Must go back NOW!


Temporal Engineer
This is a new reason to desire time travel... I don't think I've heard of using all power full time traveling to get a girlfriend back.

Not get them back. Just revisit them. Having a time machine opens up lots of fun avenues to explore. I'll be exploring this avenue myself if I successfelly construct a time machine. I already have lots of clues that an alternate version of me did do just that.


Senior Member
There is no such thing as paradox if your going with the line theory in a situation where there would be a "paradox" then, it would simply result in a creation of a new line. One line where you did go back and, another we're you didn't with that said do you plan to kill the other you because there will be two of you in one line.

For those who don't know, Kurisu Makise is the assistant of Rintaro Okabe in the popular anime containing some loosely based elements of the John Titor story. It is not clear if Rintaro is John Titor. You just have to watch the "Stein's Gate" anime to find out. I admit I wasn't paying too much attention when watching this.


There is no such thing as paradox if your going with the line theory in a situation where there would be a "paradox" then, it would simply result in a creation of a new line. One line where you did go back and, another we're you didn't with that said do you plan to kill the other you because there will be two of you in one line.

For those who don't know, Kurisu Makise is the assistant of Rintaro Okabe in the popular anime containing some loosely based elements of the John Titor story. It is not clear if Rintaro is John Titor. You just have to watch the "Stein's Gate" anime to find out. I admit I wasn't paying too much attention when watching this.

Rintaro Okabe was the person who made the "time machine theory" while that fat guy made the actual device and, that girl who worked at the tv shop was actually "John Titor"


What about going to another time line in which you are still with her? I know some members on here are pretty familiar with working with time lines and trying to change reality. Perhaps they can give you some ideas what to begin with.


New Member
What about going to another time line in which you are still with her? I know some members on here are pretty familiar with working with time lines and trying to change reality. Perhaps they can give you some ideas what to begin with.

In order to be in another timeline I would've to change the past, right?
I believe in time lime theory, and it kind of feels strange, because it would mean per live being
there would be billions of time lines, couldn't it? Therefore multiplying by the exact number of
live beings in the world, it would mean theres an infinite number of realities?
But if I leave my original timeline... what would happen to the physical me?

Yes please, I need ideas please...

Also not having her by my side took all my confidence away, yesterday was my presentation day at school.
I never felt so bad in my whole life... I don't even feel like I belong to my country anymore!

PS :

On a completly different subject, just to say this forum is amazing.

Jimmy Mayo

New Member
I have to agree with several and tell you to just move on and grow up. Obviously your young and first loves are intense and usually full of regrets (I should have done this or why did I say that etc.) but you can't go back and fix anything. It didn't work the first time so I can only assume two of you in the same world line would only eff it up again. Move on. You'll feel better as soon as you let yourself.


New Member
At least I would get my confidence back, I couldn't even step a nail on school today, so I came back!!
It took all my courage to do anything.

Even if I can't get her back... at least my life would change a bit, I hope.
At this moment I feel horrible with myself in every aspect...
I really want to go back, otherwise I need to run away from home or suicide because I can't live under this pressure, it's like a nightmare.

PS : I can be only 17 but please don't take me as a "non-lifer" kid, please. Thanks.


your confidence has nothing to do with her. It is solely your own perception of yourself. As a believe in time travel you should know that perception and perspective are VERY important.

Everyone alive is special and has value. Even the complete idiots you probably have to deal with at school. My reason for that: They exist. If a person was worth nothing and had no value the person would exist on the first place.

Some philosophies suggest that every person had to put up a fight to get here. Had to fight to exist. And when you look at it biologically you did. Millions of possibilities yet YOU exist and YOU made it.

So forget the girl. She forgot about you. Be a little selfish for once and do something for yourself. I take myself out to dinner, go on road trips and movie hop from time to time lol.
