Pope's Exorcist says Satan is in the Vatican---and more Vatican secrets!


Senior Member


From what I understand Satan is the god of perfection, is human looking and lives on the hexagonal pole of Planet Saturn.

The devil is not Satan and neither is pan, a nymph. All the devil is, is the metaphysical expression of the expression that mankind in an evil mode is his own worst enemy. With maybe a demos to lend that ideal some support.

In the movie The Ninth Gate, the principal actor is sent on a journey to find a text that is supposedly authored by the devil.

This edition was supposed to have given its owner, controller great power when coupled with a ceremony.

The devil in this particular story, knows and realizes that the book collector is only looking to get paid for the retrieval of the text.

Because of this business, which goes into misuse of oral discrepancy, the devil himself through and ahead of time assigns this collector a bodyguard. This is because he sees the futility of the book finder's innocents, stacked up in comparison of people of greed and corruption.

In the end, it is man's own obnoxious lust for power and ultimate control that befalls the attempted ultimate controller.

What I have given you here, is why The Ninth Gate is funny, entertaining, but finally brutally honest in the story's telling of man's own Tom foolery. Great movie, superb storyline and fantastic acting & set location.

The biggest ass one may find in the journey to one's own quest for ultimate power, can sometimes be themselves.

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Actually the concept of evil's in the White House. They're the biggest bunch of liars and deceptionist that there is. What does anyone upon swearing into the office of presidency of The United States of America, need a bible standing by, that is so huge. Biden didn't really swear in on it, it was just there. All deception to make the citizens he was going to betray, think that he was on their side.

The thing they're trying to do now, is to gain access to the spirit of Darth Vader and turn what should be a rested issue, with Vader in the series now gone, reactivated by mixing bad magic in with that reactivation attempt. *The only thing with this unwanted reproposal, is that the spiritual hierarchy joined with Lord Vader's spirit root.

So this is truly a stupid move on the Hollywood brand of Satanist's part. Egypt's effects was established all over the globe, so one cannot get at it all.

Why there's a prediction of an alien landing is the reattempt to fashion humans from Earth back into slaves. You see the first attempt was as a modified colony of the Orion System's wanting, but that fell apart. Might have had something to do with God?

This is where your'e supposed real evil is.

To taper off this say, the Joe Biden that's in office now, is not the same Joe Biden that was in office long ago. Under Obama and it shows pictures of Obama and Biden holding hands in the White House is this new international crew had done something to Biden. Scrambled his marbles, put him on a drug, I don't know?

But the Biden that was an overbearing, obnoxious, but still clearant Senator, is there no more. He's been replaced by the other dangerous child, that a younger Joe Biden in no way, would have recognized. In short he was taken over.

Might as well run the fifteen yards left on the football field, rather than walk it in.

On the prediction of an ET landing in year 2022-3, what do you thinks going to happen? With this brining out all the gays. What this administration's actually doing, is that they're making them more visible, so they can be eugenically weeded out, by these aliens to come. Babba Vanga Nostradamus predict ET landing 2022-3 - Search

My guess is it will be the Pleiadeans and others as they try and genetically engineer out the gay trait, so that their people are near normal perfect in their eyes. Biden and crew don't really care about bi's, gays, trans population seating in society. What they're doing is contrasting them, so they're easier to locate and then take out when this landing occurs.

The opening the border was to flood what loyal to the United States citizenry constituency, that would have put a backbone into the US so it could stand up for itself. All year 2022-3 if this ET landing does occur, is a repeat of the failed Pleiadean landings in 1975 at the Billy Meier Farmstead. *Does the Fentanyl laced money thrown on the ground, so the American citizen picks this money up and O.D.s on this drug by touch start to make sense now?

Billy Meier wasn't responsible for the Pleiadean deception. The Pleiadeans knew of Billy's former status as a once holy man incarnate and just wanted to also lie in on his coattails. This is what many could not figure out by Billy, constantly exclaiming "Liars", in the context of the Pleiadean landings of 1975. the billy meier landings - Search

Same fu*king sh*t, but look who's prying open the door this time, it's an altered mind mentality Biden. And know that mentally Biden's still mentally sharp. It's just some of what he puts on is an act, so they can't convict him for treason later on.

This is the same crap with the Vader Star Wars deal. This is as Tut, although the spirit of past king Tut was rightfully bereaved, went to the incarnate of past lord Vader in this US society, because they had no respect for Tut's after-life belongings. They were showing them off, trying to turn, catch both influence and profit from this act. This is why Tut and Vader joined spiritually in the 1970s.

What's coming our way, I don't know? But I would learn how to fashion a ray pistol from electronic junk, as projectile weapons compared to alien technologies, is no match; they are able to stop the bullets in midair and make them drop.

This is all yet to come. I think that young Joe Biden would have asked the now Joe Biden to 86 it, as he would see that he's spiritually sold out. There's your real devil's reflection of man, your real evil. Not some corps the Vatican says it has in its holy dustbins.

God' what the fu*k did they ever do to Joe Biden?!
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ks this money up and O.D.s on this drug by touch start to make sense now?

Billy Meier wasn't responsible for the Pleiadean deception. The Pleiadeans knew of Billy's former status as a once holy man incarnate and just wanted to also lie in on his coattails. This is what many could not figure out by Billy, constantly exclaiming "Liars", in the context of the Pleiadean landings of 1975. the billy meier landings - Search

Same fu*king sh*t, but look who's prying open the door this time, it's an altered mind mentality Biden. And know that mentally Biden's still mentally sharp. It's just some of what he puts on

Interesting. My dad told me he thinks the Biden in charge right now is not the same Biden
as b4.
