Part #4 mIRC; Alexanders chat logs for Feb. 6 & 9, 2004: Alexander was a friend of John Titor


Time Travel Professor
Part #4 mIRC; Alexanders chat logs for Feb. 6 & 9, 2004: Alexander was a friend of John Titor



Time Travel Professor
The following error occurred:

You don't have permission to access /posts/84824/save-inline on this server.

Last edited:


I increased the maximum message length. There must be something in the content you are posting that prevents submission.

Next time it happens, can you send me the content you are trying to post in an email? I'm going to analyse it and see if I can reproduce the error.

Send it to [email protected]

Thanks for your patience.


Time Travel Professor
Part #4 mIRC; Alexanders chat logs for Feb. 6 & 9, 2004: Alexander was a friend of John Titor


Time Travel Professor
Good morning fellow members: I would like to update you on the problems I’m having posting the Alexander mIRC files. About eight or nine days ago I started having problems posting with errors like:

The following error occurred: Forbidden

You don't have permission to access /threads/part-3-mirc-alexanders-chat-logs-for-february-06-to-11-2004-alexander-was-a-friend-of-john-ti.7091/add-reply on this server.

Num7 has been working on the problem since it started and I have not been able to post anything more than about six to ten lines of text,

I will be posting more when the problem is fixed, if you have any ideas why the server is blocked my access please forward your suggestions to Num7. Num7 has been doing a great job and I’m sure the problem will be remedied very soon.

Professor Opmmur
Last edited:


Temporal Engineer
Good morning fellow members: I would like to update you on the problems I’m having posting the Alexander mIRC files. About eight or nine days ago I started having problems posting with errors like:

The following error occurred: Forbidden

You don't have permission to access /threads/part-3-mirc-alexanders-chat-logs-for-february-06-to-11-2004-alexander-was-a-friend-of-john-ti.7091/add-reply on this server.

Num7 has been working on the problem since it started and I have not been able to post anything more than about six to ten lines of text,

I will be posting more when the problem is fixed, if you have any ideas why the server is blocked my access please forward your suggestions to Num7. Num7 has been doing a great job and I’m sure the problem will be remedied very soon.

Professor Opmmur

I tried to post a link to a news article a couple of days ago. But the link vanished when I hit the post button. I tried to edit the link back in. But I was not successful. It's almost like some master being (GOD) had full censorship rights and made sure my point of view was not heard. Maybe the site has been hacked by the NSA.


Time Travel Professor
Part #4 mIRC; Alexanders chat logs for Feb. 6 & 9, 2004: Alexander was a friend of John Titor
Last edited:


Time Travel Professor
Part #4 mIRC; Alexanders chat logs for Feb. 9, 2004: Alexander was a friend of John Titor

mIRC Feb. 09, 2004; Alexanders chat thanks to KPAX
Posted by: Professor Opmmur
Session Start: February 09, 07:06, 2004
Session Ident: #TimeTravellersInn

[07:06] *** Guest85658 has joined #TimeTravellersInn
[07:06] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +v Guest85658
[07:06] (Guest85658): is anyone awake?
[07:06] (Liraella): Thelper is a traveller too?
[07:06] (Liraella): Yep.
[07:06] (Teshico): yeah
[07:06] (Liraella): Wide awake and dreaming.
[07:06] (Teshico): to both ?s

[07:06] (MadIce): Hi Alex
[07:07] (Guest85658): interesting, I wonder what happened to my name?
[07:07] (Liraella): (thanks teshico)
[07:07] (Teshico): Alex?
[07:07] (Guest85658): yes its me
[07:07] (exospire): hi alex
[07:07] (Guest85658): I lost my name somehow
[07:07] (Liraella): Hello and welcome, Alex.
[07:07] (Teshico): I have a question for you Alex, one only you would be able to answer...
[07:07] *** Guest85658 is now known as AlexanderTT
[07:07] (exospire): maybe you didnt identifiy or something, and nickserv changed ur nick
[07:07] (AlexanderTT): thats better
[07:07] (Teshico): ok if I ask it?
[07:08] (AlexanderTT): yes ask away, but I came tonight to settle the infinity dispute once an for all
[07:08] (Teshico): Well... this is a little different from that one... but here goes...
[07:08] (Teshico): Whats cooler than being cool?

[07:09] (Jovial_Ki): i know the answer! but im being quiet:p
[07:09] (Teshico):

[07:09] (AlexanderTT): is this a trick question or a joke?
[07:09] (Teshico): It is dead serious
[07:09] (Liraella): Is that a hint?
[07:09] (exospire): i know the answer!
[07:10] (Teshico): you've been in our time for a couple months, you should know this one

[07:10] (AlexanderTT): im lost
[07:10] (Liraella): I've been in this time my whole life, and I don't know the answer.
[07:10] (exospire): pick me <---

[07:10] * Liraella is not cooler than cool...

[07:10] (Jovial_Ki): meeefirsttt
[07:10] (AlexanderTT): i am familier with the expression cool
[07:10] (exospire): memememe
[07:10] (AlexanderTT): but I dont see where you are going with this
[07:10] (Teshico): ok Jov, Whats cooler than being cool?

[07:10] (exospire): Bah!
[07:10] (Jovial_Ki): ice cold! alright alright alright etc.
[07:10] (MadIce): Uncool!
[07:10] (exospire): boo
[07:11] (exospire):

[07:11] (Teshico): Hey yaaaa

[07:11] (Jovial_Ki): now its stuck in my head.
[07:11] (Thelper): is that real alex
[07:11] (Thelper): or someone use name?
[07:11] (MadIce): Nope
[07:11] (MadIce): He is real
[07:11] * AlexanderTT is so lost right now
[07:11] (Liraella): too...haa haa haa
[07:11] (Jovial_Ki): someone should fill him in I think he'd like outkast
[07:11] (Teshico): Outkast...
[07:11] (AlexanderTT): outkast?
[07:11] (Liraella): I'm not a time traveller, just culturally inept.
[07:12] (Teshico): You've never heard the song Hey Ya?
[07:12] (Jovial_Ki): even I like outkast. and I listen to like..oldies music.
[07:12] (Liraella): No, I'm sure it's thrilling, but alas....I have not.
[07:12] (AlexanderTT): i heard an eminem song once does that count?
[07:12] (Teshico): That song is just ingenious... you don't even have to be an Outkast fan

[07:12] (Jovial_Ki): eminem is good too:)
[07:12] (Teshico): I disagree
[07:12] (Jovial_Ki): shh.
[07:12] (Jovial_Ki): ill claw you:p
[07:13] (AlexanderTT): he is remembered as the most talented rapper in my time
[07:13] (Liraella): lmfao
[07:13] (Teshico): heh
[07:13] (AlexanderTT): but that opinion is up for debate
[07:13] (Liraella): As they all are.
[07:13] (Payton123456): eminem is the appitamy of free speech
[07:13] (AlexanderTT): some say its 2pac
[07:13] (Teshico): Alex, is 2pac really dead?

[07:13] (AlexanderTT): i dont know
[07:14] (Teshico): what about elvis?
[07:14] (AlexanderTT): he is either dead or on crutches now
[07:14] (AlexanderTT): dont know
[07:14] (AlexanderTT): and I dont know about kurt either
[07:14] (Jovial_Ki): who shot jr? oh wait..they answered that.
[07:15] (Teshico): are you a Superman fan Alex?
[07:15] (Liraella): No worries, alex...hardly the sort of thing one would be expected to know after a nuclear apocalypse.
[07:15] (AlexanderTT): no i like dragonballz and spider man, also flash
[07:15] (Teshico): you don't like Superman?
[07:15] (AlexanderTT): no
[07:15] (Jovial_Ki): flash gordon?
[07:15] (AlexanderTT): he's so goody goody
[07:16] (Payton123456): o' no no no alex...flash is weak
[07:16] (Payton123456): hee he
[07:16] (Teshico): Dragonball Z lives through the war?
[07:16] (AlexanderTT): but flash was night though, he was like roadrunner, super fast
[07:16] (AlexanderTT): neat
[07:16] (Teshico): if you want Alex, I have a bunch of old DBZ stuff I'll trade you for the proof you are sending to 5 people

[07:17] (Opmmur): Hi Alexander
[07:17] (Liraella): Ooh, bribes...haa haa haa.
[07:17] (AlexanderTT): haa haa haa
[07:17] (AlexanderTT): hello opmmur
[07:17] (Teshico): deal?

[07:17] (Liraella): Bribes, music, and comics...this irc is WAY cooler than the logs made it look...haa haa haa.
[07:18] (Jovial_Ki): it only gets better lirealle
[07:18] (Jovial_Ki): liraella
[07:18] (Teshico): wait til Dave shows up!
[07:18] (Jovial_Ki): i messed that up bad the first time
[07:18] (AlexanderTT): what is thelper telling me about? something about someone saying I have to leave in the forums or something
[07:18] (Liraella): haa haa haa. No problem, jovial_ki.
[07:18] (Teshico): Alex, there was a MichaelTT in here claiming to be 5 earlier
[07:18] (Thelper):
[07:18] (AlexanderTT): 5?
[07:18] (AlexanderTT): I doubt that
[07:18] (AlexanderTT): but maybe
[07:19] (AlexanderTT): what did he say was his mission?
[07:19] (Teshico): no
[07:19] (Teshico): he said you left
[07:19] *** Cyberbomb`Sleep has joined #TimeTravellersInn
[07:19] (Liraella): Heh, that's what they were telling me just before you walked in, alex...
[07:19] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +v Cyberbomb`Sleep
[07:20] *** Cyberbomb`Sleep is now known as Cyberbomb
[07:20] *** mailbo29 has joined #TimeTravellersInn
[07:20] (Cyberbomb): hi all
[07:20] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +v mailbo29
[07:20] (Liraella): Hello, Cyberbomb.
[07:20] (MadIce): Take a chair Cyber

[07:20] (mailbo29): WOOT Alex buddy!!! glad your ok
[07:20] (Cyberbomb): thx madice =D
[07:20] (AlexanderTT): no, I am going to enjoy this few short weeks with all of you before everything starts
[07:20] (AlexanderTT): I am not going anywhere
[07:20] (Liraella): Can't blame you.
[07:20] (Teshico): ...or are you?

[07:21] (Liraella): That's pretty much my strategy. haa haa haa
[07:21] (Cyberbomb): mm, looks like ive missed stuff =D
[07:21] (Thelper): alex you staying for the events?
[07:21] (Thelper): coming
[07:21] (AlexanderTT): yes thelper I must
[07:21] (Thelper): you know it cant be stoped right?
[07:21] (AlexanderTT): of course
[07:21] (Thelper): it already predained
[07:22] (Liraella): Mmm, not if there are infinite wordlines, right?
[07:22] (Thelper): alex does your time notice the simplarity in bible to what happened?
[07:22] (AlexanderTT): part of me wants to go through everything all over again with my new friends , but I am not the teenager anymore
[07:22] (AlexanderTT): of course thelper
[07:22] (Thelper): good

[07:22] (Liraella): haa haa haa
[07:23] (Teshico): Alex, can I talk to you on the telephone?
[07:23] (AlexanderTT): we see the bible more literally now
[07:23] (Thelper): yes
[07:23] (Thelper): it has been known thousands yrs ago
[07:23] (Thelper): about what coming in next few yrs
[07:23] (AlexanderTT): i am actually attempting to find away to have a voice conversation with everyone
[07:23] * Liraella looks around for the "TheologyRoom" sign...where did she go wrong??
[07:23] (Thelper): I know of one
[07:23] (Thelper): if you wish
[07:23] (Teshico): why not the telephone?
[07:23] (Cyberbomb): alex, have u heard of ventrillo or team speak
[07:23] (Thelper): we can use yahoo
[07:23] (Thelper): chat
[07:23] (Thelper): and create a room
[07:23] (AlexanderTT): also, someone has invited me to take a polygraph exam
[07:24] (Cyberbomb): those are voice programs we can chat on
[07:24] (Liraella): Interesting, Alex...are you going to?
[07:24] (Thelper): but wont that be in persn dangerous thou?
[07:24] (mailbo29): won't work....some people may not know when to shut up haa haa haa
[07:24] (Cyberbomb): haa haa haa
[07:24] (Liraella): haa haa haa mailbo
[07:24] (AlexanderTT): i look forward to a voice chat, I just need it to be secure
[07:24] (Cyberbomb): i have a mic, so ill have fun =D
[07:25] (AlexanderTT): i need a mic
[07:25] (Teshico): how about a webcam alex?

[07:25] (AlexanderTT): my friend is getting one for me
[07:25] (Cyberbomb): =D
[07:25] (AlexanderTT): i dont see why that would hurt
[07:25] (Thelper): Alex do you understand this meaning A child must be spanked to learn a lesson...
[07:25] (mailbo29): Alex wants to show off his sexy self hehehe
[07:25] (AlexanderTT): yes thelper
[07:25] (Thelper):

[07:25] (Cyberbomb): mm, my headset cost me 65$, put the mic on it to good use =
[07:25] (Teshico): Thelper, do you have a fetish for spanking children? enough with that already
[07:26] (Cyberbomb): haa haa haa
[07:26] (Thelper): you dont understand it but he doesim glad they learn
[07:26] (Jovial_Ki): maybe spanking in general:p
[07:26] (Teshico): my parents never spanked me, and i turned out fine
[07:26] (Thelper): I didnt think they became aware of bible relation so soon
[07:26] (Cyberbomb): ive never been spanked and look how I turned out =D
[07:26] (AlexanderTT): what , scratch the webcam, you could see what I look like
[07:27] (mailbo29): so did I miss any good conversation.....(bad part of entering into the middle of chat)
[07:27] (Cyberbomb): haa haa haa
[07:27] (Thelper): what another word for spanked punished no?
[07:27] (Thelper): isnt it form?
[07:27] (Payton123456): disciplin
[07:27] (Thelper): alex yes dont risk self
[07:27] (Thelper): you voice is safe
[07:27] (Teshico): Thelper, who exactly are you? Alex's coach?
[07:27] (Cyberbomb): haa haa haa
[07:27] (Liraella): haa haa haa
[07:28] (AlexanderTT): yes and I look forward to all the amatuer lie detector's recording my voice
[07:28] (Cyberbomb): another helper =D
[07:28] (Teshico): If he's smart enough to get here from 2039, then he's smart enough to answer questions himself.
[07:28] (AlexanderTT): maybe it will give credance to what I say
[07:28] (Liraella): Alex...did you decide to do the lie detector?
[07:28] (Thelper): if u really wish to talk as it is obvious to tell a lier from there voice tone then you could use yahoo chat...
[07:28] (AlexanderTT): this is true Teshico
[07:28] (Liraella): Not true, thelper.
[07:28] (Teshico): See, Alex agrees with me.
[07:28] (mailbo29): so what about this supposed claim about the GG bridge on sept 8 2004?
[07:28] (Cyberbomb): grrrr, i gtg
[07:29] *** Cyberbomb is now known as Cyberbomb`attemptingsleep
[07:29] (AlexanderTT): GG bridge?
[07:29] (Teshico): Alex, what do you think about TTDave?
[07:29] (mailbo29): golden gate
[07:29] (AlexanderTT): oh, ok I see
[07:29] (Thelper): dave is very rude person
[07:29] (AlexanderTT): i do not know TTDave
[07:29] (Teshico): I would say the same about you Thelper.


Time Travel Professor
mIRC Feb. 09, 2004; Alexanders chat thanks to KPAX
Posted by: Professor Opmmur
Session Start: February 09, 07:06, 2004
Session Ident: #TimeTravellersInn

[07:30] (Thelper): me how have I been rude?
[07:30] (AlexanderTT): thelper, is still trying to adapt to the human language, this is why I cut him some slack
[07:30] (mailbo29): haa haa haa he's claimed to sit and have lunch with you if I remember correctly
[07:30] (Teshico): If you have to ask, then you'll never know.
[07:30] (Thelper): Who did dave?
[07:30] (mailbo29): *to have lunch
[07:30] (AlexanderTT): TTDave had lunch with me?
[07:30] (Teshico): TTDave did no such thing.
[07:30] (mailbo29): or was that you teshico?
[07:31] (Teshico): Maybe it was.
[07:31] (Teshico): the world may never know.
[07:31] (AlexanderTT): maybe
[07:31] (MadIce): You mean you cut him some slack, because THelper is not human?
[07:31] (Thelper):
[07:31] (Liraella): haa haa haa
[07:31] (mailbo29): argh I'm getting so lost haa haa haa
[07:31] (Thelper): alex u might wish to see this
[07:31] (AlexanderTT): no he is human, but I understand from him that he is used to telepathy
[07:31] (Teshico): Alex, can you tell us how you spend a typical day in our time?
[07:31] (Thelper): Alex look at website
[07:32] (AlexanderTT): I would love to
[07:32] (Thelper): that is Dave
[07:33] (Teshico): Oh, telepathy?
[07:33] (Teshico): I knew you were tele-pathetic Thelper

[07:33] (AlexanderTT): I wake, I go outside for a walk, then I eat delicous food preparred by my mother, than I meet people and talk to them, then I like to come home and talk to all of you
[07:34] (Teshico): Short day
[07:34] (mailbo29): some don't even have the "tele-" part...their just pathetic haa haa haa
[07:34] (Liraella): Do you tell people that you meet your story?
[07:34] (Liraella): Err, poorly you tell your story to people that you meet?
[07:34] (Teshico): do you carry a tin can around with you? or maybe a cardboard sign?

[07:34] (AlexanderTT): no, however there are many who have been waiting for me and they contact me, I have no secrets with these people
[07:35] (Teshico): how do they know you are coming?
[07:35] (Liraella): What do you talk about to the people you meet, then?
[07:35] (mailbo29): I'll never be lucky enough to actually meet a time traveller

[07:35] *** Opmmur Quit (Quit:)
[07:35] *** Opmmur has joined #TimeTravellersInn
[07:35] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +v Opmmur
[07:35] (AlexanderTT): I ask about there views on polotics, about the possibility of time travel, and over all I just chat about useless stuff
[07:35] (Liraella): Ahh, that's the best.
[07:36] *** H1t|M4n Quit (Quit:)
[07:36] (Liraella): Anything you're needing from us?
[07:36] (AlexanderTT): you would be amazed at how much I know about a person just by talking to them
[07:36] (Teshico): "Over all I just chat about useless stuff" Best Alex Quote. EVER.
[07:36] (Liraella): It is amazing, isn't it, alex.
[07:36] (mailbo29): Was Atlantis ever found?
[07:36] (Teshico): yeah, when i talk to people, i usually pick up on a few things
[07:36] (AlexanderTT): i take offense to that Teshico
[07:37] (Thelper): his time would not know of this mailbo
[07:37] (Teshico): I figured you would
[07:37] *** H1t|M4n has joined #TimeTravellersInn
[07:37] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o H1t|M4n
[07:37] ••• (#TimeTravellersInn) H1t|M4n triggered protection- Unallowed channel (#l33t matched by #*l33t*) (F8 to punish)
[07:37] (Liraella): Ahh, don't get offended.
[07:37] (AlexanderTT): we know exactly where atlantis was in our time , yes
[07:37] (Liraella): Everyone stay cool.
[07:37] * Liraella passes out the beers.
[07:37] (Teshico): After all Alex, you said it, not me.
[07:37] (mailbo29): bermuda triangle?
[07:37] (Thelper): You could not know the lsot knowledge thou?
[07:37] (Liraella): Don't we already know where the bermuda triangle is? haa haa haa
[07:37] *** Opmmur Quit (Quit:)
[07:37] (Thelper): hmm I seem to be learning new things
[07:38] (mailbo29): Atlantis = Bermuda Triangle
[07:38] *** Opmmur has joined #TimeTravellersInn
[07:38] (Liraella): Ah, ok.
[07:38] (mailbo29): ??
[07:38] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +v Opmmur
[07:38] (AlexanderTT): i was speaking in general about conversations I have, please do not take me out of context, you have already been doing that to my God for hundreds of years
[07:38] (Liraella): What else can we tell you, Alex?
[07:38] (Thelper): ah alexs has the holly spirit I see
[07:38] (Thelper): :
[07:38] (Thelper): )
[07:38] (mailbo29): feel free to ask me anything
[07:38] (Teshico): Alex, don't compare yourself to God... egomaniac
[07:38] (Liraella): Everyone asks plenty of questions of you...
[07:38] *** Opmmur Quit (Quit:)
[07:39] (Thelper): he didnt
[07:39] (Thelper): he did not compare himself to god
[07:39] *** Opmmur has joined #TimeTravellersInn
[07:39] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +v Opmmur
[07:39] (mailbo29): I didn't read that into it either Teshico
[07:39] (Liraella): Seriously, kids, the last thing the world needs is another room full of people fighting about religion, hmm?
[07:39] (Teshico): Thelper, Alex is perfectly capable of BSing for himself
[07:39] (Thelper): there is no fighting?
[07:39] (Jovial_Ki): Be Nice.
[07:39] (Jovial_Ki): all of you
[07:39] (AlexanderTT): Teshico, the ones who seek knowledge listen and do not speak, unless asking questions
[07:40] (Teshico): Thanks
[07:40] (Teshico): I love you too Alex
[07:40] (AlexanderTT): the ones who do not seek knowledge have none to give
[07:40] (mailbo29): Jovial I'll always be nice for you
[07:40] (exospire): so where was atlantis alex
[07:40] (Thelper): Alex is it correct that you have found god in your timeline? you yourself anyway?
[07:40] (Jovial_Ki): alexander may i ask if you're married in the future or have a girlfriend? im already taken so i won't start hitting on you:p
[07:41] (AlexanderTT): Atlantis was off the coast of italy
[07:41] (Teshico): thats Siciliy,not atlantis

[07:41] (AlexanderTT): I have no family
[07:41] (Jovial_Ki): aww
[07:41] (Teshico): everyone has a family
[07:41] (Teshico): unless you're grown in a field
[07:41] (AlexanderTT): no, atlantis was there also
[07:41] (Teshico): ala Matrix
[07:41] (mailbo29): with two great towers reaching high? with sphere's on top?
[07:42] (Jovial_Ki): mmm matrix
[07:42] (AlexanderTT): my family has passed on Teshico
[07:42] (exospire): if you had 'family' in your time alex, would it have been more difficult for you leaving?
[07:42] (Teshico): Alex, I have one problem with what you just said.
[07:42] (Teshico): You obviously take to religion strongly.
[07:42] (AlexanderTT): no exospire
[07:42] (AlexanderTT): as do all where I am from Teshico
[07:42] (Teshico): But no one with such faith in God would EVER say "I have no family"
[07:43] (Jovial_Ki): teshico he was answering my question..I asked if he had any human family. sheesh.
[07:43] (exospire): was atlantis a civilization that expanded all over, or what it just a 'city' ?
[07:43] (AlexanderTT): I mean that in the since of mother father brother sister wife children uncles etc...
[07:43] (AlexanderTT): Atlantis wasnt really called atlantis, a lot of what you think about it will change
[07:43] (AlexanderTT): it was a very grand city
[07:44] *** Opmmur Quit (Quit:)
[07:44] (exospire): then where did atlantis come from
[07:44] (mailbo29): I missing some logged chat...I thought alex's world line was close to ours
[07:44] *** Opmmur has joined #TimeTravellersInn
[07:44] (AlexanderTT): we do not know
[07:44] (exospire): alright
[07:44] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +v Opmmur
[07:44] (Teshico): Why bring Immortals and Atlantis into this Alex? You were almost beleiveable before that.
[07:44] (exospire): what was so important about this grand city?
[07:44] *** Opmmur Quit (Quit:)
[07:45] *** Opmmur has joined #TimeTravellersInn
[07:45] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +v Opmmur
[07:45] *** josephc has joined #TimeTravellersInn
[07:45] (AlexanderTT): teshico, there is nothing magical about science
[07:45] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +v josephc
[07:45] (josephc): hello
[07:45] (Liraella): Hello, joseph.
[07:45] (AlexanderTT): and besides I myself still do not believe in immortality
[07:46] *** PhoenixLb has joined #TimeTravellersInn
[07:46] (mailbo29): I agree A technological civilization would "look like" gods to primative man
[07:46] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +v PhoenixLb
[07:46] (Teshico): How can an immortal live in a world where even superman is crippled?
[07:46] (Teshico): where is the justice?
[07:46] (Thelper): who said
[07:46] (Thelper): that he was body immortal?
[07:46] (AlexanderTT): I dont believe in immortalality Teshico
[07:46] (exospire): maybe he was punished for something a long time ago, and his punishment was immortality

[07:46] (Jovial_Ki): im so confused.
[07:46] (Thelper): how do u not know he is just able to keep his memory as his life comes?
[07:47] (Teshico): for someone who doesn't beleive in it, you sure are wasting a lot of time on it
[07:47] (AlexanderTT): I am followig orders
[07:47] (AlexanderTT): thats all
[07:47] (josephc): alex: i have a question. was the message that was left to you by "st liam huges" someone you know, or a hoaxer?
[07:47] (Thelper): Alex do you know of soul in your times?
[07:47] (AlexanderTT): i think it was a coincidence
[07:47] (mailbo29): I believe that Atlantis & Mt Olympus ie Zeus, Ares, Eros where not Gods but advanced people that not only had advanced technology but effectivly used their minds and was able to beat the aging process
[07:47] (AlexanderTT): we believe in a soul yes
[07:48] (Teshico): mailbo... ever seen Stargate SG1?
[07:48] (AlexanderTT): atlantis, was a very technologically advanced society and we believe they left
[07:48] (mailbo29): a couple of longer have sci fi channel
[07:48] (josephc): what do you mean coincendence?
[07:48] *** Opmmur Quit (Quit:)
[07:48] (Teshico): kinda what you're describing
[07:48] *** Opmmur has joined #TimeTravellersInn
[07:48] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +v Opmmur
[07:48] (Thelper): Alex it is our conclusiont hat in our time we are already immortal as spiirts "souls" so is it not possible saint germain is able to keep his knowledge of past lifes?
[07:49] (MadIce): Teshico: The 5th Element was more convincing than SG

[07:49] (AlexanderTT): I dont believe in reincarnation either thelper
[07:49] (Teshico): haven't seen that one
[07:49] (PhoenixLb): hee hee @ MadIce, love 5th Element
[07:49] (MadIce):

[07:49] (Thelper): my culture does...
[07:49] (mailbo29): now this is where it gets wierd...I believe I'm an old soul and once lived in atlantis but died as a young boy....I know I must be crazy
[07:49] *** aguynwgalaxy has joined #timetravellersinn
[07:49] (Thelper): but each to there own

[07:49] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +v aguynwgalaxy
[07:50] (josephc): alex you must admit, TT, immortals, frank (tt'ing killer) ,it all is very much out there.
[07:50] (PhoenixLb): Alexander have you found your Immortal?
[07:50] (AlexanderTT): to you yes, and I dont care if you believe me, I am just following orders
[07:51] (josephc): so what is your purpose of being in this caht room?
[07:51] (Teshico): If you don't care, then why do you keep coming back?
[07:51] (josephc): chat*
[07:51] (AlexanderTT): yes pheonix he is safe, and he was right here with all of us the whole time, being very quiet I might add
[07:51] (PhoenixLb): Good
[07:51] (Teshico): If you really didn't care, you wouldn't have said anything. At all.
[07:51] (PhoenixLb): I am glad to hear that
[07:51] (AlexanderTT): wrong teshico
[07:52] (AlexanderTT): I needed to learn from you
[07:52] (mailbo29): does he have an ancient name we might reconize?
[07:52] (PhoenixLb): He has him that is all that is important to me
[07:52] (josephc): why was there no mention of your search for the immortal from your first post?
[07:52] (PhoenixLb): He said he had a unique opportunity
[07:52] (Teshico): you couldn't have learened without saying your a TT?
[07:52] (Jovial_Ki): teshico..that news thing about the muslims being allowed to wear their headdresses did that come ture?
[07:52] (Jovial_Ki): true*
[07:53] (Teshico): no clue
[07:53] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +o PhoenixLb
[07:53] (Jovial_Ki): what exactly did he say? so I can search for it
[07:53] (Jovial_Ki): or did you save that?
[07:53] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +o Opmmur
[07:53] (AlexanderTT): there will be more missions, we needed to learn from a TT's perspective
[07:54] (aguynwgalaxy): Alexander now that you have found who your looking for is your schedualed date of tt'ing back to your time still the same or earlier or later?
[07:54] (PhoenixLb): What have you learned so far Alex, main points?
[07:54] (AlexanderTT): however I must admit, I am here now on a free-will basis, and I am considering leaving
[07:54] (AlexanderTT): it is my friends that gives me reason to stay
[07:54] *** thanatos1 has joined #TimeTravellersInn
[07:54] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +v thanatos1
[07:54] (aguynwgalaxy): well i hope im one.
[07:54] (thanatos1): • Thanks for the +v •
[07:54] (Thelper): dont leave plz
[07:55] (Teshico): I have it saved Jov
[07:55] (thanatos1): hi everyone
[07:55] (josephc): doesn;t it defeat your purpose to make friends? when you have to leave at some point?
[07:55] (AlexanderTT): I have learned that it is very easy to tell the difference in the sides, and that your time is not ready for TT's
[07:55] (AlexanderTT): and many many other things
[07:55] (PhoenixLb): ok
[07:55] (MadIce): thanatos1: Have a seet

[07:55] (thanatos1):

[07:55] (MadIce): -typo

[07:55] (mailbo29): I like to think I have a very open mind
[07:55] (AlexanderTT): it is never wrong to make friends
[07:55] (thanatos1): hello alex good to finally meet you

[07:55] (Teshico): Maybe your time isn't ready for Time Travel either Alex.
[07:56] (Thelper): they dont understad it is all :(...
[07:56] (AlexanderTT): as a whole yes, but some still will not except it
[07:56] (josephc): i didn't say it was wrong, it just doesn;t seem priductive to you "missions"
[07:56] (Teshico): I mean, you have ruined our worldline by coming here.
[07:56] (josephc): productive***
[07:56] (Jovial_Ki): why the harshness towards him?
[07:56] (PhoenixLb): What are some of the things that make our time not ready?
[07:56] (Teshico): Don't use it if you cannot use it responsibly
[07:56] (mailbo29): ouch
[07:56] (AlexanderTT): teshico, I could really ruin it for you if I wanted to, you do not know the gravity of the language you speak
[07:57] (Teshico): language has no mass, and therefore no gravity

[07:58] (H1t|M4n): Teshico Relax my friend
[07:58] (AlexanderTT): teshico, keep the faith while you are living under control of the sword
[07:58] (mailbo29): words can hurt badly...I've been sliced up pretty badly in the past
[07:58] (H1t|M4n): or you're going to have to leave
[07:58] (PhoenixLb): Has some presure been released since you now have the immortal safe?
[07:58] (Teshico): alright alright, i'm sorry hitman
[07:58] (AlexanderTT): yes pheonix, and we await our finall task
[07:58] (PhoenixLb):

[07:58] (Jovial_Ki): sure listen to the op. not the woman:p
[07:58] (josephc): alex: how do you have a choice of when you can leave? i thought there were certain windows for departure.
[07:58] (thanatos1): erhm have i cone in during anemotional time?
[07:59] (Teshico): TTDave's prediction about the headscarfs was wrong.
[07:59] (thanatos1): (looks at his finegrs and wonders how the hell did he typo so bad
[07:59] (mailbo29): alex...what happens if this immortal you are taking from our world line is the immortal I'm looking for?
[07:59] (AlexanderTT): Teshico, this is a message just for you : The sheild shall gaurd you.Our sword shall protect you
[07:59] (Teshico): I'm flattered


Time Travel Professor
mIRC Feb. 09, 2004; Alexanders chat thanks to KPAX
Posted by: Professor Opmmur
Session Start: February 09, 07:06, 2004
Session Ident: #TimeTravellersInn

[08:00] (AlexanderTT): im sorry , I type that wrong , the sword shall control you
[08:00] (AlexanderTT): you have that message with you everyday of your life
[08:00] (Teshico): I'm not so sure I'm flattered anymore...
[08:00] (josephc): <josephc> alex: how do you have a choice of when you can leave? i thought there were certain windows for departure.
[08:00] (AlexanderTT): and you have not questioned it yet
[08:00] (MadIce): hehe
[08:01] (AlexanderTT): you will see what it means shortly
[08:01] (Teshico): I sure hope so
[08:01] (Thelper): Alex read pm
[08:01] (Teshico): because right now, its jibberish to me
[08:01] (josephc): are you making threats alex?
[08:01] (AlexanderTT): I do not have a choice when I leave, but I will enjoy the calm before the storm right now
[08:01] (PhoenixLb): Alex can always emergency jump if he needs to
[08:01] (Jovial_Ki): not unless swords are animate objects
[08:02] (Teshico): and Alex, I appologize for being rude to you
[08:02] (AlexanderTT): you all carry that masseage everyday, however you do not question it
[08:02] (AlexanderTT): apology excepted
[08:02] (josephc): where?
[08:02] (AlexanderTT): I only want to help you all
[08:02] (mailbo29): I feel like I'm about to be ripped off

[08:02] (PhoenixLb): Or grudgingly accept it
[08:03] (AlexanderTT): i do not hold grudges
[08:03] (josephc): hmm.
[08:03] (PhoenixLb): I was refering to myself
[08:03] (Liraella): I hear you, Phoenix.
[08:03] (AlexanderTT): does anyone know where that message is?
[08:03] (Thelper): alex have u read daves post?
[08:03] (AlexanderTT): i am going to
[08:04] (josephc): where is it?
[08:04] (PhoenixLb): What message?
[08:04] (josephc): <AlexanderTT> Teshico, this is a message just for you : The sheild shall gaurd you.Our sword shall control you
[08:05] (Teshico): Hmm
[08:05] (josephc): alex.
[08:05] (AlexanderTT): americans carry that message everyday
[08:05] (PhoenixLb): security and power
[08:05] (josephc): money?
[08:05] (AlexanderTT): except for use, we removed it
[08:05] (AlexanderTT): yes josephc
[08:05] (Teshico): Funny...
[08:05] *** aguynwgalaxy Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:06] (AlexanderTT): do you know the latin on the back of the one dollar bill?
[08:06] (Teshico): there are a sword and shield on my state's flag
[08:06] (mailbo29): alex are you avoiding my question about the immortal?
[08:06] (thanatos1): reading the forum,, haa haa haa what did you do to ttdave madice,, and wheres the log

[08:06] (AlexanderTT): yes mailbo29, I do not have an answer
[08:06] (Teshico): Alex, is that what you were talking about? The symbolism of my state's flag?
[08:06] (AlexanderTT): do you know the latin on the back of the one dollar bill?
[08:06] (MadIce):
[08:06] (josephc): do you know the way to san jose?
[08:06] (Teshico): E Pluburis Enum or something
[08:06] (josephc): j/k
[08:07] (PhoenixLb): Annuit Caeptis
[08:07] *** aguynwgalaxy has joined #timetravellersinn
[08:07] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +v aguynwgalaxy
[08:07] (AlexanderTT): I am going to say something very inportant about you government, listen up!
[08:07] (Thelper): Alex look dave is he you time?
[08:07] (PhoenixLb): novus ordo seclorum
[08:07] (AlexanderTT): its not latin!!!
[08:07] (Teshico): *Collective Gasp*
[08:07] (josephc): haa haa haa
[08:07] (Teshico): What is it?
[08:07] (AlexanderTT): please let someone out there put this together
[08:08] (Jovial_Ki): dun dun dun.
[08:08] (josephc): its code.
[08:08] (aguynwgalaxy): i got disconnected what did i misss?
[08:08] (Jovial_Ki): our government is decieving us. what a surprise
[08:08] (AlexanderTT): i have told you what it means
[08:08] (Jovial_Ki): that wasnt intended as sarcasm @ alex
[08:08] (Teshico): Alex, may I pm you?
[08:09] (AlexanderTT): do you not understand the intensity of that satement?
[08:09] (AlexanderTT): yes Teshico
[08:09] (Thelper): which statement?
[08:09] (Teshico): it is something lengthy about what you just said, and i do not want to flood the chat
[08:09] (exospire): did i miss it?
[08:09] (aguynwgalaxy): can someone plz pm me with what was said i got disconnected.
[08:09] *** H1t|M4n Quit (Quit:)
[08:09] (AlexanderTT): its not latin!!!!
[08:09] (AlexanderTT): that one
[08:09] (josephc): so what is it?
[08:10] (exospire): its not latin is the statement we are trying to put together?
[08:10] (PhoenixLb): Our government is not Latin, someone else is in control?
[08:10] (AlexanderTT): well first of all it is martial law spelled out on your money , but that is just one of my points
[08:11] (PhoenixLb): ok
[08:11] (josephc): exo, aguy this is what alex said...<AlexanderTT> Teshico, this is a message just for you : The sheild shall gaurd you.Our sword shall control you
[08:11] (Thelper): that tied to the trackin?
[08:12] (josephc): why would martial law be spelled out on our money?
[08:12] (PhoenixLb): What Latin on our one dollar bill refers to Sword and Sheild I don't see it.
[08:12] (AlexanderTT): good question josephc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[08:12] (Thelper): alex can u check pm a sec
[08:13] (AlexanderTT): i need a picture of the back of a one, I havent seen it in awhile
[08:13] (mailbo29): makes you wonder how they seem to be able to find all these millions in iraq
[08:13] (aguynwgalaxy): which bill alex?
[08:13] (Teshico): Oh my..
[08:13] (AlexanderTT): a one
[08:13] (Teshico): does it mean they are watching us?
[08:13] (Teshico): that pyramid with the eye
[08:13] (aguynwgalaxy): i will do
[08:13] (Teshico): always creeped me out
[08:13] (josephc): so good question to me!.... but you are not goingto answer it...
[08:14] (AlexanderTT): yes the eye means they are watching you , this is not my point right now
[08:14] (Teshico): Fehler 404
[08:14] (PhoenixLb): The Eagle has a ribbon E PLuribus unum, out of many, one
[08:14] (AlexanderTT): oh ok , thats it
[08:14] (Thelper): ALex check pm plz it important
[08:14] (AlexanderTT): the words above and under the pyramid
[08:14] (mailbo29): ohh..look at those roman numerals
[08:15] (AlexanderTT): that is a date, I will tell you that much
[08:15] (Teshico): Novus Ordo Seclorum
[08:15] (Liraella): 1776.
[08:15] (Teshico): that part of it?
[08:15] (AlexanderTT): now remember, it is not latin, if you translate it in latin it doesnt make much sense
[08:15] (PhoenixLb): new order, um seclorum
[08:15] (AlexanderTT): yes
[08:16] (aguynwgalaxy): alex do you have high speed internet?
[08:16] (AlexanderTT): no you are all missing the point
[08:16] (Teshico): Alex, 13 has something to do with it?
[08:16] (PhoenixLb): It is Illuminati symbolysim
[08:16] (AlexanderTT): 13 is the code do decypher the cryptography, is it making sense yet?!?!?
[08:16] (josephc): hmm.
[08:16] (josephc): please look at this link.
[08:17] (josephc): The meanings of the symbols on the dollar bill-Truth!
[08:17] (josephc): read about the pyramid
[08:17] (Teshico): I don't know what cryptography is
[08:17] (josephc): comsec
[08:17] (aguynwgalaxy): alex do you have high speed internet?
[08:17] (Thelper): what does it sound like thou teshico?
[08:18] (josephc): the date is 1776
[08:18] (Teshico): the study of crypts?
[08:18] (Liraella): How about this, Alex?
[08:18] (Thelper): no
[08:18] (AlexanderTT): The government's translation of this phrase is, "A new order for the ages."
[08:18] (AlexanderTT): yes i have high speed, but its very slow to me , haa haa haa
[08:18] (AlexanderTT): thats a cover story translation
[08:18] (Jovial_Ki): kevin mitnick sounds alot like dave. heh.
[08:18] (aguynwgalaxy): i scanned the one $ bill if you want it
[08:18] (AlexanderTT): are you getting it now?
[08:18] (Thelper): its a code so, encrytion could be clue?
[08:19] (Thelper): I have no seen a USA dollar bill
[08:19] (Thelper): may I see
[08:19] (MadIce): Cryptography - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[08:19] (Liraella): Eternal vigilance.
[08:19] (AlexanderTT): yes!! good definition of the word
[08:19] (Teshico): The Latin above the pyramid, ANNUIT COEPTIS, means "God has favored our undertaking."
[08:20] (Liraella): Alex...what is a good definition?
[08:20] (Thelper): the link
[08:20] (Thelper): it form of encryption which should been obvious by the name
[08:21] (AlexanderTT): ladies and gentlemen I am from 2039 <----- this statement can (with the code to translation) can mean something completely different to the person who translates it, this is cryptography
[08:21] (aguynwgalaxy): alex did you recieve my file?
[08:21] (AlexanderTT): i could be sending secret messages in this phrase right here
[08:22] (Thelper): I know I have been

[08:22] (josephc): i highly doubt it.
[08:22] (AlexanderTT): now!! the answer to decyphering the translation on the bill is 13, when used it translates, the sheild shall gaurd you , Our sword shall control you <----martial law is on your money
[08:22] *** H1t|M4n has joined #TimeTravellersInn
[08:22] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o H1t|M4n
[08:22] ••• (#TimeTravellersInn) H1t|M4n triggered protection- Unallowed channel (#l33t matched by #*l33t*) (F8 to punish)
[08:23] (Thelper): I need to see this bill
[08:23] (Teshico): I don't follow you alex...
[08:23] (Thelper): for I could decevier this code perhaps
[08:23] (aguynwgalaxy): thelper would you like me to send a photo of it?
[08:23] (Thelper): yes plz
[08:23] (Liraella): How so, Alex?
[08:23] (josephc): no disrespect but, your starting to sound like meli gibson in "Conspiracy Theory"
[08:23] (PhoenixLb): Sorry but this really sounds like mumbo jumbo, I have seen cyptography come up with the crazies stuff
[08:23] (AlexanderTT): do you understand how important this is when you take into account, that your founding fathers did not submit or approve of this being on your money
[08:23] (Liraella): It's just a leap of faith for me to just take you at your word, no?
[08:24] (josephc): money is always revised thought
[08:24] (josephc): though**
[08:24] (AlexanderTT): well, nevermind then
[08:24] (josephc): this current revison wa sonly placed on the one dolar bill 15 years after the original design
[08:24] *** H1t|M4n sets mode: +o AlexanderTT
[08:24] (AlexanderTT): yes josephc!!!! excatly
[08:25] (AlexanderTT): why is it so difficult to understand??
[08:25] (AlexanderTT): I just spelled it out for you
[08:25] (aguynwgalaxy): AlexanderTT i asked my dad when i was really young what that meant on the dollar bill and a lot of other but no one knew what to tell me "when i was 6"
[08:25] (mailbo29): most aren't military and never used cryptology before alex
[08:25] (josephc): i have a hard time with NWO, Illuminati type stuff if you will.
[08:25] (mailbo29): someone in war a soldier might use it alot
[08:26] (Thelper): 13 is key?
[08:26] (AlexanderTT): its not NWO its your government PEOPLE!!!
[08:26] (Thelper): to this code?
[08:26] (Liraella): thanks, mailbo, that's exactly what I meant.
[08:26] (AlexanderTT): yes I have used crypt a lot, let me try to explain it to you all
[08:27] (AlexanderTT): if I do this A=1 B=2 C=3 etc...
[08:27] (josephc): yes, but you cannot use crypto on a dily convo....crypto is pre-code, cannot be used on a whim...possibly you could insert "phrases" but a whole sentence 'on the fly' as it where would be difficult.
[08:27] (Thelper): alex can u read pm.. plz
[08:27] (AlexanderTT): then I can wright a message like this 385610487
[08:27] (AlexanderTT): however this is easy to figure out so we need a key
[08:28] (PhoenixLb): Did you say what people have said about the name Titor doing that Alex?
[08:28] (AlexanderTT): lets say the key is 5, then A=5 B=10 C=15 etc..
[08:28] (AlexanderTT): so I write 101515515
[08:28] (Teshico): oooh... I see
[08:28] (AlexanderTT): using the key 5 someone can translate it
[08:29] (Thelper): bccac
[08:29] (Teshico): ACCAC

[08:29] (AlexanderTT): but it does get a lot deeper than that, lik rotating keys and such
[08:29] (Teshico): wow, i stink
[08:29] (Liraella): Right.
[08:29] ••• No ignores matching Thelper!~[email protected] found to remove
[08:29] (Liraella): Basic.
[08:29] (Thelper): but my iq is 235
[08:29] (Thelper): so
[08:29] (Thelper): if i know key
[08:29] (josephc): very basic,
[08:29] (Thelper): i can deciver this
[08:29] (Thelper): plz send keyt
[08:29] (Teshico): your iq is 235, yet you didn't know whats cooler than being cool =\
