November 2015: Second Most Active Month Ever


How about another forum competition? Will certainly boost usage!
Might be an idea, but the month's already started, too bad! There'll be one in 2016! On the other hand, we'll get to see if we can beat our own record without the help of a posting contest! ;)

@PaulaJedi Thank you Paula, glad you're around, you're part of the positive things! Everyone is part of it!


New Member
I attribute the popularity of this forum to the people who use it. I have noticed that the users tend to be insightful and intelligent, offering up some very thought provoking content. At the same time people here bring a healthy dose of skepticism without being overly judgemental, which lends to a mature welcoming environment. In a world where most of us are ridiculed and discredited for our unorthodox perspectives and experiences, the open minded nature of this forum is quite refreshing. The success of this board is a direct result of the group effort of it's long term participants.
