Perspectives on Free Energy

This is a thread dedicated to physics of “free energy”

My thoughts: I don’t believe one can obtain energy from the vacuum, ether, void, whatever. While I believe there is a great amount of energy, I don’t believe you can collect it. How? Well, one needs a difference of energy to collect energy. Kind of like how one can’t get a current from two voltages that are the same. If you have two very high voltages, both being 20 kv, you couldn’t get any energy, since electrical energy emerges from a difference in voltage potential. Same for vacuum energy, you need a lack of energy. Also, energy can not be created or destroyed

On the other hand, I believe there are such things as free energy, depending on your definition. Like wind mills, river wheels, solar panels, etc. even Tesla’s radiant energy collector, but that likely came from EM waves that were created and waves from the sun and stars. I still hope one day, we may find more renewable sources of clean energy. Any thoughts?


Temporal Engineer
The MEG is one I would recommend. Thomas Bearden with the help of three other inventors patented a a magnetic device that robs energy from the giant magnetic field produced by neodymium magnets. Check out this video that describes how it works:

