Pictures of us

Re: Pictures of us

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Darkwolf\")</div>
No, I was just about to do that when I got around to it. (those round tuits are rare) You might find our group interasting, as we, they I should say as I wasn't around had been perdicting the J.T. scenario a long time before 2000. What they were saying was so similar that I almost suspect one of em.[/b]

I do hope that all of this doesn't turn out in the end to mean that you are now bound to sacrifice a goat on the Equinox or some such thing.

I'm in a very exclusive group myself: E Clampus Vitus. I'm sworn to secrecy, especially about the initiation, which you can't remember most of anyhow the next day.
Re: Pictures of us

No No No!!! Goats are for the Solstices, We must have muskrats for the equinox, though wambats are sufficient if served with enough gravy and a good chablis.
Re: Pictures of us

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Paul J. Lyon\")</div>
I do hope that all of this doesn't turn out in the end to mean that you are now bound to sacrifice a goat on the Equinox or some such thing.[/b]

No, group tends to do virgin sacrifices, with a barbeque to follow.
Re: Pictures of us

BTW, Darkwolf, I've been active about 7 now. Your group sounds really nice (I'm not into all the flashiness that some find intriguing)
Re: Pictures of us

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Darkwolf\")</div>
Yes, the gods do need wireless phones these days.[/b]
So is that what happens when those people get nailed by lightning while they're on their phones? The gods have reached out to touch someone?:lol:
