NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.


Senior Member
NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

The concept that they were BEHIND it is a little far fetched. Sure, they would have something to gain from it; but rational thinking people would understand that if anybody found out that the government was behind such a catestrophic event, there would be a coup or something similar.

That's right where they want you Chris. It's so unbelievable that most people won't believe it. Nobody wants to believe that their govt. has become a criminal empire. Most people are not practising "rational thinking". They're too concerned with their own little lives. Complacency abounds. What do you think the typical American consumer would do if the truth about such a thing was dumped in their lap? Revolt? The truth is out there. Nobody cares, nobody knows, nobody cares to know. They will get mad at you if you try to tell them about it. More and more information about the govt.'s complicity is coming to light almost on a daily basis, but there is no outrage from the general populace. There is only the concern of making the SUV, mortgage and credit card payments. We've become enslaved in consumerism, and anesthetized into complacency. That's what the PTB want. It's been in "the works" for a long time. You can read up on it, and get prepared. Or you can keep muddling through. At some point you'll see that "your govt." stopped being "yours" a long time ago.

government didnt create 9/11 , they lost billions on WTC distaster for now and years to come

Ruffneck, 9/11 did cost the govt. money, but not as much as has been spent on the WOT. Look at all the money being spent on the invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, and Homeland Security alone. Billions, as StarLord pointed out, doesn't mean anything to a govt. with a $3 Trillion spending budget. The Federal Reserve can print unlimited sums of currency at will, and has been doing so since its inception. The Fed has been buying US debt in large quantities. It currently owns about $3 Trillion in US govt. debt. This debt pays interest to the Fed, which is owned by a banking cartel of American and European private banks. It's not an agency of the govt. as most people believe. At an average interest rate of 5%, the Fed receives about $300 billion per year from this debt. Congress does not fund the Fed, nor does it have oversight, auditing or other direct control over it. Why all this information about the Fed? I'm trying to show you that the govt. doesn't give a whit about a few billion spent on something like 9/11. Currency is created "out of thin air" with a few clicks on a keyboard at the Fed. Reserve Bank of New York. The 9/11 event gives those in power the opportunity to acquire more power and push their agenda on the rest of us, with little or no questions.

I suggest that for those of you who are in disbelief about any of this to read the "Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve" thread. Do some research on the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) founded by Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith, and Perl among others. 9/11 was the "Pearl Harbor" incident they hoped for in the 90's when they started their foundation. The incident was needed to start ongoing wars around the world to establish "Pax Americana", a one world govt. If you're not that interested, or not willing to make the effort to inform yourself, you make my point about this country's apathy and refusal to believe in the facts, which have come to light about our govt. and the events of 9/11.



Active Member
NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

so heres my question then.

If you think it was the muslims that did this, whats their incentive? What do they get out of this by killing thousands of people? Can you honestly tell me, that its because of their "pure" hatred for us. Jihad, thats a fake term, a term that was created too "justify the means" on their behalf, too make it actually look like it was the Terrorists.

Also, do you sincerly think, that Bush has no driving force too occupy Iraq and Afghanistan? Osama, is still on the run. We should've had that crazy man, the dates after Afghanistan.

Just wait. Next terrorist attack. All hell will break loose. Patriot Act II, will be used too its full force.


Senior Member
NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

I think Cary's point was that it was SET UP TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE muslims had something to do with this if I got that right.


NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

like i said in another thread how many people do you think were behind this? woulden't it be hard to keep a lid on it if there alot of people in on it , and if there weren't alot of people in on it it could have come undone pretty easily imo......points to consider perhaps


Senior Member
NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

I had originally posted this on one of the JT threads. If you're new, you might want to give it a read. Pyro, if you haven't seen this one yet, you're gonna love it.


Countdown to World War Three

Countdown to World War Three

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
August 15, 2004

Pike1.jpg As fighting resumes in the holy city of Najaf, more may hinge on the outcome than we realize.

In a provocative article, Joe Vialls reveals that Iran and Saddam's Iraq have a covert military alliance and began joint preparations for this war after the Gulf War ended in 1991.

Iran already has nuclear capability and recently threatened to \"wipe Israel off the map\" if Israel attacked its nuclear facilities. Vialls says the cleric Al Sadr is tied to the Iranians.

\"As we shall see, if Moqtada al-Sadr is killed or maimed, we will be into an altogether new and exceedingly lethal ball game,\" says Vialls.

As you know, a large part of the US fleet is out of port and probably near Iran. Many observers believe there will be a US attack on Iran after the US election, no matter who wins. Iran has a military alliance with Russia.

These events should be seen in the perspective of a letter written by Albert Pike, the Grand Commander of American Freemasonry in 1871 and published in 1925. The letter foresaw three world wars designed to bring about Illuminati world hegemony.

Each war planted the seeds for the next. For example, the Second World War was designed to ensure the destruction of Germany, the expansion of Communist Russia and the establishment of the State of Israel. It unfolded exactly as Pike described and set the stage for the next war.

\"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the \"agentur\" of the \"Illuminati\" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World,\" Pike wrote.

\"Agentur\" means \"agent.\" The same term is used in another Illuminati document \"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion\" which dates from the same period.

The key point here is these wars are contrived. They are \"caused by agentur of the Illuminati\" on both sides. These agents owe their first loyalty to the Illuminati not to their countries.

Their aim is to destroy their respective countries and profit from the carnage.

Pike continues: \"The [third] war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.\"

The rest of the world will be drawn in. \"Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion...\"

At this point they will be constrained to accept the Luciferian one-world government.

Iran is rumored to have missiles that would reach England. I suspect China is also being built up by the illuminati to attack and destroy the USA.
See \"Elite Sets the Stage for World War Three\"

Pike's complete letter and valuable background can be found on an excellent web site \"Three World Wars.com\" operated by Michael Haupt of Cambridge UK. Readers who object that the terms Nazism and Zionism were not known in 1871 should remember that the Illuminati invented both these movements.

The Illuminati refers to a tightly organized network of family dynasties representing Anglo American and European aristocracy and Jewish finance joined by intermarriage, belief in the occult, and hatred of Christianity. Freemasonry is their instrument. They care nothing for their non-Illuminati brethren, Jewish or not. They will destroy billions as they create a neo feudal world characterized by the superrich, their support staff, soldiers and serfs.


The Iraq war and a possible larger conflagration is a trap engineered by the Illuminati to destroy both the Moslem world and Israel, and possibly the U.S. Thus the real enemy is not Israel, America or Islam who are being manipulated. The real enemy is the Illuminati and their agents, bent on destroying and enslaving mankind.

For example, World War Two was choreographed. Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill and Hitler were all Illuminati. They were actually all on the same side. Humanity ignorantly slaughtering itself for no reason was on the other side.

As Pike's letter indicates, the Nazis were intended to lose and the Communists to gain control of Eastern Europe. This is why the Nazis made so many stupid blunders on the Eastern Front and deliberately alienated the anti-Communist Russian people. It explains why they didn't invade prostrate England or make the critical oil fields of Russia and the Middle East their first priority.

Similarly today, George Bush, John Kerry, Tony Blair, Ariel Sharon, Gerhard Schroeder are all Freemasons. Bush and Kerry belong to the same \"Skull and Bones\" chapter! I am guessing but I expect Vladimir Putin and some significant Iranian leaders are also tied to the Illuminati. They may not be aware of the big picture but if they deviate, they will be assassinated like the Israeli PM, Yitzhak Rabin, who was also a Freemason.

Sadaam Hussein is believed to be a high-ranking Freemason with longstanding business ties to George H.W. Bush and the CIA. This would explain why George H.W. Bush didn't remove him in 1991; and why reports suggest he was secretly airlifted out of the country in the first days of the 2003 war.

The current Iraq war was planned years in advance to discredit the U.S., mire it in a Vietnam-style war and set it and Israel up for confrontation with a nuclear-armed Iran, backed by Russia and possibly China.

Osama Bin Laden is probably also Illuminati. See \"Bush, Bin Laden Serve the Same Master\" and \"Osama bin London\"

The whole Iranian Islamic Republic was put in place by the Illuminati. See Peter Goodgame's comprehensive report: \"The Globalists and the Islamists.\"

Thus while the majority of people on both sides believe in their cause, and fight and die for it, history suggests war is always a hoax aimed at slaughtering the \"innocents\" and establishing the power of the Illuminati in a one-world government.

\"Out of these troubled times, our objective: a new world order can emerge,\" President George H. W. Bush told the U.N. on September 11th 1990. \"Today, that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we have known.\"

\"If the people were to ever find out what we have done,\" the same Bush told reporter Sarah McClendon in 1992, \"we would be chased down the streets and lynched.\"

We cannot understand the world until we appreciate that most leaders are traitors and that mankind is victim of a diabolical conspiracy on an unspeakable scale. It's time we stopped fighting each other and addressed the real enemy.

See also \"Destruction of Iman Ali Shrine-Bush Plan for Total War\"


Senior Member
NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

It should not be missed that in a smaller way, manipulating countries to wage war with each other while maintaining open trade in arms makes a select few very rich also. Avoiding total destruction of one side or the other insures a steady stream of business. Keeping the smaller players from playing with nuclear bombs insures sales of smaller weapons for a much longer period of time.


NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

Yoyo all , i was at threeworldwars.com reading about illuminati etc and they think they were resposible for ww1 & 2 , i have a few questions maybe people can answer if they think they know why it is so

1. WW2 Hitler : If they were pulling the strings why not just let Hitler take over the world right then? they'd have a one government system w/no middle class and high ranking (eg nazi officers and businessmen) and low ranking (slaves etc) , why wait when you can have what you want right now? , opinions?

2. Russia : After the 2nd World War there was the 'Cold War' where both Russia and USA spent alot of money on subs,nukes etc , my question is why end the cold war when profits were being made , why not continue to have both parties locked in a state of readiness for war ? , opinions?

Seems kinda weird that Illuminati has been going for so long yet have taken so long to get this far , i really would have thought they would be closer than this now with the supposed influence they have , maybe there are people on the inside slowing them down...

Also i'm wondering if there is any date code for the 1998 terrorist attack on the US embassy (cant remember exact country ; middle eastern?) , one that no-one ever talks about was the Australian 'Bali bombings' which were on Oct 12 2002 , 1 year 1 month and 1 day after sep 11 which is another interesting circumstance


Senior Member
NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

1. WW2 Hitler : If they were pulling the strings why not just let Hitler take over the world right then? they'd have a one government system w/no middle class and high ranking (eg nazi officers and businessmen) and low ranking (slaves etc) , why wait when you can have what you want right now? , opinions?

Who knows the "why" of the details involved. The intention all along has been to devaste the world bringing a mutual destruction of Israel and the Islamic world. See quote below from a previous post from Henry Makow.

These events should be seen in the perspective of a letter written by Albert Pike, the Grand Commander of American Freemasonry in 1871 and published in 1925. The letter foresaw three world wars designed to bring about Illuminati world hegemony.

Each war planted the seeds for the next. For example, the Second World War was designed to ensure the destruction of Germany, the expansion of Communist Russia and the establishment of the State of Israel. It unfolded exactly as Pike described and set the stage for the next war.

\"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the \"agentur\" of the \"Illuminati\" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World,\" Pike wrote.

\"Agentur\" means \"agent.\" The same term is used in another Illuminati document \"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion\" which dates from the same period.

The key point here is these wars are contrived. They are \"caused by agentur of the Illuminati\" on both sides. These agents owe their first loyalty to the Illuminati not to their countries.

Their aim is to destroy their respective countries and profit from the carnage.

Pike continues: \"The [third] war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.\"

The rest of the world will be drawn in. \"Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion...\"

At this point they will be constrained to accept the Luciferian one-world government.

2. Russia : After the 2nd World War there was the 'Cold War' where both Russia and USA spent alot of money on subs,nukes etc , my question is why end the cold war when profits were being made , why not continue to have both parties locked in a state of readiness for war ? , opinions?

The cold war ended when the former Soviet Union found itself in economic ruins (probably intended as part of the plan) and could not keep up the arms race with the U.S. and the West. It appears that plans are being made to move to the third world war bringing us to total exhaustion (see penultimate paragraph in quote from Makow above). The entire world is gearing up for war, China, No. Korea, Israel, Russia, US and Europe are all spending more money now to build military assets for conventional and to some extent nuclear conflict. This has been well documented in recent news articles.

Seems kinda weird that Illuminati has been going for so long yet have taken so long to get this far , i really would have thought they would be closer than this now with the supposed influence they have , maybe there are people on the inside slowing them down...

World domination to the extent perceived and desired from the Illuminati perspective takes time. It takes generations to slowly put people to sleep, and into accepting institutions like the Fed. Reserve, income tax, Homeland Security, etc. as "the norm". The Illuminati could not have pulled off what will be attempted in the coming years at any other period in history. Cultural attitudes would not have accepted this one world domination in the 1800's or the 1900's. But with the WOT, people are being slowly but surely lulled into accepting loss of civil rights, ongoing war, etc. to be "safe" from outside "enemies" just as Hitler did in Germany to bring the Nazi's to power. The Illuminati outlook is very long term, and they are patient. They're clear it doesn't have to come to fruition in their lifetime, and their goal is to simply keep pushing the agenda forward. At the same time, look at who is involved - "leaders" and the ruling elite of the world. It's not exactly like they're living in slums plotting the overthrow of the world. They're in positions of power to keep pushing the agenda forward. Just my thoughts.



Senior Member
NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

For those of you interested in an early history of secret societies and their current American manifestation you might want to check out the following link

America and the Global Ruling Class

The site has a number of links with more information. My wife found this particular site fascinating because of a tie in to some of the disclosures in the "DaVinci Code".

Here's the article. I don't know if the links in it will work from copying it here. Yes, it's a long ass post, but a good read if this topic interests you.


America and the Global Ruling Class

Ian Barksdale - September 2004 - www.civilamerica.org

Revolution and Secret Societies


Initially the Crusades were preached in Europe as a means to make the Holy Land safe for Christian Pilgrims. Jerusalem was in the hands of Muslim rulers, and religious warfare had consumed Europe and the known world for hundreds of years. From lofty ideals the Crusades degenerated into quests for power, as the new fighting Orders won territory and riches on their campaigns. Kingdoms of Crusaders were established in the Holy Land, and the newly wealthy and powerful Knights of Malta, Knights Hospitaller (or Saint John) and Knights Templar all rapidly changed from bands of penniless and pious knights into the first multi-national companies. They owned fleets of ships for trading goods from the Holy Land and points beyond, then back again to Europe. They trafficked in slaves as well, much like the Muslims they fought. These corporate-style Middle Age empires were true independent powers.

With their new wealth and power they even dared to violate the law of the church. At the time, the lending of money for profit, or usury, was a crime against the church. It is still proscribed in most religions. It is a measure of the Templars? status in the eyes of the church that this was permitted until their official destruction at the hands of the French King Philip in 1307. Of course, their ?official? destruction was only in this one country, the Templars and their wealth simply went underground. Some researchers point to the beginnings of Swiss banking dominance (and the similarities in secrecy, wealth and power) in the post-1307 era, and refer to the similarities between the plain, red cross on white Templar flag to the original matching Swiss flag (now with reversed colors). Over two hundred years (1100-1300) they had become global elite, with holdings from Europe to Jerusalem, and now with the Crusades over, and their ?official? reason for being gone, they simply continued doing what they had always done, made war, shipped goods, and banked, only without their insignias and secret ceremonies in open display.

At the time the power of Kings and Popes intertwined. In becoming an illegal organization, the formerly (and still) elite Templars found fellow persecutes in religious heretics of the day, the forefathers of the later (1500-1600) Protestants. According to their own ?secrets,? this Medieval elite claimed to have descended from secret Gnostic Christians. Their power and status not only upset the royalty of Europe, but also the long established power of Rome and the Church. These elite traditions of secrecy would resurface officially (after staying ?underground? since 1307) in 1717 with the British (and therefore American) establishment of Freemasonry. For proof of their power we can see the Crusading Orders today, with an ?Order? of ?Knights? called Skull and Bones (the crossed bones and jawless skull being originally a Gnostic Christian and Templar symbol) running their own private US Presidential Election in 2004. The Merovingian Kings claimed to be descended from among those families who were charged with various sacred duties when the Temple in Jerusalem was being sacked in 70 AD. They stashed sacred items below ground (allegedly including the Sangreal, or the Holy Grail and it?s accompanying documents), stashed sacred secrets in their minds, and fled to Europe. In their secret societies and teachings they would pass along the family knowledge, and the Crusades were their time to come into the light. In reclaiming Jerusalem and the Holy Land, they felt they had fulfilled their destiny. Yet these were not the penniless, spiritual mystics of the First Century AD like Mary Magdalene and company, but instead became the new mercenary ruling families of Europe. More importantly, in becoming private financial powers, they established and fortified their status for generations to come, as we shall see.


?Privateer? was the elite, gentlemanly name for people like Sir Frances Drake who raided Spanish shipping for his country and Queen Elizabeth. Without an official charter from the throne to attack and steal other country?s goods and citizens, you were just a Pirate. What Drake and many other nobles did for their countries in the 1500?s and 1600?s was simply an extension of what the Templars and other Crusading Orders did for themselves in their heydays of 1100-1300 and beyond, in secrecy and shrouded by private organizations. In fact, the Knights of Malta became beloved by Rome and the church, instead of hated as King Phillip had wished in his French Templar purge of 1307. They were careful to raid and ?pirate? Muslim shipping, while protecting Christian ships. They worked hand in hand in the 1300?s and 1400?s with the Italian city-states, and became perhaps the world?s first private security firm, making a mint running ?shotgun? for Italian merchant fleets. Have no doubt the French and English Templars hiding in England and Scotland (the secret seed of Freemasonry) were doing the same thing at the time. The Spanish Crusading Orders only existed to drive the Muslims from Spain, and that ate up most of their time until they could sink their teeth into Aztec and Incan New World Gold.

To run these Pirate ships the elite needed non-elite manpower. However the societies and guilds grew more democratic on board the ships at sea. While on land the trappings of secret society ?democracy? and equality for fellow brethren could be carefully contained so as not to disturb the existing ruling class structure. The people gathered together, when out at sea and outnumbering their ?leaders,? had great power. Over time the elite controlled ?Privateers? became a People?s movement of liberty-loving pirates on the open seas. The Pirate crews, to flex their own combined power, used the Templar and Masonic democratic lodge rituals of voting and sharing. The notions of equal shares of treasure were born, and by the time of the American Revolution, the transformation was complete. Instead of an elite foreign policy tool, the Skull (with jaw) and crossed Bones on the open sea was a beacon of freedom and democracy. Escaped African slaves, fleeing indentured Servants of European origin (white slaves) and oppressed peoples of the 1600?s and 1700?s flocked to the banner as a means of escape and freedom. Pirate kingdoms (mimicking the Templar Holy Land states from which their were born) sprung up all around the globe, from Madagascar in Africa to the Caribbean. Free cities, where people fled to escape the European ruling class? New World Order, became havens for runaway slaves and political outlaws.

Yet here, in these People?s movements, we find the seed of how generational control for this elite is planted. Despite the People hijacking the Pirate movement for themselves, the lodges and rituals that they were sucked into served to perpetuate the same ruling class structure that had already existed. We shall detail this more extensively (see below, Rebels) but let us just say that swearing allegiance to things elitist, ancient and secret are no way to enact real revolutionary change that is forward-looking, open and populist. The tools that worked in small groups for liberty and freedom on the open seas led to their easy perversion back on land by the elite whose ancestors had hidden their control mechanisms in rituals and symbols. People organized into societies secret in nature remain loyal to those organizations, not to their own nation, people or even themselves. Organizations and ruling class structures seek to maintain themselves, when middle class and poor people are swearing secrecy or blind obedience to an organization (or anything) they are betraying themselves. What does the ?society gain? by their allegiance? They get to maintain themselves. Who benefits? Whoever is in control, for if they manage to maintain the structure and system, their status is safe for themselves and their job is complete for the next generation of ruling class, and so on. In fact, both parties do not even need to be aware of the grand design, the macro-scheme, the long-range structure, as long as they play their secret society and open society parts.


Rome and the Catholic Church were torn asunder in the 1500?s and 1600?s, with Martin Luther?s reformation and the birth of the Church of England. Christians not swearing loyalty to Rome and the Pope were called Protestants, among other things. This again used the People to continue elite control. Remember the secret societies had long been havens for heretics from the church. In the Middle Ages the jawless (for secrecy) Skull and Bones of the Templars was also used by heretics to scare away their religious prosecutors.

Yet the power of the People shone through again. In what was termed ?Jubilee? people?s preachers declared revolution against ruling class tyranny was ?obedience to God,? much as Thomas Jefferson would later declare. Populist groups called ?Diggers? and ?Levellers? banded together in England to fight against the persecution of the poor, who were being sold into slavery and used as human cattle in the New World colonies of America. The spirit of the times was embodied in the English Civil War of the mid-1600?s, which is a perfect example of the ruling class perverting people?s movements.

The growth of the Church of England, and the people?s disgust for it?s corruption along with Rome?s, finally busted out in open Revolution after years of ?Digging? and ?Levelling? attempts on the economic playing field. Yet the Lords of England would steal away the revolution, Cromwell would succumb to personal power aspirations, and the King was returned, though allegedly restrained. Yet who would be doing the restraining? Not the People, but the same elite that was in power before, the bankers, the nobles, the House of Lords, etc. In other words, it was business as usual.

The nobles? government corruption, hand in hand with the Church of England?s corruption, led to the Puritans seeking to purge, or purify, the church of it?s evils. Yet their worldview was twisted by Calvinism (no sin in usury, perfect for elite Templars, etc.), which stated God had a chosen elite (of course their wealthy families were the ones, and got to choose who else was) and everyone else was screwed. Man was evil, only this elite was saved, and because most of humanity was evil and doomed, God didn?t care what his beloved elite did to the rest of us.

They fled to the New World (where they could look down on the rest of the world by themselves), Pilgrims and Puritans landing in the Massachusetts Bay Colony at Plymouth Rock, for example. The richest families of Puritans formed their colony in what they called New Haven, Connecticut. Most famously these same bluebloods would come to found Yale and the Order of Skull and Bones. They were also Puritan Calvinists, their wealth and ideology would mix with secret societies, and they would go on to become the new, ruling elite of America.

Author and researcher Kris Millegan writes: ?The ?official? founding date of the Masonic Grand Lodge of England, June 24th, 1717, is the feast date of their primary patron saint, St. John the Baptist. The oldest lodge in Connecticut is New Haven?s Hiram Lodge. It was given its charter November 12th, 1750, the feast day of the other patron saint of Masonry, mystic and apocalyptic writer, St. John the Evangelist. The Masons still meet on Thursday nights, the same night as another secret society also gathers together in a Temple on High Street surrounded by the Yale campus and New Haven, The Order of Skull and Bones.? (Page 407, Fleshing Out Skull and Bones, Trine Day, 2003)


When the European elite moved out to exploit the ?new world? (1500-1800) they rudely assumed they?d found, they also exploited their own citizens as the initial muscle to make their work profitable. Later they would use African slaves, but initially it was their own poor classes. This gave rise to the People?s revolutionary economic ?Levelling? movements we discussed above. In America of the 1700?s the slave and colony rebellions were at their height. Slave rebellion came with slavery no matter who was in charge. Through the Revolutionary War the Southern states were forced to spend most of their effort on keeping their slaves from running away to join the British army. This attitude marked the majority of white poor and middle class colonists in America as well. Most were more concerned with staying alive to care whether an American or a British rich person (or group of rich people) ruled them.

The people?s movements gained strength, as evidenced through first half of the 1700?s by continued slave rebellions, pirate rebellions, and eventually the Stamp Riots, Boston Massacres, and outright Revolution of 1776. It would carry over to Europe in France after that, and in the early 1800?s people like Simon Bolivar would carry the ideals to South America. Even a young Ho Chi Minh is remarked to have quoted the Declaration of Independence to an American ambassador when asking for FDR?s assistance in making Vietnam an independent nation during World War Two. This was a tide that the elite needed to get a hold of back in the late 1700?s, and they called upon their secret societies to do it. For by their very nature, select, aristocratic elite groups only serve to perpetuate the society itself and their members? power. This guarantees the preservation of control structures.

The danger for the American aristocracy and ruling class, in separating themselves from the British ruling class, was that the very ideals they were using would overtake them. Subversion, or containment of the revolution was a tough but necessary undertaking for the elite. They had to ride the rebellious beast of the people into something safe in order for them to break with England while keeping their own aristocratic positions intact. The American elite was, being British, already quite fond of old-boy networks, hereditary groups and the like. For example, Freemason George Washington almost missed the First Constitutional Convention due to a meeting of his military secret society called The Society of the Cincinnati. How did the elite guide and control the revolution? By creating and controlling the leadership groups which seized authority over the rebellion. Washington?s aforementioned Cincinnati was ensconced in the Revolutionary Army?s military, but before there was an official American military there were elite groups secretly guiding the Revolution, providing an outlet for the People?s rage while maintaining the aristocracy?s control. Historian Howard Zinn writes: ??The officers and committee members of the Sons of Liberty were drawn almost entirely from the middle and upper classes of colonial society.? In Newport, Rhode Island, for instance, the Sons of Liberty, [?] ?contained some Gentlemen of the First Figure in Town for Opulence, Sense and Politeness.? [?] Their aim, however, was to broaden their organization, to develop a mass base of wage earners.? (Page 68, A People?s History of the United States, Harper Collins, 2003, originally 1980)

The ideals of revolution, humanity, ?Jubilee? and ?rebellion to tyranny is obedience to God? had been used by the American Colonial and Revolutionary ruling class and elites. The People?s muscle enabled a revolution that would quickly turn false for them. They would fight for freedom from economic chains, yet when they were ?victorious? they found that all they had accomplished was to change the identity of their jailers. A case in point is Shay?s Rebellion. When unpaid Revolutionary War veterans returned home, they found that their farms were being taken from them because of non-payment. Understandably upset, after risking life and limb only to have their homes taken from them, they rebelled. The financial elite, the new American ruling class, quickly squashed this rebellion. Sam Adams, he of the aristocratic secret society The Sons of Liberty, remarked about Shay? Rebellion that when a men rebels against a monarchy, he is just, but when he revolts against a republic, he is a criminal. Need we note that only men of property were allowed to vote at the time? Homeless Revolutionary War veterans had no property. Fancy things like The Society of the Cincinnati were strictly for the officer class of Washington?s new army.

Of course Sam, having money and status, never went to war without pay, and then had his farm foreclosed on. Justice knows no political systems; it only knows what is right and wrong, no matter how pretty the fake democratic republic is, that an elite, wealthy ruling class has invented to pacify the people with.

Structure of the Global Elite and Secret Societies

Loosely Organized

When discussing secret societies and ruling classes, one is naturally drawn to imagine small groups, or even individuals, issuing covert commands from private palaces to fellow brethren in visible positions of power. Some decisions do seem to be made from secret places, witness the global elite Bilderberg Group?s apparent anointing of Tony Blair and Rhodes Scholar secret society member Bill Clinton before they won elections, and this year?s meeting with Democratic Party VP candidate John Edwards. In America?s own history the elite?s secret societies like Skull and Bones find themselves in position of power and influence. This author has detailed that extensively, from the guidance of political parties, the management of war, (WWII, dropping the bomb, Vietnam, Iraq) as well as the funding of our own enemies in order to use controlled conflict to control We The People. Some of these things do seem to have blatant long-range planning involved, like the American elite?s doing business with and funding Nazis while providing patronage for horrific Eugenics philosophies and practices in the 1930?s. Things like this, calls for New World Orders, and so on, are what leads researchers and free-thinkers alike to conclude there must be a long-term goal.

The other side of this argument is that despite one-world consolidations into corporate empires (NAFTA, FTAA, European Union, American Union, etc.) the long-term Western, Christian, elite ruling class structures have no ?Grand Design? behind them. While this author leaves most supernatural investigations to others, the facts are plain that the cementing and wielding of Global ruling class power has gone on in the West for hundreds of years now, since the Middle Ages even. What this does, through old-boy networks, secret societies, etc., is to provide a framework for the secret preservation of established links of aristocratic power. It is, when one comes down to it, how the West has been governed for these past 600-700 years or so, through monarchies, republics, or what have you. The People do not knowingly contribute to this generational, aristocracy conservation effort when they delight in secrecy, covert societies, and fraternities. Yet it is their participation in it, seemingly so innocuous, that is the very element which enables the preservation and wielding of ruling class power. Millegan: ?Most secret societies have structure akin to an onion or pyramid with a large base or outer layer that makes-up the majority of the member. These members, called ?porch brethren? in Masonic circles are there for window-dressing and generally have very little idea of the true function of the organization. Then there are the administrators and then at the core a ?secret society within a secret society? with many times certain key personnel overlapping into several secret societal organizations.? (Page 417, Fleshing Out Skull and Bones, op. cit.)

Magic: Symbols and their Purposes

?Directly at the end of High Street is the oldest family-plot cemetery in the country, built in 1797 as a garden for the dead. This ?New Burying Ground? was built ?in the country? at the end of High Street at Grove Street by a syndicate of 32 prominent families. The old graves were relocated there from the old churchyard on The Green in 1821. Many famous persons are buried there, including Eli Whitney, Roger Sherman, Charles Goodyear and many of Yale?s presidents. Surrounded by Yale University, it encompasses 16 acres in downtown modern New Haven, and has hundreds of obelisks and monuments.?

?The entrance is via a huge Egyptian Revival-style gate built by Henry Austin in 1845 out of the same type of brownstone as ?The Tomb.? [Home of Skull and Bones, built in 1856] It displays the inscription ?The Dead Shall Be Raised? beneath the outstretched winged-sun disk.? (Kris Millegan, page 407, Fleshing Out Skull and Bones, op. cit.)

In Egyptian creation myth, Horus is transformed into a great sun disk with wings by the magician-god Thoth at the request of Isis. She schemes to have Horus defeat Set, who had killed her husband, Osiris. Set is defeated and Osiris is reborn, or raised from the dead. Thoth is highly regarded among Western practitioners of magic (or magick). Aleister Crowley claimed that he had communicated with Horus, among others, who sent the demon Aiwass (or Aiwaz) to him to dictate Crowley?s The Book of Law.

From Pilgrims (above) we showed the strange but understandable connection between the wealthy Puritan and Calvinist elite and the widespread occultism of British and American Freemasonry which led to the creation, after the anti-Masonic backlash of the early 1800?s, of the Yale senior Secret Societies: Skull and Bones, Wolf?s Head, Scroll and Key, Book and Snake, etc. The latter of which claims Porter Goss, Skull and Bonesman president George W. Bush?s selection for CIA Director. In 1901, Book and Snake (Which is, as Millegan points out, an inverse of Skull and Bones: S&B, B&S, Book and Snake) built their ?Temple? directly across from the previously mentioned cemetery gate. It is a ?[?] huge Greek Ionic white windowless mausoleum clubhouse surrounded by iron fencing using Thoth?s staff as posts. When you put together the winged circle and the entwined snakes you have the caduceus or staff of Mercury.? (Millegan, page 411, Fleshing Out Skull and Bones, op. cit.) Despite their concrete establishment in reality (guidance of political parties, the management of war, funding of our own enemies) the elite?s secret societies have the trappings and rituals of ancient death worship.

Skull and Bones would imitate, as did many other secret societies of the mid-to-late 1800?s, the occult trappings of the Masonic initiation ritual. In the ?neophyte? Bonesmen?s case, this would involve a symbolic spiritual ?death? in which he would be ?reborn? into his new identity as a member of a secret, select organization which holds hidden, mystical occult knowledge. He ?dies? and leaves the world of the ?barbarians? (their name for non-Bonesmen) behind. ?It [The skull] is the room at the top of the 33 vertebrae of the spine which represented the path to the upper room; the equivalent of the journey through life or the road to enlightenment. The crossed bones represent the two pillars, which stand at the threshold to the pathway to the Temple of Wisdom. One bone represents Knowledge the other represents Understanding. This Temple of Wisdom is believed by the occultists to be the structure within which the human consciousness resides.? (From ?a private paper? - Millegan, page 413, Fleshing Out Skull and Bones, op. cit.)

The aforementioned Gnostic Christians believed that only the skull and bones was necessary for burial to ensure resurrection. This was in direct opposition to the official rules of the Christian church which stated that the entire body must be buried for entrance into the afterlife. The skull and bones became an emblem for the Templars, perhaps due to their heredity claims to the Gnostics, the Merovingian kings and the original families of the Temple in Jerusalem, entrusted with the ?secrets.? (See Crusaders, above)

It would certainly make sense that the young scions of Yankee Puritan blueblood aristocracy would fixate on and use death images when at school. These could only serve to shock their elders, perhaps early 1800?s punk rock of a sort. Yet these images adopted come from Masonry, which come from Crusading Orders of Knights. Skull and Bones is said to be a chapter of the Global secret society the Illuminati. It also is a fact that rituals and rites observed in Masonry are co-opted from Templar rituals, and those Masonic rituals have been mimicked in turn by countless secret societies in the Western world, like the jawless Gnostic and Templar Skull in Skull and Bones. In this way, by the reuse of symbols and structure, is the generational continuity of the global ruling class structure maintained, a hierarchy preserved. Was it intentional? A few created it? What is the meaning? Regardless, it is here, it has been here, and it has been and will continue to be a powerful way to control the People. The secret societies of all shapes and sizes are the Coats of Arms for the Global Elite Ruling Class.

Old World Order

When they call for a ?New World Order,? these bizarre agents of death and change, what they mean is always a lot different than the idea they manage to project into people?s heads. Since Poppy Bush said it a bunch of times during his presidential term, they kind of stopped using it. In its place has come the subtle and friendly sounding ?Globalization.? The result is the same, as we said before, continuing, cementing and wielding of Global ruling class power that has gone on in the West for hundreds of years. All in the name of ?free markets? nationhood is compromised and governments are subverted to allow for wealthy multi-national corporations to prey on the residents and the land. Always the forces of the elite are the same, the money and the bank. British banker Meyer Rothschild said ?Give me control of a nation?s money and I care not who makes her laws.?

Thomas Jefferson thought Adam Weisthapt, the founder of the Illuminati, was harmless. Jefferson even approved of his system of libertine populist rebellion, until the French took it too far. George Washington referred to the group of Masons called the Illuminati as ?nefarious and dangerous? and said that it?s goal was to separate a people from it?s government. When viewed through the light of the times, it seems what Freemason George Washington was saying was that now that he, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams and the rest of the Yankee Puritan aristocrat Federalists were in power (thanks to secret societies the Sons of Liberty and the Cincinnati, see above), it should always stay that way. He simply didn?t approve of the libertine populist revolution, the whole Jeffersonian prospect of the people consenting to be ruled by laws of their own making Every Nineteen Years. In the same letter Washington denies his ?Presiding over the English lodges in this Country.? While some take this to mean he is lying about his secret society membership, one must remember Washington?s affection later in life for The Society of the Cincinnati, which is a secret society but not officially a Masonic lodge, much like Skull and Bones. Also, there are two kinds of Freemasonry, Scottish Rite and English Rite. Could Washington simply have been disingenuous when he said he did not preside over any English lodges?

Regardless, as with any good idea (rebellion, people consenting to be governed, etc.) the Golden Age of rebellion, which brought us America and her Bill of Rights, got hijacked. The ideals of the People, liberty, etc. got used for other purposes. While a measure of success was won in the American Republic and the Constitution, it was carefully crafted to enshrine and establish an aristocracy as well, the same one that guided its Revolution. Today, to sell their New World Order Globalization schemes, they dress their plans up in terms of ?bringing freedom? and ?free markets.? What they mean is bringing freedom for them to freely make profits, by any means necessary, historically this has included Imperial warfare from the Mexican-American War and the Philippines to Vietnam and Iraq. Americans are becoming aware of this as the economy worsens and their jobs are being exported, thanks to Globalization, to places where the corporations don?t have to pay as much salary.

Infiltration and control of all aspects of governance is what is alleged. In order to manipulate mankind and society at large, members of a ruling elite must play what simply appear to be opposite sides in a controlled conflict, while they maintain loyalty to their class. We see this most plainly in this current election year of 2004 with two Skull and Bonesmen, Bush and Kerry, playing pretend ?opposites? in a presidential election. Americans need to know that they are contributing to their own slavery when they vote for one aristocrat over another. They are helping to perpetuate an old system of control that has kept them, their parents, and their ancestors under the same yoke. The New World Order that Hitlers, Bushes and Rockefellers proclaim is not ?New? at all.

It?s an old system of aristocracy, money, power and privilege. It?s been carefully maintained to survive revolutions (by ?joining? them and subverting them), and it has been so strong it has subverted and destroyed the American Republic, the trappings of which (voting, representative government) are kept in place in order to continue to fool the ignorant of the true nature of the powers that rule them. The People have but one real weapon against their oppressors, knowledge. They must take it and spread it far and wide. What of those People who wish not to know, and who knowingly choose to remain in the dark about the truth of America and the world?

\"A nation that wishes to remain ignorant and free, wishes for what never was and never will be.\" - Thomas Jefferson
