Music & the arts, visualizing the galaxy


Senior Member
I picked up the album Yes 90125 a while back and on side 2 of this recording just before cinema, there an instrumental piece. When they made this cut, they went after it with everything they had.

How this hits you, is similar to the Men In Balck movie, when the pathologist views the amulet from around the cats neck, but it's expressed only audibly.

They kind of go through differing realms in this instrumental piece and how this comes off, is something like an intro into a real good space science fiction movie.

I don't know how they planned it this way, but they let to force of the guitars make a reverberation tone, which to me would be the tone of the galaxy. This is at the end of the piece.

If your'e stinking tired of everything, get a good sound system, open you mind and allow your imagination to have free reign and the galaxy or some part of space might come to your thinking.

Yes was an exceptional group and my feelings are that they always had a little bit of the space people in them. Definitely shows in this cut at 21:23 about the middle of the slide progress bar just before Leave it.

Note for share reasons having to do with web domains I suppose, just click on Watch this on YouTube and the auto director will take you there
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