new ice age


Senior Member
What if there is no global warming. Perhaps we face a new ice age. That does worry me. Something in the future causes an empty grocery. It could be a failure of crops. Yeah, that would lead to famine and more misery. After all we do have evidence of a decline in solar activity that will affect us.

Is a mini ice age on the way? Scientists warn the Sun has 'gone to sleep' and say it could cause temperatures to plunge | Mail Online

TAKEN FROM BBC - Blogs - Weather - Real risk of a Maunder minimum 'Little Ice Age' says leading scientist
"Professor Lockwood believes solar activity is now falling more rapidly than at any time in the last 10,000 years."​

Temperatures are a lot colder than the same time last year. People are hit with record high heating bills as we face record low mercury. Certainly for global warming to be true we would see the opposite starting to occur. I expect scientists to simply change their story again.

High heating bills ravage consumers | The Exchange - Yahoo Finance


Junior Member
I'm waiting for scientists to change their story too.

While in my area the amount of snow we've gotten isn't a total record breaker, the cold temps are. Its an awful bitter cold that lasts for days, lets up and then comes right back.

I called our propane provider to get a refill and we can only get 200 gallons at a time. Not only that our percentage has to be lower before we can reorder.

I found this site.

Little Ice Age - Environmental history timeline


Temporal Engineer
It's not the scientists claiming global warming. And the statistical geologic record has always shown that we have been in an iceage.

Global warming is all political propaganda. As I recall, it was started by Al Gore. But I could be wrong on that.


Junior Member
I think your correct, it was Al Gore, while I admit he may not have started the panic personally, he did a wonderful propaganda biltz.

I believe the EPA is a culprit too.
