Must go back NOW!


New Member
Hello, my name is Hugo and I feel retard for only typing this up.
I feel retard because I'm willing to do anything even kill to achieve what I want!!!!

I want my ex, no matter what.
I'm sorry if I sound selfish, but I'm like dying, so if I could only have her only one more time in my
insignificant life I'd be grateful to the world and god which I don't even believe in, I'm willing to believe in him if it costs that.
I've lost my ex for retarded reasons, very retarded.

I met her a long time ago, and we were "friends" until I turned 16 and she turned 14...
This happened in about July 2010 when my parents we're fighting to have me like I was some piece of s***, a toy.
So my mom won.
I left my country (Portugal) to go to the UK, in July 2010.
After my first high school year there, I've been talking a lot more with my friend (which came to be my ex now), and in August 2011 I came back for holidays.
Just "holidays" until she became my girlfriend in those 2 weeks.
Probably you'll think I'm a dumbass, but I don't really care.
I even... well. Did things reccomended over 18. Stuff. Erm.
Okay, I think you get it, but it meant a lot to me, a very lot...
Eventually I had to return to the UK, but I asked my dad to fight over the judge to bring me back to Portugal so I could be with my girlfriend again.
Unfortunatelly governs are lazy asses and they did nothing since September 2011 to August 2012!
In mean time me and my girlfriend had a lot of problems and she became "confused" or whatever excuses women give, so she broke up with me thinking I could never come back and "moved on".
We broke up in mid March, between the 10th and the 20th of March.

Until then, I somehow managed to let my mom (after so many tries) come back last August the 4th! However it was a pain to find anyone with my ex's new phone number...
But it was too late. She has a boyfriend, 5 YEARS OLDER, Hulk muscles, a job, tons of money and his zodiac sign is Leo. And he talks too much.
I also recall he has not much of a brain.
(I texted her a few days ago a quote from a game character from Portal 2, GLaDOS' speech to Chell in the alternative ending. Seems he read it and retardedly though it was for my ex... see, many people in this country are too damn stupid to care to learn another language! Then she texted me he was mad at her.)
I have only a brain and I'm 2 years older than her and I'm just a shy small Capricorn...

And she kind of feels she has a perfect life.
I look like a selfish idiotic retard wanting her back when she says she has a perfect life, just because I still love her and had no girlfriends before (I'm kind of picky, don't like to collect ex's, neither confidence enough to meet new people)...

But I can't seriously live any longer neither think of anything, do anything without her entering on my mind!!!
I tried to suicide myself a few days ago but then it came to mind "What if her boyfriend leaves her blablabla" and I just couldn't.

What's does the point of this idiot speech about time travel?
I want to go back to December 2009.
I think it's a good date to go back if I can be myself and rechoose many things...
Also I know from movies that I could end up in a manicomium if I ever spoke to anyone about being able to travel back in time, and trying to tell the people I know now but not before that date to be my friends or something else, I would be seen as a freak or though to have a mental disease.
I would try to make myself not going to the UK, but somehow meet my friend (that would be my girlfriend, and is my ex in this timeline).

I even asked her to make some sort of ritual (she believes in demons and that kind of stuff... well who knows if it could worl) and she told me a friend of hers that knows about dark magic told her it's possible to travel back while "sleeping", guided my someones voice with 2 candles nearby.
She also said he said I had 15% chances for it to to work, but I didn't told her the second reason I wanna go back.
I'm so desperate I'm willing to believe that as having a futuristic machine than travels faster-than-light is not really possible yet, Wikipedia said.

I came here because this forum was one of my search results, and I hope I can find an answer : If time travel is possible in the days of today, how could I do that easly?

I even beg for an answer even if it's negative... but please...



I think time travel is possible. I don't think the average Joe has access to it.

If you want her that bad why go through the trouble of time travel? Time travel won't fix your money issues or lack of being able to support yourself. If she means that much to you be able to stand on your own two feet like a man, move out of moms house and stop begging dad to let you live with him.

Oh... and she's a bitch. Sorry to say it. She ditched you.


Temporal Engineer
My take on this is to move on with your life. There will be other women. Unless you become a hermit. Women will find you. You will be surprised how a new girlfriend will change your outlook on life.


My take on this is to move on with your life. There will be other women. Unless you become a hermit. Women will find you. You will be surprised how a new girlfriend will change your outlook on life.

That too! One who will appreciate you for who you are. Someone who will give you what you have to give her.


New Member
I think time travel is possible. I don't think the average Joe has access to it.

If you want her that bad why go through the trouble of time travel? Time travel won't fix your money issues or lack of being able to support yourself. If she means that much to you be able to stand on your own two feet like a man, move out of moms house and stop begging dad to let you live with him.

Oh... and she's a bitch. Sorry to say it. She ditched you.

I would just change my choice in court to stay in Lisbon, with my dad. In 2010 I was 15, and my parents are divorced, so that's why UK or Portugal. I can try stand on my own two feet like a man, but that would do no good if I don't think of what to do.

I know she's a bitch now, don't worry. The second reason I want to go back is to stop her from doing the shit she did in 2011 - 2012 to me.
It's a hard task, but I want to try it in another way... however it will feel kind of awkward trying to met her in 2010 from nothing if I met
her in 2011 while I was on the internet... except the part we were friends when we were little kids.

Un-bitch women FTW!


This is a new reason to desire time travel... I don't think I've heard of using all power full time traveling to get a girlfriend back.


Senior Member
HSoares...You need time...not time travel. What is meant to happen will and looking back you will see this as the end of one chapter but the beginning of the next, which is your future. After 17 years I ended up with an "X" who thought the grass was greener on the other side of the fence. She remarried to a jobless alcholic...strange for sure. I felt the same way you did and was told that there are plenty of fish in the sea. All you need is time and time will heal. I went to various support groups and found out that I was in great shape compared to everyone else. I always have said if I went back in time I would do everything the opposite of what I did on the first go around...but what headaches could or would that create? Hang in there and pray for guidance as the sun will shine tomorrow for a new day a new beginning!


Senior Member
I know she's a bitch now, don't worry. The second reason I want to go back is to stop her from doing the shit she did in 2011 - 2012 to me.

Time travel doesn't work that way. You can't undo what people have done to you in the past or that would change you and your motivation for time traveling in the first place.

Unless you want that. She won't remember and you won't remember and she'll just do something bad to you again!


Time travel doesn't work that way. You can't undo what people have done to you in the past or that would change you and your motivation for time traveling in the first place.
Paradoxes... tricky stuff. Hawkings gave a great analogy for how nature deals with them...

Feedback loops.

You are on stage performing. A quiet sequel begins growing in the speakers because a microphone is too close to a speaker. Gradually the feedback loops on itself until finally the speakers blow out.

You go back in time. You stop the bad feelings. You now have no reason to go back in time because everything is kosher. But since you are happy you don't go back in time so the bad events still happen. So you go back in time to stop them etc etc. You get stuck in a time loop.and each time you loop the energy grows and grows until BOOM! The loop explodes taking you with it. Nature has solved the paradox issue by destroying you and the loop.


Time travel doesn't work that way. You can't undo what people have done to you in the past or that would change you and your motivation for time traveling in the first place.
Paradoxes... tricky stuff. Hawkings gave a great analogy for how nature deals with them...

Feedback loops.

You are on stage performing. A quiet sequel begins growing in the speakers because a microphone is too close to a speaker. Gradually the feedback loops on itself until finally the speakers blow out.

You go back in time. You stop the bad feelings. You now have no reason to go back in time because everything is kosher. But since you are happy you don't go back in time so the bad events still happen. So you go back in time to stop them etc etc. You get stuck in a time loop.and each time you loop the energy grows and grows until BOOM! The loop explodes taking you with it. Nature has solved the paradox issue by destroying you and the loop.

There is no such thing as paradox if your going with the line theory in a situation where there would be a "paradox" then, it would simply result in a creation of a new line. One line where you did go back and, another we're you didn't with that said do you plan to kill the other you because there will be two of you in one line.
