Pentagon Strike: 100% Positive

Re: 100% Positive

I remember how my school started a fundraiser for 9/11 survivors, and my prep group started a letter-writing campaign... there was so much support and a very strong \"we've been there, we know what it's like, we're with you all the way\" feeling.

I got warm chills on my left side of my face stretching down to my feet while reading this. Its nice to see that people are still loving out there, and are at the very least hostile to Americans. Thank your school for all of the things that they have sent our way.

It must be hard for your country to endure these attacks day in and day out. I express my gratitude if you have lost anyone in an attack.
Re: 100% Positive

If they want to take us down now, all they'd have to do is dump all of their U.S. dollar and Treausry debt holdings.

I have heard and seen evidence for this so many times; why is no one in the United States challenging those in charge over dangers like these?
Re: 100% Positive

Sorry Cary, but I just can't swollow it. ? ?

Hey, no problem Phil. I ain't "selling" anything. Just posting my opinion from what I've read.

Marc Rich is the super wealthy guy that Clinton pardoned on his way out of the White House. He's living in Switzerland and is/was wanted by the U.S. govt. on criminal tax evasion charges among other things. His now ex-wife made "substantial" contributions to the Clinton campaigns and the Democratic party during the 90's. She also held big fund raisers for the the same parties during that time. The furor is that it appeared that she bought her ex-husband's pardon from Clinton. Not all that surprising. If memory serves, the federal govt. said they would prosecute the guy anyway. I have no idea what his current legal status is, but I doubt he'd try to come back. This guy engineering 9/11 just doesn't make sense to me. Yes, he's got wealth, but the contacts to pull something like this off, he doesn't. Why take the chance of getting caught in a conspiracy trying to hire people to pull off 9/11, when he can live free with his money in Europe? Some countries may not extradite him for tax evasion, but they damn sure would extradite him for conspiring an attack like 9/11. Just my thoughts.

Re: 100% Positive

I agree with you completely. That guy may be a little shady, so might the government. IMHO though we can look for the direct perpetrators of 911 exactly where most people think they are. Saying that the PTB engeneered it would be accurate. However I think they did so without any direct involvement with the perpetrators. They just lowered our defenses, and did a few things to raise the ire of the islamo wacos. They behaved perdictabally, and no one can prove any conspiricy behind 911 beacause technically there wasn't one. They probably were able to predict a window of time that would see a major attack, and were getting ready with their response to it, but they did not know who when where or how. In a way you have to admire the elegance of that.
Re: 100% Positive

A fly by wire aircraft can be controlled from the ground against the wishes of the piolet, as the computer can just ignore the input

fly by wire means the control surface works based on wires from the pilot to the actual surface (move the stick left, it pulls wires, wires pull surface) which is why the big, fast moving, commercial jets, use hydraulics, because it would be impossible to fly-by-wire those -- the A-10 military aircraft uses both, incase one fails, the other will back up

why cant people accept it? planes hit the buildings, its right freakin there, it was on LIVE television on multiple stations from multiple angles

another thing is -- anyone with half a month experience with any of Microsoft's Flight sims from 98 to century of flight, can fly any commercial airliner to some extent, flying into a building, not being difficult at all
Re: 100% Positive

this is simple to me. What is the one group that will profit more from all of this than anyone else? Bush and elite, big business. Mixing shady business dealings and hardcore religous conservatism has always been a bad combination. Bush is slowly getting EVERY SINGLE THING he needs to establish control for his class of the US. We now have two footholds in the Middle East, and have troops stationed all allong the proposed oil pipeline. The purpose of all US foreign policy since the end of the cold war has been to secure a foreign source of crude oil. Meanwhile, Bush's domestic policies push the super rich and basically the rest of us further apart. Bush doesn't want the Apocalypse, he wants to sustain and enhance the control his clique has. With the new nominees, Bush will have control over all three branches of government. This probably seems a little far-fetched, but what I think Bush's ultimate vision is a country under military rule because of constant threats of terrorism, while consumerism grows, and the US becomes a machine of military and money to keep it going. Bush and his cronies were behind this in whatever way, shape or form, you can bet on that.
Re: 100% Positive

I think the most probable situation is that Bush, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld and all of the other insiders in the bush evil empire were very well aware what was about to happen. I think to accuse them of comitting the act is probably a little far-fetched, but I think they not only knew about it and let it happen but they started planning the Illiegal invasion and occupation of Iraq immediately. They never had any true interest in Afghanastan or Osama bin Laden. If you take the time to read some of the literature of PNAC, paying close attention to the members, that will tell you alot.
Re: 100% Positive

Follow the Money. Who stands to benefit the MOST by what is going on and how we are being manipulated?

One thing I have learned is that the Rich who seek to become more Rich and thus more powerful, NEVER waste their time, efforts or money. Quid Pro Quo.
Re: 100% Positive

Well in response to that question, I still stand by the 'Pipelineistan' theory. It is just so damn coincidental when you match it up with the US foreign policy of the last decade or so. But I suppose if you're asking who will really ultimately profit from this, I guess I would have to say the elite class/Illuminati/NWO purveyors/whatever you want to call them, would profit the most. 9/11 allowed the government to further seperate the elite, wealthy class from everyone else, and that's exactly how they want it. Get the populace addicted to oil, inflate the prices, and make them beg for it so bad they'll pick up a rifle to get it. And quietly, the US creates imaginary conflicts to position troops in strategic locations. Well, perhaps not imaginary, but it is quite a coincidence. We have troops in Georgia to deal with the Chechan (sp) rebels, troops in Kosovo and other burgeoning former Soviet nations, not to mention our stranglehold over the Middle East (Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Saudis are our buddies, also we have plenty of troops throughout India and Pakistan). Looks pretty cut and dry to me. Iran is the next step, as they're one of the looming Middle East powers. I predict war with Iran, possibly instigated by another terrorist act (of course they'll be harbored in Iran), and invasion. The US will have to file the final order to fully activate the draft system (yep its already partially activated, draft boards have been filled), and conduct possibly one of the most violent, horrific military conflicts the world has ever seen. Unfortunately, our country won't be able to sustain in our present economic condition, and we'll either fall to North Korea and China (who will likely strike in some way after a devastating, high-casualty war) or our own internal conflicts. I would guess more likely the latter, but according to Titor I guess it would be the latter and then eventually the former. I don't know, you may have faith in the Illuminati/elite/whatever class to guide us through this (it certainly would be in their interest not to **** up), but I see a growing power on the other side, the side that represents the rage of the supressed third world. I think the elite have completely underestimated the power of that potential force. This may sound crazy, but I shudder to think what will happen to this country when that elite class looses its power. Of course it may be for a greater good, but being around during that transition would probably take a toll on us all.
