Not sure if Paranormal or Cryptid


New Member
When I was little, I was haunted by this ghost I dubbed Goldie, but because I was 3 I don't really remember anything about him, except for the stories my mom and my god-mother would tell me.

Like, how he would chase me into the kitchen and I would hide under the kitchen table to get away from him, or how the house would smell like something was decaying and rotten and it also smelled like something was burning randomly throughout the day.

Anyway, that's to give context about this house I lived in, when I was about 3 years old.
I have a clear memory of walking into my kitchen to get something to drink when I noticed a tall figure behind me, but this figure had the head of a vulture, eyes of a man, hands of man, but it wore a long black robe, and it was tall.

It also held a staff in it's hand, and it's skin was pale and veiny all over, and it had a really large beak and bald head, and I remember seeing the feathers around it's neck where it's neck begin. The visual I have of this creature has never left my mind, and what makes it more confusing is that I felt no fear nor ill will coming from this creature.

A part of me assumed it was like an angel, or something benign, or if it was sinister it clearly had no intentions towards me. I just remember it was looking at me, and it had this calmness that made me feel super relaxed and comfortable around it. I then grabbed a juice and ran passed it into the living room and then that's when I can no longer remember anything. I still have dreams where I walk into the kitchen but I'm older and that creature is still there. I always felt like it was real and I think I always will, because it's the only memory I have that stands out to me when I was 3 years old.

I can perfectly describe the kitchen of that house to my mom too which sometimes fearks her out, because of how young I was, and how we only lived there for like 5 months lol. Anyway this is just something I wanted to share.

Also, one last thing, I've tried googling to figure out if there is lore about creatures or paranormal beings that look like what I described and have found nothing, so it's kind of annoying, in my little mind back then, I thought what I saw was god, or at least A god, and I'm not very religious so I don't mean to offend anyone by saying that last bit.
1. If asked, could you (still) draw a picture of "Goldie" ?

2. Are you still being haunted to this day ?

The stench of burning and decay are classic signs of a spirit manifestation.

I have 56 years of experiences with the paranormal as it started strongly with me at the age of 3.
Even had my own investigation team for a short while. (I needed proof that it was a reality for myself)

It was when I acquired my home that things came to a head as I had room mates
whom perfectly described what they saw as the very same that I witnessed when younger.
I took up spiritualism and the protections against lower level spirits through the meetings
with Winnebago, Ojibwa and Navajo peoples and Medicine Men / Shaman.

If you answer yes to my 2nd question, I might be able to help you. :)

Im interested to hear the request for the answer q2 as Wind7 has asked.

If i can ask what age you are now ?

Have you had anything else happen in your life that you may think connects back to that expireince?

It for sure sounds more Spiritual rather than Cryptid.

Past that i really have no idea, it sounds like the mix of the Egyptian nekhbet and Osiris, which is the first thing to come to my mind, vulture head is what Nekhbet was seen with.

But also as Mayhem said, a Plague Doctor is another good guess.

At 3 years old you were far more susceptible to the paranormal as your mind is still wide open we only stop seeing things because we close off that part of our mind, so it is possible it was simply a wandering spirit or traveler who took a shine to you since you could see it.
1. If asked, could you (still) draw a picture of "Goldie" ?

2. Are you still being haunted to this day ?

The stench of burning and decay are classic signs of a spirit manifestation.

I have 56 years of experiences with the paranormal as it started strongly with me at the age of 3.
Even had my own investigation team for a short while. (I needed proof that it was a reality for myself)

It was when I acquired my home that things came to a head as I had room mates
whom perfectly described what they saw as the very same that I witnessed when younger.
I took up spiritualism and the protections against lower level spirits through the meetings
with Winnebago, Ojibwa and Navajo peoples and Medicine Men / Shaman.

If you answer yes to my 2nd question, I might be able to help you. :)
Sorry for the late response, but as for your second question, it's hard to answer if I'm being haunted or not because, growing up, I've always felt like I could feel things that aren't really there, like presences and what not, so I believe I am sensitive when it comes to supernatural/paranormal things, but I've never had anything like stick to me, nor follow me around everywhere I go. Just what feels like fleeting moments.

Also, I can't draw for the life of me, but Goldie had short black messy hair, and from how I described him to my mom when I was little, he wore what looked like a jester wore. He was probably like 12 or 13 at most. It's weird but I can't remember him enough to describe any more than that, but I do have a very vague memory of being locked out of that house one time, and he was on the other side of the screen door we had, but I couldn't really see him because of how dark it was on the other side of it, and he told me to hurt myself and then he'd let me back in.
It for sure sounds more Spiritual rather than Cryptid.

Past that i really have no idea, it sounds like the mix of the Egyptian nekhbet and Osiris, which is the first thing to come to my mind, vulture head is what Nekhbet was seen with.

But also as Mayhem said, a Plague Doctor is another good guess.

At 3 years old you were far more susceptible to the paranormal as your mind is still wide open we only stop seeing things because we close off that part of our mind, so it is possible it was simply a wandering spirit or traveler who took a shine to you since you could see it.
Honestly, that's what I believe it was the most, a traveling spirit or something, that I Just happened to have a chance encounter with, because I've never seen it nor have I ever felt its presence again, and that was 27 years ago. I still think about a lot though, also a lot of people have shown me Nekhbet and another creature called an Ek-Ek, which were pretty interesting to learn about.
Im interested to hear the request for the answer q2 as Wind7 has asked.

If i can ask what age you are now ?

Have you had anything else happen in your life that you may think connects back to that expireince?
I'm 30, also I can't really think of an experience I had that links back to those moments when I was a little kid, whatever that creature/entity I saw is long gone and probably has forgotten about me, but I will never forget about it, lol. I've had a lot of paranormal experiences though. I just don't know if I can link them to what happened in my past.
Sounds to me like you have both feet planted on the ground over this, which is good!

Upon reading your post again,
I see I misread and got 'Goldie' mixed up with the other, taller spirit. My bad.

I was just curious if you were still having issues to this day with the same spirit.
You would know if that were the case.

Great story though!

I would definitely say it was not a cryptid. (y)
