My alien sighting.


Senior Member
Usually it is pretty obvious if you have seen one.

I recall this summer i was out camping with a group of friends and we were pretty drunk and they were making fun of me about UFO's, so i said fine i bet we can see one! See we laid on the Pick nick table and sure enough we see this glowing light, it seemed like a plane or helicopter with a bright spot light and as i point it out they were like "o that is just a plane" the object then stops................mid travel stops and then disipears.

That is one of my greatest victories lol no smart ass comments just silence, and i know what they were thinking "No way....that couldnt be...." And all i can think is "I WIN!"


Junior Member
Quite a story. I've never encountered anything like that but have had experiences with other paranormal activity first-hand (spiritual stuff).

A shame I didn't have a camera handy at the time...


New Member
Its pretty unbelievable, but its a 100% true. I really wish there were more sightings, people need to see these things for themselves. Have you shared any of your stories on this forum yet?


Senior Member
Kurt, what i did a few years back was on Black Friday i found a Digital Camera for sale that allows instant uploads to Facebook or pc. Not the highest of quality but it was cheap so i keep it in my car where ever i go i have it.


New Member
Hi have come to tell you about my experience of ufos. I am 100% no doubt aliens are here. One day I went out of town and as we were coming back, I seen two very bright stars. I thought maybe it could be two planets? Or maybe even of comet Ison. They didn't move at all for some odd minutes, but then it started moving very slowly. I wouldn't take my eyes off of it. I realized it was getting closer so I got out of the car and it flew over right above my head! No sounds or anything. I got my phone and took a picture of it as it was moving away, but nothing showed on my photo but clouds. I kept that photo because it intrigued me. Well anyway, finally we made it to town. I look over by the Mississippi and two large glowing yellow balls were hovering over the trees! They looked like they were playing together, moving around each other. Or I thought they were looking for something. Maybe even trying to land. I didn't want to go down by the river so I headed home. That day was my turning point and have been reading everything paranormal since then. That is how I found paranormalis.
Hi have come to tell you about my experience of ufos. I am 100% no doubt aliens are here. One day I went out of town and as we were coming back, I seen two very bright stars. I thought maybe it could be two planets? Or maybe even of comet Ison. They didn't move at all for some odd minutes, but then it started moving very slowly. I wouldn't take my eyes off of it. I realized it was getting closer so I got out of the car and it flew over right above my head! No sounds or anything. I got my phone and took a picture of it as it was moving away, but nothing showed on my photo but clouds. I kept that photo because it intrigued me. Well anyway, finally we made it to town. I look over by the Mississippi and two large glowing yellow balls were hovering over the trees! They looked like they were playing together, moving around each other. Or I thought they were looking for something. Maybe even trying to land. I didn't want to go down by the river so I headed home. That day was my turning point and have been reading everything paranormal since then. That is how I found paranormalis.


Junior Member
I've heard that UFO sightings are becoming more frequent here over Lake Michigan. They actually did an investigation, I believe "Alien Encounters" came and filmed here.

The families that they interviewed had very similar stories. The mother of two teenage children said it was a very peaceful experience, but her daughters disagreed and believe that's what these beings wanted her to think, as they felt horrible fear.

I spend my warm summer nights on our back deck staring up at the sky, I've seen some weird stuff. We have very little light pollution where I live so its easy to see stars very clearly, or those strange little lights that dance and disappear when you blink.
