Police Kill Americans at an Alarming Rate, and They are Not Just Minorities


Active Member
It is not my opinion that police are criminals. It is a fact. Violating rights is criminal. A policeman's job is to be an instrument of coercion and violent force. A policeman's job is systematic violence.

With little effort, you can find thousands upon thousands upon thousands of videos, newscasts, articles, records and reports, etc... of police committing acts of violence upon nonviolent humans for victimless behavior.

They are your overlords violating you all day every day everywhere. You live in a police state. If they confront you for something and start bossing you around, SHOOT THEM DEAD. If you don't, they might just shoot you dead, whether you did anything wrong or not. You have to kill them before they kill you.

NEVER EVER trust a cop. See them for what they are. They are violent criminals. They are hired thugs for a criminal gang called government.
