Obama on Aliens


Active Member
Gene Roddenberry told this to us long ago, with the except of Captain Kirk, the aliens run the show!

Carl Miller

Active Member
Bingo! The Aliens are in charge. Now it is the issue of the so called exopolitics. Words such as hegemony and who is who. If these Aliens whoever they may be had left behind on the Earth the product of their genetic manipulations. They will always justify their intrusions stating to be taking care of their weird offsprings, lol: weird beings like bigfoot, a probable hydrid from human and ape and so on. If we take the egyptian anthropomorphic alleged gods literally perhaps Aliens have been doing genetic engineering since the dawn of what is called civilized world. Crocodiles with human heads, man headed hybrid with a lizard body, etc. I confess these Aliens do have creativity and a lot of sense of humor.
I know that President Obama has unsealed some files. Perhaps over time we will be able to have a broader view of the Alien agenda, mainly.

Carl Miller

Active Member
Compare the unmanned killer drones and alien crafts. Compare the two disk shaped crafts: one was man made the other was made by aliens. What? a man made flying saucer? Yes, that's it unbelievable as it may seem. But not that unbelievable for those who has read The Day After Roswell.
Since 2001 drones have been used in the war against terrorism.
Isn't it clear enough that these unmanned aircrafts originated by re verse engineering alien crafts? Now it already belongs to the public knowledge since President Obama declassified some interesting files relating to an attempt to build a manmade flying saucer that could be piloted by humans. For info just Google it: 'the Avron car in Canada' 'Obama unsealing Files' and so on. Supposing you are in the know of the subject i may comment more at ease.
I belong to the time of the typewriter (Remington Rand). No so long ago i asked a whole class of teenagers at about 14 to 15 year old whoever had already seen a typewriter. Only one student responded affirmatively. He say his grandfather had given one of those to his father. Mind you the swiftness of progress in technology. Over a period of 40 years transistors revolutionized communications.
I think one does not need to be smart enough to understand that unless we had the help of reverse engineer from alien crafts it would have taken scientists at least one hundred years of research to develop certain products.Which they got it instantaneously so to speak and even with the help of living Extraterrestrials.
Why not since they had helped human technology in the past?
OK the Avron Car was considered to be a failure. But was it a total failure? Once again compare the killer drone and the man made flying saucer. Does it not seem evident thst drones originated from the Avron Car?
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Senior Member
There hasn't been a Alien crash that hasn't been intentional, all technology was given to us via the Mj12 program but when the treaty was broke to not use the technology that was given to them for war, the ET's at that point stopped sharing info and technology. This is roughly the time of the big technology jump. Now it is very possible that there is a ET race poking and prodding our government but there have also been hundreds of ET races watching and visiting us so it is very reasonable to assume that they may have a hand in Human affairs.

Now to my understanding is that there is a Law so to speak that ET races are not allowed to directly involve them selfs with issues here on earth. So in that thought they cannot be helping the government BUT that is also not to say that there aren't ET races that don't follow that treaty, to my understanding there are many races of Grey's some which are said to be from our future and some who which to help the human race become extinct. Technology wise no doubt a lot of it is ET, but as for current world affairs and the state of the world, that is the doing of the Human race, we have no one to blame but our self's for this.
