POSSIBLE PROOF NO PLANES HIT THE TOWERS. I don't usually quote anything from this website but this article on 9/11 is frighteningly impressive


Temporal Engineer
At the time I recall there being 6 eyewitness accounts of the jets not having any passenger windows thus identifying the aircraft as being cargo jets. It's just a bit funny that the eyewitness accounts don't match the narrative released by the government. Which of course implicates them in the slaughter of 3000 Americans.


By the way, I am not implying that 9/11 "truthers" are mentally challenged. Please file any complaints to Trey Parker and Matt Stone.


Senior Member
At the time I recall there being 6 eyewitness accounts of the jets not having any passenger windows thus identifying the aircraft as being cargo jets. It's just a bit funny that the eyewitness accounts don't match the narrative released by the government. Which of course implicates them in the slaughter of 3000 Americans.

I have seen the original American Airlines planes supposedly used. When you zoom in on the planes hitting the Trade Towers they are noticeably not the same aircraft and actually look more like drones and fail to show any sort of insignia unlike American Airlines flights.

Logical Mind

Junior Member
The consensus is that in fact missiles hit the towers, not airplanes, the so called
planes were actually hologram images. The explosions were the result of thousands
of small bombs, the size of a beer can, placed within the towers. The fact the buildings and furniture were pulverized before hitting the ground proved the presence of atomic bombs.

A regular jet hitting solid concrete and steel would be destroyed in the process and so unable to come out the other side of the towers which is the opposite of what seems to happen with the holograms.

Missiles hit the buildings; and the atomic bombs placed inside the towers turned them, and almost every material object inside, into dust.

Note; Some people say that about 10, 000 humans lost their lives in 9/11, not three thousands as reported.
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Senior Member
wasn't holograms but live tv phase masks over smaller planes/or missiles as tiny planes.
only atomic bomb was in the basement to fracture the central column

the little 'tufts' of smoke were really from the pancaking floors hitting each other.
even the chief janitor of the towers said there was feet of dust accumulation in the towers before the collapse.

the dust is formed from the directed energy dustification beams.
accumulated dust shot out the floor windows right underneath the collapsing floors.

brookhaven national labs on long island shot down TWA800(silent missile contrail), jfk jr's plane and then 9/11.
used a particle accelerator tesla beam of energy(computer shut down completely two separate times I said it was brookhaven labs)

brookhaven is part of the montauk underground facility that stretches to the end of long island.
tesla's wardenclyffe tower is 1 mile from brookhaven.

john hutchinson replicated the steel dustification beam using a tesla coil and van degraaf generator. The steel also became highly elastic twisting itself same time it emanated extreme amounts of iron oxide dust. Looked like smoke.

funny, the tower was made of aluminum and steel.
Both in dust form is thermite.

makes ya proud the states produced the first Tesla death rays.
Hope it's being used now to protect the country rather than shooting down benevolent ufos and occassional buildings.

NP :cautious:
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New Member
Your right about the first bombings being a hologram....... But the explotions were a MANIFESTATION, that caused due to the people who saw the attack and were present on ground zero.

As for The second bombings, there were no planes AT ALL on ground zero.
There are no eye witnesses who saw the second plane coming.
Where they saw the second plane crash was on live television.
A cartoon plane or a CGI was added, which was broadcasted on live television.
It was animated in such a way, caused a real explotion to happen.
