not sure if im in the right place? help? telekinesis


Junior Member
Pretty new to this forum and still going through old posts. I was happy to find this one. I find telekinesis fascinating and totally believe it's possible. In fact reading the accounts here it sort of is triggering vague memories from my childhood about having done similar things. I used to play a lot with my mental powers for fun but thought (as I had been told) that it was 'just my imagination' so I didn't know if I was 'really' moving things or 'imagining' it. Now I understand that imagination itself is a mental power that allows us to create our realities and that I really was doing these things. One thing I can't forget or dismiss easily that happened wasn't exactly telekinesis (though I am not sure what you call it then).. I was at a sleepover (at about age 7 or 8) and me and three other girls were trying the whole 'light as a feather, stiff as a board routine' with another friend. So we had the heaviest girl (she was really tall and really big) as the test subject, lying on the floor with two of us on either side of her. We each placed our two pinky fingers on either side of her (under her body) and chanted 'light as a feather, still as a board' (with candles lit for ambiance I guess) until, we actually lifted her a few inches off of the ground and I swear I could not feel her weight on my hands at all (besides we only had our pinky fingers to 'hold' her with). It was the weirdest thing ever and we all saw and felt it. We quickly stopped and never spoke of it to each other or anyone after that, we were so freaked out. In our child minds we just thought that some demon or the devil had done it, so we got scared.

Anyway I have recently begun to understand telekinesis like this.. Basically we use it already just to move our body parts, when we are able to move things that are not attached to our bodies, it's because we understand that we are not really separate from other things the way we think we are. So if we view things around us an extensions of ourselves than it's easy to manipulate them the same way we use our mind to move our own bodies. Telepathy works this way as well, if you really can understand that you ARE someone 'else' than you can think inside their minds. You are simply removing the limitations you have been trained to have. They are not really there, they exist only through belief. But belief is very powerful (like was posted here, the power of someone else's disbelief can affect your own belief, we influence each other this way all of the time). So my understanding is that you start to see and understand the illusion of separateness, when you really get that you are one with the universe and everything in it your powers can increase dramatically in whatever area of focus you are choosing.

The reason you feel 'spaced out' or 'zoned out' is that you are actually in a form of mediation while doing this, you don't have to 'try to' 'meditate' .. Meditation simply brings you into an altered mind state, so you sort of allow that other state, by letting go of your normal mind state. The normal mind state being the 'beta' mind which is the typical waking, linear thinking logic mind which will restrict oneself through it's limited awareness and need to feel in control and make sense of everything, it works to limit belief and restrict mental powers because of this. When in an altered state (like alpha which is the typical meditative state, but there is also theta and delta, theta when you are between awake and asleep and delta while asleep) you can do more because your thought restrictions are sort of lifted. So you noticed how something just moved and you weren't really thinking about it. EXACTLY, if you think about it then you can interfere, so I think it's about sort of FEELING your way and so you are focused but not in a way that means you are thinking so hard and trying to make something happen that you get in the way or yourself in that you are trying too hard. Relaxing your body through stretching and/or warm bath/shower can help you get into the right mind state. It's this art of letting go and allowing and believing and understanding your own connection to all things.

It's like in the Matrix movie, in the spoon bending scene, the kid says 'it's impossible to bend the spoon, instead you have to know there is no spoon, only yourself, so you are not bending the spoon, but you are bending yourself' (I am paraphrasing here :)). :)

I would love to hear more about this if either of you (or others) want to share. I am not sure still (as a new forum member) why there all these doubters/naysayers on here, I mean why join this kind of community if you don't believe, is just to make fun, like you past time is to make fun of the posts here? (yes I understand some of the posts are phony so maybe people are reacting because of that, but this hardly seems to be the case here so it really seems unnecessary). Anyway thanks for posting! :)


Junior Member
PS- Meant to add that, what I have been trying lately with meditation, is to sit, relax and think of myself as being everything, sort dissolving my body and the feeling of separateness. I find it feels very interesting and feels good. Try it out. :)

walt willis

Senior Member
hmmm whats the best way to meditate ? its very hard for me to sit in one place for so long.

Welcome to my world of asking why... It happens to me too and I seem to have no control of how or when.
Expect to live with it for a long time as I am now 65 and it still happens.
Here is a like on you tube of a rather strange life living with this problem...
How you share your story sooner than I did. People need to know the truth about things that are hare to understand.
Good luck and may God keep you safe from harm.
