Num7 [Num7normalis] on Twitch


Hi, welcome to my streamer profile!

Short bio
I'm Num7, owner of Paranormalis. I love all things related to the Internet and technology in general. In real life, I work as an IT analyst. I started streaming in November 2023, it's still pretty new to me. I love it!

I mostly stream the games I happen to play at the moment. I'm also trying to get back into coding and programming in Python. It's a great language that's very versatile and flexible. It's the perfect sandbox environment for developing and testing pretty much anything.

Speaking of which, I've been working on a Starcraft-themed Langton's Ant simulator that's integrated with the Twitch chat. Here it is:

I don't speak that much during my streams. But I'll be more than happy to say hi if you stop by! :)

Games and categories
  • Games I've been streaming recently.
    • Warhammer 40K: Warpforge
    • Asphalt 9: Legends
    • Brutal Doom
  • Automaton simulations I've been programming in Python
Streaming schedule
Life being what it is, I'm often not able to stream on a regular schedule. You're most likely to see me at these times:
  • Wednesday and Thursday, 12:30 PM EST, and/or 3:30 PM EST
  • Some Saturdays, 7:00 PM EST
As mentioned, I'm currently working on a "Free For All" implementation of Langton's Ant that interacts with the Twitch chat. It's still very much a WIP prototype, but sometimes I open it and let it run for a little while during my work day. You're welcome to stop by and try it out! More on that later...!

Twitch profile: Num7normalis

I post some of my previous Twitch streams to YouTube now and then, here is my profile:

See you soon!
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I've been working on a Langton Ant simulation for some time, that integrates with Twitch.

It's very much a WIP, but I'm letting it run for an hour or so. Feel free to check it out and type !play to join!


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I've been working on an autonomous thread reader for Paranormalis, I'm having it run for a bit, to see if it's stable.

You can check it out here:

It's reading this thread: Kay Titor 177 Tempus Edax Rerum

To be continued! I'll probably create a thread about it and explain how it works when I have a minute.


Temporal Engineer
I tried it. My connection must be poor. It reads a bit, then stops, then reads a bit more then stops... on and on...


I tried it. My connection must be poor. It reads a bit, then stops, then reads a bit more then stops... on and on...
Sounds like your Internet connection was struggling to keep up with Twitch. I've been watching that whole time and I didn't notice any slow downs. That's weird.


Man, it's been a while since I last streamed.

I've been playing Warhammer 40K: Warpforge on and off for a few months now, mostly doing quick daily missions. Just the bare minimum. Logging in to get all the cheap rewards.

They added a new faction to the game today and it's pretty cool. It's the T'au Empire. I played about 5 games with them. From what I can see, they're a faction that excels at ranged attacks and high-damage strategies. I think they're a little bit on the glass cannon side. They feel very good, they're definitely in my top 3 favorite factions.

I'm probably going to play a little more than I have in the past. I'll see :) It's a good time to stream this game after the new release. I streamed for about 40 minutes and had a peak of 5 viewers at one point. That's by far my record! lol



I'm going to stream the online card game Warhammer 40k Warpforge tomorrow night, April 9th, around 6 PM EST.

I've been pretty lazy for a couple of months, and I didn't open any booster packs since the holidays. So tomorrowI'll have about 140 booster packs to open. That sounds ridiculous!

This should take about 90 minutes, depending how much good cards I get.

See ya!
