Patriot Act type legislation

Re: Patriot Act type legislation

Gangs don't kill people; people kill people.

With the exception of course of gangs that kill people.

You have no right to not be the victim of a crime. That's the problem: rights are ordinarily defined as certain inherent assets that cannot be taken away by the government. To be free of crime is a blessing of fortune, not a birthright.

I almost said that the government hasn't ever tried to make you the victim of random murder, but I stopped myself.
Re: Patriot Act type legislation

If I have no rights to NOT be shot at while a gang is passing the time and deciding who the bad asses really are, Then I see absolutely no problem with sweeping those kiddies that have been PROVEN to have excerized their rights to be fools while possibly infringing upon my rights to stay alive, into the military whereby they can go excerize their rights to go shoot all the weapons they want while playing with our current enemy. Never will be a shortage of either will there?

True about being free of crime, that would be a blessing. However, do not expect me to suffer fools once I have to duck lead flying my way in a non combatant situation. Respect is a two way street regardless of what Playstation says.
Re: Patriot Act type legislation

Let's see: If you have a record of violence, you can be given state of the art weaponry and the power to shoot in the direction we aim you.
Re: Patriot Act type legislation

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Paul J. Lyon\")</div>
Let's see: If you have a record of violence, you can be given state of the art weaponry and the power to shoot in the direction we aim you.[/b]

uh, yeah.

(Hate to be a smart ass for those of you who dislike my "lacking in depth" posts, but the man is genius of the witty comeback. I know he's serious, but the humor is just too much. Yeah, Paul, violent people make great killers, i.e., what the military produces. What a country.)
Re: Patriot Act type legislation

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Paul J. Lyon\")</div>
Let's see: If you have a record of violence, you can be given state of the art weaponry and the power to shoot in the direction we aim you.[/b]

What a interesting concept, care to hazzard just how many of America's finest have and or are serving a two to four hitch as upposed to a 15 to life sentence Since WWII? I myself had the dubious pleasure of serving with some of them.
Re: Patriot Act type legislation

Yeagh, Star so did I.

Gang bangers make very lousy soldiers. They lack the dicipline, respect, and honor that seperates a soldier from a thug, and all the training in the world does not seem to change that much.
Re: Patriot Act type legislation

Actually, most military and police organizations fit the technical definition of gangs under the California Penal Code. Still checking to see whether Congress fits it.
Re: Patriot Act type legislation

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Paul J. Lyon\")</div>
Actually, most military and police organizations fit the technical definition of gangs under the California Penal Code. Still checking to see whether Congress fits it.[/b]

Hey, Cut That Out!!! Once again I have to clean my monitor........:grin:

Just when you think it's safe to have a sip of coffee.......
Re: Patriot Act type legislation

Actually, most military and police organizations fit the technical definition of gangs under the California Penal Code. Still checking to see whether Congress fits it.

Thats entirely true in colorado too. Ocassionally a common sense filter must be applied to the penal code. Gang bangers aren't soldiers, to force them to be is only asking for trouble. How about actually punishing them the first time we catch them doing something bad. That way at least some of them will learn the lesson when they are just aspiring slimebags, and not unsavable yet.
Re: Patriot Act type legislation

If you can spot an aspiring scumbag while he's still just aspiring, you've got a finer sense of smell than I do. And you sure as hell don't want the government to have the power to label individuals as criminals when they're still in the larval aspiring-scumbag stage.

In my county we have a juvenile bootcamp for teenage offenders, and a lot of them seem to take the paramilitary training quite well. A year later many are in regular jail. Maybe if they enlisted on a probationary basis, without pay for two years, we could make decent soldiers out of incipient criminals.
