Negative energy... Why it is important to fight negativity.


I personally believe that the soul is what animate and binds us to both the spiritual and physical world.

Thus I believe without any doubt that we as humans have an energy within us. This energy is powerful enough to drive organs like the brain, heart and lungs. Each important but all of them functional due to the energy we consume like food, water and oxygen.

But what about sleep? What about negativity and positivity as a "feeling"

As we know energy cannot be destroyed only changed and this is the function I wish to investigate in this post.

In my experience negativity is a key factor when it comes to a haunting. Firstly things tend to happen to me first because at my core I am a very negative person but more importantly I am also a very angry spirit. My hate use to consume me and my anger use to be my decision maker. Both these emotions are powerful and can change the chemicals in the brain. This is well documented and I would urge you do your research on this.

That said my brain can take a positive energy and turn it into a negative one . For example I would see something and find the negative within it. When I see a empty building and walk into it I realize that I can feel things I shouldn't feel because of the emotions I am feeding. I can feel how something moves around me.

This is not in my mind as I as a source of energy have entered into another source of energy. This can be of whatever happened in that building. Like a fire, or whatever. That energy is interacting with mine and now like two flames the one is feeding the other. I entered as a negative energy so if the room has a negative energy it will start to build on each other.

The feeling of negative emotions builds and as it builds it start to feed "entities" or things that simply shouldn't be here. These things will manifest faster around me and people like myself faster then it will with a positively strong person.

That is why one should really FEEL what is happening around us. Our human body is a powerful instrument and a very capable one.

Once I realized this I started to change a few things.

I changed how I eat, when I eat and what I eat. Secondly I changed my music taste to something that reflects positive energy, positive emotion and allow for positive thinking. Lastly I took on thought meditation.

What is thought meditation?

Thought meditation is I start by visualizing my goal, then I explore what I need to do to get to that goal. This allowed me allocate my energy positively. So in short I made a mental list of what needed to be done and how it will positively effect my life. I already am living on the negative side of things so I do not need to visualize that part.

What does all of this do.

1 > It pushes negative "entities" away from me. Allowing me to sleep, breath and focus.
2 > It allows me to take control of my life "how I feel and what I can accomplish"
3 > It allows me to move forward in my life in a positive, productive way.

In a previous discussion I told people that "entities" are not our friends... I tend to see them, and when I do they are always hurting someone mentally, physically and spiritually.

I am now slowly moving away from all this. I am trying to close "that door" and with it take control of what is left of my life. I may have a few more years and I will try to improve each year, day and hour so that it is less of a hell then the previous year day and hour.

I realized this is important to do, It is very important because bad things are real, they exist with or without our permission and they will try to hurt us in the worst possible way. So it is time to realize that they are real but we as humans are also spiritual and if I feed my spiritual self with positivity and believe in the things that I want to believe in then what is left of my life can actually be better then what it is now.

Make no mistake, we as humans are NEVER alone, "they/them" are always around sucking up our negativity like it is a drug. Don't give "them" this opportunity... It is not worth it.

thank you for reading.


Senior Member
Can't give helpful advice about safety without being the creepy person who thinks about how others may have their skulls crushed in morbid accidents. Can't tell people to learn self defence, without indirectly blaming the victims. Could not warn people about looming global disasters without people laughing. I'm okay with being a cynical doomsday oracle if my negativity might help someone to be more prepared for the worst.

Also makes me immune against Perona's negative ghost attack.


Senior Member
I personally believe that the soul is what animate and binds us to both the spiritual and physical world.

While we enter into a different sort of realm under sleep conditions.......


Can't give helpful advice about safety without being the creepy person who thinks about how others may have their skulls crushed in morbid accidents. Can't tell people to learn self defence, without indirectly blaming the victims. Could not warn people about looming global disasters without people laughing. I'm okay with being a cynical doomsday oracle if my negativity might help someone to be more prepared for the worst.

Also makes me immune against Perona's negative ghost attack.

Being a force for good is never easy. Saying the words everyone wants to hear is easy. Speaking the truth is harder... But one thing about truth is it cannot be silenced. Eventually it WILL be discovered, rediscovered and pushed into the light. This cannot be stopped because nothing can function on a lie for very long.

It may take second or a million years but truth is factually a force of nature and it has proven that if ignored for too long, bad things will happen. So ultimately falseness will always have a price to pay.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
negative energy is supposed to be good for you like a negative ion generator it cleans the air attracts dust and makes you better also the charged cells in your body are better for your health with negative charges
