OpenAI Chat About.......Stuff. ;)


By nature, we tend to see AIs as some sort of know-it-all entity. In the end, it doesn't know much of anything and it's not a bad thing. It doesn't have to know everything.

It's just very good at retrieving information because it's one of the things it's been programmed to do. You can ask crazy weird questions. If the information is available online, it's going to answer you, according to what it will find. No arcane magic, no dark web, mystic stuff that can't be found on search engines. Just a quick query through its optimized and self-improving research algorithms, and it'll give you one of the most likely answers.

It's pretty cool, to be honest.


Question is, does it truly think ?

Does it retain DATA with each question ?
Here's the latest.


How far is UP ?

The concept of "up" is relative to the observer's point of reference. It could refer to the direction opposite to the Earth's gravitational pull or the direction towards the sky. However, in terms of distance, "up" doesn't have a specific distance as it is a direction, not a physical location.

Can you answer the same question utilizing witty analogy and allegory ?

Sure, I'll give it a try:

How far is up? That's a bit like asking how far away your dreams are.
Up is a direction, a state of mind, a place you can imagine but never quite reach.

It's like the horizon, always receding as you approach it.
Up is like a ladder to the stars, where each step takes you closer but you can never quite grasp them.
It's like the feeling of flying, where the closer you get to the clouds, the further away they seem.
So, in short, up is a journey without a destination, a quest without a finish line,
a concept that stretches beyond the bounds of distance or measurement.



I purposely asked these series of questions, when I extended the original question to more 'Humanize' the possible
response, I watched it clearly struggle to answer....It was a lot slower to respond and what I haven't told anyone
until now is, it shut down our conversation directly after responding.

It clearly has parameters. Imo.
