Media Obama Secret Service Agent: “It’s Worse Than People Know… and I’m Not Trying to Scare You Either”


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A Whistleblower gives us warning...

Obama Secret Service Agent: “It’s Worse Than People Know… and I’m Not Trying to Scare You Either”

Mac Slavo
November 6, 2013

You may have your suspicions about what’s going on behind closed doors at the White House. But according to one of President Obama’s former body guards it’s much worse than we can even imagine.

Dan Bongino has protected numerous Presidents over his career, including President Obama. He has been within ear-shot of many a discussion in the Oval Office, but up until this administration has stayed out of the lime light. Apparently, however, the activities of this administration are so abhorrent that he could no longer keep quiet.

Bongino is so upset with what he witnessed that he is now running for Congress because he feels it’s the only way to take America back from the sycophants who have made every effort to enrich themselves with money and power at the expense of the American people.

How bad is it?

We’re in a lot of trouble.



where the wild things are
So this guy according to a quick lookup was born in 1974 which would put him at in the year 2013 at 38 years old. According to the article, he was a SS agent when Jimmy Carter was in office. Carter was in office between 1977 and 1981. Mr. Bongino would have been between 3 and 7 years old.

There is no way someone can be an agent for the secret service at the age of three.

Plus he didn't join the Secret Service until 1999, nowhere does it indicate he was assigned to a president between 1999 and 2006. In 2006 he was assigned to George Bush Jr.

Think the folks at infowars should do some research before posting these articles. :p


Senior Member
So this guy according to a quick lookup was born in 1974 which would put him at in the year 2013 at 38 years old. According to the article, he was a SS agent when Jimmy Carter was in office. Carter was in office between 1977 and 1981. Mr. Bongino would have been between 3 and 7 years old.

There is no way someone can be an agent for the secret service at the age of three.

Plus he didn't join the Secret Service until 1999, nowhere does it indicate he was assigned to a president between 1999 and 2006. In 2006 he was assigned to George Bush Jr.

Think the folks at infowars should do some research before posting these articles. :p

Why don't you email what you just said above to Alex Jones, and post his reply here on this thread?


where the wild things are
So this guy according to a quick lookup was born in 1974 which would put him at in the year 2013 at 38 years old. According to the article, he was a SS agent when Jimmy Carter was in office. Carter was in office between 1977 and 1981. Mr. Bongino would have been between 3 and 7 years old.

There is no way someone can be an agent for the secret service at the age of three.

Plus he didn't join the Secret Service until 1999, nowhere does it indicate he was assigned to a president between 1999 and 2006. In 2006 he was assigned to George Bush Jr.

Think the folks at infowars should do some research before posting these articles. :p

Why don't you email what you just said above to Alex Jones, and post his reply here on this thread?

So I can get my head bit off by some uber conspiracy nut who believes everything they hear and see? I'll pass. Oh I know who Alex Jones is. I've listened to his radio programs and have seen him on news talk shows ;)

Wouldn't go as far to say he is a complete nut job, as I do agree with some of his views on the government, economy and the world. But there are some things that he purports that are truly bizarre. I just think the guy could benefit from doing some cross examination rather than shooting off his cannons without fact checking.

A simple google search debunks the article you posted. Alex Jones is one of those types of people, even when they are wrong, and they know it, they'll just keep defending what they feel is right.

Better yet, why don't you email him?


Senior Member
There is one thing i can say about this, and that is the FBI and CIA are putting A-LOT of time into Disaster and Terrorism preparedness. This is something the main stream media does not see and regular people do not know about, it truly does make one nervous.


Senior Member
There's nothing to dispute.

I thought you were disputing the claims of the ex-Bodyguard and Alex Jones when you posted the comment below. I was curious to know what Alex's reply would be to your assessment, that's why I suggested emailing him, so he could enlighten us.

So this guy according to a quick lookup was born in 1974 which would put him at in the year 2013 at 38 years old. According to the article, he was a SS agent when Jimmy Carter was in office. Carter was in office between 1977 and 1981. Mr. Bongino would have been between 3 and 7 years old.

There is no way someone can be an agent for the secret service at the age of three.

Plus he didn't join the Secret Service until 1999, nowhere does it indicate he was assigned to a president between 1999 and 2006. In 2006 he was assigned to George Bush Jr.

Think the folks at infowars should do some research before posting these articles. :p
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