National Guard for an Eclipse?


The national guard is going to be deployed on April 8th for the eclipse. I don't believe they've ever done this before. They think cell service will be out and there will be mass chaos. This has never been the case before. Any thoughts?



As America looms closer to the election in November, I feel that our government is going to try to CAUSE chaos and fear in the hopes that they can declare martial law and stop the election.


Active Member
A county south-east of Dallas has already declared a state of emergency from all the expected tourists. I kinda understand this, but I'm not so sure about HAZMAT in the article. They're saying traffic will be awful, gas stations will probably run out, and food will probably run out (not really a surprise). Depending on the number of tourists, they think there could be double or triple the amount of people who normally live in the county.

In the extra extended forecast, the weathermen think we have a strong chance of being cloudy. :( That would be a major letdown.

As far as the LWO, I don't trust them for anything. The more intelligence news is already talking about what they could pull out of their asses for an "October Surprise". I think they've cried "wolf" too much and nobody will believe them this time around.

I'm thinking of sacrificing an old floppy disk to see if I can see one of the hidden planetships through it. I'm thinking that would make a great solar filter regardless. :alien:


A county south-east of Dallas has already declared a state of emergency from all the expected tourists. I kinda understand this, but I'm not so sure about HAZMAT in the article. They're saying traffic will be awful, gas stations will probably run out, and food will probably run out (not really a surprise). Depending on the number of tourists, they think there could be double or triple the amount of people who normally live in the county.

In the extra extended forecast, the weathermen think we have a strong chance of being cloudy. :( That would be a major letdown.

As far as the LWO, I don't trust them for anything. The more intelligence news is already talking about what they could pull out of their asses for an "October Surprise". I think they've cried "wolf" too much and nobody will believe them this time around.

I'm thinking of sacrificing an old floppy disk to see if I can see one of the hidden planetships through it. I'm thinking that would make a great solar filter regardless. :alien:

I don't remember ever needing the national guard before, but then again, we have the most illegal immigrants we've ever had that may try to loot while everyone is staring at the sky.

I'm on X trying to cause a toilet paper shortage.


Could be some serious civil unrest in America this year rising into the election cycle.Also the debt situation is getting real bad over there, adding 1 trillion every 90 days, interest on debt now costing over 800 billion a year, rising to over 1 trillion by end of year at current interest rates.Civil unrest and economic issues will be closely linked.
