Only Spirit Portal Painting with Spirit Being In It

Dude, Austin Osman Spare beat you to it many years before you were born with his painting "The Ids" and other similar works. I believe he called them "virtual mirror" art. Genesis P'Orridge refers to them as "portal" works in his text "Virtual Mirrors in Solid Time: The Prophetic Portals of Austin Osman Spare".

Why does that look like one of the Vigo paintings from Ghostbusters 2?

I mean like when the guy was in the darkroom and forming the photos from the negatives of the painting. One of them showed the portal of which Vigo was able to come through.

Dude, Austin Osman Spare beat you to it many years before you were born with his painting "The Ids" and other similar works. I believe he called them "virtual mirror" art. Genesis P'Orridge refers to them as "portal" works in his text "Virtual Mirrors in Solid Time: The Prophetic Portals of Austin Osman Spare".
Dude, Austin Osman Spare beat you to it many years before you were born with his painting "The Ids" and other similar works. I believe he called them "virtual mirror" art. Genesis P'Orridge refers to them as "portal" works in his text "Virtual Mirrors in Solid Time: The Prophetic Portals of Austin Osman Spare".

I created a spirit portal painting with a spirit being in it that comes and goes from the painting that is a channel for the spirit being. Osman or Genesis never says that Osman created anything remotely similar to that. Enjoy you day.
Well, when you say "comes and goes from the painting", it's not very explicit. You mean the paint disappears and reappears in a certain spot?

Spare created paintings whose characters actually moved, turned to look at the observers, argued with each other, etc. Not all the time, of course, but in specific circumstances according to Genesis.

You could interpret such on-and-off activity to be spirits coming and going back and forth between the physical and spirit worlds. I don't really know, personally, I'm just relating what Genesis documents in his essay.
Well, when you say "comes and goes from the painting", it's not very explicit. You mean the paint disappears and reappears in a certain spot?

Spare created paintings whose characters actually moved, turned to look at the observers, argued with each other, etc. Not all the time, of course, but in specific circumstances according to Genesis.

You could interpret such on-and-off activity to be spirits coming and going back and forth between the physical and spirit worlds. I don't really know, personally, I'm just relating what Genesis documents in his essay.

If you don't know then why are you giving a possible interpretation of what the author wrote?

The Spirit Being in my Spirit Portal painting comes and goes to and from the image where he is on the painting. The image doesn't disappear from one spot and move to another. This isn't a magic trick.
You said the art world had never seen anything like it. You said it was the only spirit portal painting with a spirit in it. You said it was the only spirit portal painting that had been documented. I'm just passing on the words of a modern artist who documented his and others' experiences with the spirit portals of a highly renowned artist who imbued his paintings with life.

I still really don't understand your claim. If the spirit just "comes and goes" from the image, how do you know you're not just imagining it? You must have had some experiences that make you claim what you do...
You said the art world had never seen anything like it. You said it was the only spirit portal painting with a spirit in it. You said it was the only spirit portal painting that had been documented. I'm just passing on the words of a modern artist who documented his and others' experiences with the spirit portals of a highly renowned artist who imbued his paintings with life.

I still really don't understand your claim. If the spirit just "comes and goes" from the image, how do you know you're not just imagining it? You must have had some experiences that make you claim what you do...

Please keep in mind that this is an interview and not an interrogation. If you want to try and disprove me by trying to tell me another artist beat me to the punch or that I'm imagining things, I'm not buying it. If you want to ask me questions because you have a sincere interest then start asking me questions without the negative undertone you have. Otherwise, my interview is over with you.
If you say you're the first to do something, then it's normal for people to ask how it's different from what's been done before. Since you don't seem to want to answer certain basic questions, then I don't see why you should expect anyone to automatically believe you.

Take it as an interrogation if you like, and I'm sorry if I came off as being aggressive in my first post. Still, I think the questions I raised are valid. Do you?

I've been in your shoes before, so I'm pretty sure I understand how you feel. Peer reviews can be brutal, especially if you sincerely believe in what you're offering, value it dearly, and expect others to be as interested in it as you are.

However, the cold, hard fact of the matter is that for every believer you make, you're going to encounter a number of skeptics. Some of them won't want to believe, and some of them will. You may not want to answer the questions of either kind; however, if you don't you come across as having something to hide. If you do, you open yourself up to ridicule by the first kind of skeptic. They're not really interested in your answers, just in attacking you.

Apparently, you've taken me for this kind, and as I've said, I'm sorry for giving you that impression. But the reason I know what I do and have read up on it is because I'm truly interested in this kind of thing. Please don't make the mistake of lumping the two types of skeptics together. I found out the hard way that this only estranges people.

Anyway, I wish you luck in your venture...
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