may happen, never ever loose your hope, never give up even when our society has collapsed, stay strong mentally, physically and especially spiritually!
Oh my goodness... This music is so beautiful. Breathtaking. Truly. Thank you. A masterpiece I so wish I could hear in person. It brought a tear and touched my soul.

Thankful for the changes to come. He (My Heavenly Father) has told me "I am your rock and foundation. You will never be homeless and will always be provided for". I obviously don't know how... I'm simply thankful.

Maybe the mean slimes will learn something through it all. I can only hope.
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