NWO? or ...


Temporal Engineer
I came across some interesting video on YouTube about a doctor named Roger Leir. Apparently he has been removing objects from people that claim to have been abducted by ET's. 16 objects so far from as many people. The objects appear to be manufactured by a process unknown to mankind. The objects emit RF radiation. They appear to have organic material growing right out of the metal they are constructed from. Our bodies do not reject them or cause any inflammation due to the objects presence. Something our medical science can't duplicate. There also appears to be neural tissue in the surrounding area near the implants. Like there is some communication going on between the implant and the subjects brain. Is this some kind of control device?

I have to ask the question, can the ET's control and influence our thoughts with these implants? Could an ET step into one of us with the aid of this device and drive our bodies like an avatar? Kind of like a remote controlled bomb. Sandy Hook and Aurora come to mind.

And of course 911 with the nano thermite signature that indicated all was not as it seemed. A manufacturing plant did not exist anywhere on the planet to have produced the quantity of nano thermite needed to pull off 911. So who did it? ET?

Like a determined effort is being made to divide us all (divide and conquer).

We are being led to believe it is money and power that is at the root of the world problems. Possibly propaganda initiated by the ET's. Get us to destroy ourselves, and save them the bother.

With the ET implant technology, the ET's have successfully invaded, conquered, and occupied the human race.

Is there any hope at all for us?

Well there is that Rife technology that Rife invented to kill off many diseases in the human body. Cancer was among them. Many people were successfully treated. Yet the medical community denounced Rife's research. And was successful in getting laws passed to make it illegal to buy a Rife machine. A doctor can lose his license to practice if caught using a Rife machine. We were led to believe that it was money and power that suppressed Rife technology.

But what if that were not the case? I suspect that Rife's machine interferes with the ET's implant technology. That would loosen and destroy their hold on the human race.

Anyway, check out Roger Leir, and you decide:



Senior Member
Interesting post...this may another Trojan Horse scenario. While we are 'distracted' by movies, shopping, video games, smart phones, etc...they are getting into position. This could be a part of depopulation...control...conquest. Maybe HAARP and ELF waves come into play here. At the right prompt our brain tells us to stop breathing or play the deer in the headlights game. My GF told me that a friend of hers had claimed to be abducted by ETs and had gone to a doctor who told her that other abductees had similar double puncture wounds on their bodies...maybe implants. This reminded me of The Manchurian Candidate movie where certain people had implants, which controlled their actions...and not on positive way. It also reminded me of Nano Bots placed in our systems as shown in the clip from The New Breed. What if flu shots were given out to help introduce these ET Nano Bots into our bodies...the plot thickens.



Senior Member
On another site I frequent a member posted this discussion regarding implants, which I found very interesting...

I have what is being called "morgellons disease", so I feel like I have a different perspective than most. I have spent a great deal of time researching this stuff and I have been fortunate enough to know a lady called "Skizitgesture" . Her work on this subject is amazing and I owe her my life. What I believe is going on is this: EVERYONE is infected... Most people haven't got a clue because they don't have the strange manifestations- fibers, stinging, crawling, buzzing in the ears, etc..etc... Only a relative few % of people have the distinct trait(s) that create these strange symptoms.. It may be specific genetic markers, it may be something with the immune system.. I am not sure. I DO know that the NIH (national institute of health) KNEW about morgellons and actually had a page on their website especially for physicians trying to treat it. THEY tied this weird "disease" to a certain chromosome... However when more and more people started realizing they had contracted morgellons and their healthcare professional had few answers, THEY began to call the number listed on the NIH morgellons page. That apparently set off alarm bells at the NIH and they promptly removed the page.. Luckily someone took a snapshot of this deleted page before it was deleted, otherwise it would be tagged as "just another kooky conspiracy theory" because now the NIH claims it never existed.
Think about this: As this insidious disease begins to wreck people's health and they go to their doctor, what is going to happen? The doctor is going to MISDIAGNOSE it because he/she has never been taught about it. They are going to prescribe all kinds of pharmaceuticals to the victims ( clue #1 big pharma ) who will STILL have a progressive disease that is going to ultimately destroy their lives.. That is just the UNINFORMED victim. What about the victim who has figured out that they have morgellons? I have found that if you march into your healthcare professional's office and tell them that you feel you have it, they are going to dismiss you as a patient and declare that you are suffering from "delusions of parasitosis" (DOP) a form of MENTAL ILLNESS. The implications of this declaration are staggering. They include losing your children to the state, job loss, and loss of all gun rights....Personally it cost me my doctor but I don't want to be contractually obligated to someone who doesn't believe me..
OK.. sorry to ramble but this subject has fired up my mind (thank God it still works..somewhat). So what we have is a laboratory designed and created bio-weapon which targets EVERYONE in a specific and unique manner depending on their genetics. Many believe that it is actively replacing the billions of connections in our bodies ( synapsis) with computerized - and more importantly REMOTELY Controlled OR PROGRAMMED ones.. basically an onboard kill switch hardwired into each one of us. I never gave this theory much credence, but the more I find the more it begins to make sense. They aerosol it, we intake it, it immediately samples our DNA - assigns a unique number to us using this DNA sequence - then begins to replace all these God-given connections inside of us. To ensure that no one escapes infection, they also put this stuff in the food we eat and in the liquids we drink. NOTHING was left to chance... Actually the whole thing is brilliant, which tells me that MAN didn't come up with it. It believe that it has a more sinister and nefarious origin.
I have rambled way too long.. sorry about that....

Like I said...the Trojan Horse scenario at work.


Temporal Engineer
The plot does thicken. The apparent lack of any reproductive organs on the Greys might be a clue as to their origins. It's almost as if they were manufactured. Did you know that some women claim their unborn fetuses mysteriously disappear after being abducted. It's almost as if the Greys are using those fetuses to perpetuate their race. That would suggest the human race is very compatible with the Grey race. I have to ask the question: Did we create the Grey race long ago to be the servants of mankind? Was there a revolt? And now the servants have become the masters.

If that is the case then the Greys have nothing to gain by killing off the human race. Since we may be their only source for procreation. But apparently there is a massive campaign to control us through propaganda, alien implant technology, and even the very basis for our science, which seems to be what I call silly science.

And still we persist. And look how rapidly we seem to have sprung back up. Just think back not too long ago when some enlightened individuals used to wear tin foil hats. It was claimed that the tin foil hats would interfere with alien mind control. And of course everyone thought that people wearing tin foil hats were nuts. Seems like a control tactic used by the Greys to create the belief that some of us were nuts. That's called propaganda.

And it does seem that historically the medical community has used propaganda. We are all led to believe it is money and power that is motivating the medical community to act as it does. Misdirection? More propaganda? Who is the originator of this money and power scheme being the evil culprit? It's almost like the money and power propaganda ploy sprang up on its own. Money and power has given us a world that I believe no one would want to give up. So why are they being portrayed as the evil culprits?

I think we need to start a new campaign. The Grey campaign.
