Pictures of us

Pictures of us

Here have a pic of me.....If it doesn't upload you can alwayz look into my avatar to find me. Another note* I do have my pic in my album, if anyone wants to check it out*
Pictures of us

Actually Kira, It is in College Park......Right across the street from Woodward Acadamy. And ty, I think you are too cute.
Pictures of us

Here I am, doing what I do best.


My wife thinks this is a funny photo, for some reason. :D
Re: Pictures of us

Hooray for resurrecting old threads!

Sheena's parents gave us their scanner/printer, so I did a test scan of one of the pictures in my box. This is my little sister, Bailey, when she was about 2 1/2 or 3.

The gold jacket she's wearing was mine when I was like 9 ;)
Re: Pictures of us

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"TheHeggy\")</div>
Hooray for resurrecting old threads!

Sheena's parents gave us their scanner/printer, so I did a test scan of one of the pictures in my box. This is my little sister, Bailey, when she was about 2 1/2 or 3.

The gold jacket she's wearing was mine when I was like 9 ;)[/b]

Well your jacket sure shows that you have good taste in picking football teams!!
Re: Pictures of us

I was going to post one of mine but for some reason the post office says I am not allowed to take it from their wall after it has been posted. Go figure...
