New orgonite evolution stage


Active Member
For all the new people who don't know me or my work yet, I'm the resident orgonite genius. And if you don't know orgonite, it is the original analogue, crystalline or frequency based healing technology akin to digital med beds unofficially banned in the later 50's and early 60's, discovered by Wilhelm Reich who was consequently destroyed in multiple character assignations for curing cancers and changing weather patterns, he was eventually murdered in jail many years later.

I have been studying his and later evolving quantum mechanics and orgonite principles now for 7 years, and can say without much doubt that I already make the most powerful evolution of orgonites on the planet, but I am still not at my highest potential in this and this is where my old pendants come in. So it has been 38 months and 11 days since I designed or channeled the idea of the encoded super powered precision engineered orgonite pendants. It's an expensive upgrade but, and FINALLY it is in motion. The 11th evolution of my sentient orgonite tech.

I have secured finances for the machine required, now I need to focus on marketing to get pre-orders back up and secure the first order of crystals and metals. Because there is a waiting list on the build part of the machine before it is shipped of about 3 months, I will be offering reduced prices at this time until the day the machine arrives. Estimated shipping is 6th-10th december

It's a good time to order, The actual work time and machine time is not being added to the price of pre-order offerings. And considering it's an approximate two month build process minimum (dependent on resin drying times as it will be winter and cold slows down drying times) it's a good deal.

So what is on offer? 4 primary products

-Pendants, 27-30mmx11mm, the smallest I will ever do. Perfect for personal daily use for humans or pets. Engraved copper faced and limestone surround.

-Large pendants, 50mmx11mm, better for humans than pets, but also engraved copper faces and limestone surround. A perfect size for lying down meditations that blast open your third eye by placing it under your head on a pillow.

-Slim coasters. 80mmx11mm. My normal coasters right now are between 21-22mm thick and are quite honestly my favorite model out of all the things I make. It is as powerful as a normal 55mm high model about 6" wide. Powerful enough to get serious work done but portable enough to not weigh down your pockets or backpack even.

-Chargers. 110mm x 11mm. A much better size for charging a larger 2 litre bottle. Plenty strong and definitely too strong for beginners in energy work. Each of these models are designed with encoded bio quantum glyphs that will help maintain and heal every major organ in the body 24/7. In these trying times it will provide a buffer zone from the stresses of the matrix impositions and distractions keeping you centred, balanced and protected.

Orgonite, you see, functions on certain basic quantum or universal laws. In the primary, the law of dominant frequencies which basically means that the longer you are exposed to a frequency, the more powerful it becomes and the more potential it has to overwrite the nasty influences and malevolent encodings so prevalent in modern society.

Orgonites can harmonize localized harmful emfs, protect from psychic attacks, amplify intentions, clear and centre and balance chakras, clean out stagnant energies in the meridians, boosts and improves the taste and growth potential of plants and flowers, heals pets and humans just the same, cleanse and decontaminate water, tea all other fluids and foods, aids the ionic dehydration and thus improves shelf life by mummifying foods, accelerates healing superficial or surface wounds, clears up old trauma scars left on the aura, and many many other things. Because it is analogue, or crystalline in nature rather than digital, it is semi sentient, it knows and it works with the innate quantum cell intelligence to, in time, work through all of your issues in order to bring you back into soul alignment. This is what it does best if you want to summarize it's potential. Everything you could be, it helps you meet that timeline.

The disclaimer part, sometimes this acceleration of potential to meet your highest timeline can also accelerate the lessons of life, this isn't always comfortable, and when healing deep wounds, the brief moments can also be painful, cause you to burn up whilst parasites and similar are destroyed in your body...etc.

On the other side of that however, you can and likely will, also accelerate astral work, enable you to meet your guides or star family, open up your telepathic gifts, and even in if you are targeted as an enlightened individual wake you up when dark forces are near by looking for weaknesses.

In addition to receiving your orgonite of choice you will also get a specialized frequency to play in mp3 or ogg formats that amplify the orgonite even more than normal.

A short intro booklet into how to use the orgonite for many of lifes daily problems, everything from defeating anxiety, working with meridians etc. pdf format

A booklet/chart that informs on some basic health principles and spiritual principles in pdf format updated to my current level of working knowledge of the mechanics of how life in this universe works and what I feel is most important to know in order to return to a healthy aligned etheric incarnate. The knowledge that enables me to create free sentient 4 function orgonite pyramids.

So, with all that being said, if you have any questions or might be interested in pre ordering yours put your name down in the comments and let me know.


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Sounds interesting. Thank you for sharing this.

Does the pendant work if carried in your pants pocket? Or does it have to be near the heart and/or solar plexus?


Active Member
Sounds interesting. Thank you for sharing this.

Does the pendant work if carried in your pants pocket? Or does it have to be near the heart and/or solar plexus?
Thank you, yeah it's been a long time getting to here, so excited to get things going.

The crystal matrix used works on the solar, heart, third and crown but as it's a charger style, it works to heal targets no matter where it is. However, I recommend it for over the heart though as the heart is the central toroidal vortex, both the root vortex and the crown vortex focus in towards the heart, so mechanically speaking the heart space activity will simultaneously work in both directions. But if you wear it vertically closer to the root, or off the side like in pockets then the direction of energy movement will be lopsided a bit, like imagine a boat getting sucked into a whirlpool. But if you dropped the boat in from exactly the center above it it will almost flow straight through. And depending on which pocket it will change the type of energy flow too.
As it will be encoded to heal every organ simultaneously from a central space, if placed to the side it's going to require the body to compensate it's own energy field first. like trying to hold two opposing magnets beside each other...

If you imagine the spherical aura as a giant curved screen around you, every pixel space along the bubble relates directly to a precise holographic representation of you, memories, organs, knowledge, history, friends, they all have exact positioning energetically, there is a vibrational framework there, which is why our illnesses and ailments of same vibrational quality always effect or get effected by specific organs and other internal workings. the organ encoding is designed to work on these exact spots but from the centre as it's observation point.

So yeah, short answer no, keep it by the heart. It will function more smoothly.


Active Member
I have a questions does these heal the mind sets like 50-80 percent of healing? Also I want to try the spirits gift thing like astral projection and other spirits gift so also do you have a website?


Active Member
Thank you, yeah it's been a long time getting to here, so excited to get things going.

The crystal matrix used works on the solar, heart, third and crown but as it's a charger style, it works to heal targets no matter where it is. However, I recommend it for over the heart though as the heart is the central toroidal vortex, both the root vortex and the crown vortex focus in towards the heart, so mechanically speaking the heart space activity will simultaneously work in both directions. But if you wear it vertically closer to the root, or off the side like in pockets then the direction of energy movement will be lopsided a bit, like imagine a boat getting sucked into a whirlpool. But if you dropped the boat in from exactly the center above it it will almost flow straight through. And depending on which pocket it will change the type of energy flow too.
As it will be encoded to heal every organ simultaneously from a central space, if placed to the side it's going to require the body to compensate it's own energy field first. like trying to hold two opposing magnets beside each other...

If you imagine the spherical aura as a giant curved screen around you, every pixel space along the bubble relates directly to a precise holographic representation of you, memories, organs, knowledge, history, friends, they all have exact positioning energetically, there is a vibrational framework there, which is why our illnesses and ailments of same vibrational quality always effect or get effected by specific organs and other internal workings. the organ encoding is designed to work on these exact spots but from the centre as it's observation point.

So yeah, short answer no, keep it by the heart. It will function more smoothly.
Do you have a website so I can look at it?
