Power cord question.


Active Member
In a power cord containing copper wire, the copper is a single wire the full length of the cord.
Is it possible for electricity to travel thru the cord if the copper inside the cord is cut and separated into sections, maybe an inch apart? Or does the cord no longer work if the copper is cut?
Will electricity flow between the sections of cut copper?
I was thinking if it can then maybe we could reduce the amount of copper in a power cord.


Temporal Engineer
No! It won't work. I have to throw out ear phones when that happens to them.


Active Member
Is there a material that can repel electricity? Insulators prohibit electric current. But is there a substance that can deflect electricity or cause electricity to “bounce” off.
I think I’m thinking of electricity flowing thru the air if that is possible. Or thru an enclosed space.


Temporal Engineer
some information on YouTube says that electricity flows around the outside of the conductor and not through it makes it bizarre to
It makes sense because electrons repel other electrons in the wire. I posted a while back about a guy the put an insulator at the center of a wire instead of the outside. The patent claimed the wire would super conduct when manufactured that way.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
I've made some modified Rochelle salt crystals and melted them down and filled copper pipe electrodes with them and they seem to be working in bizarre ways , as the crystals all had extraterrestrial images in them which is information. and when powerd from my frequency generators the charges at both electrodes is feelable and equal as it feels like its evened out so unlike parasite zapper hollow pipe electrodes these are very advanced by the way they work
