

Can you believe that the frence have a different word for everything? Isn't that amazing? I guess that is why they call it a 'foriegn language'

If you read as much as I have you tend to retain a fact or two.

Doesn't the tense Future Past Perfect drive you crazy? Leave it to the french to have something like 12 or 13 different tenses.

Originally posted by StarLord@Dec 9 2004, 12:48 AM
Can you believe that the frence have a different word for everything? Isn't that amazing? I guess that is why they call it a 'foriegn language'

If you read as much as I have you tend to retain a fact or two.

Doesn't the tense Future Past Perfect drive you crazy? Leave it to the french to have something like 12 or 13 different tenses.

The French are a tense people. ;)

You left your last post begging for that one. :D

'Sides that, I hate the French. Love the food, the language and the cars (I own a Renault Scenic), but the people... bleh! Did you know that the two fingered salute, not the V for victory, the one that you employ the other way around to say F*** **F is actually an English insult to the French. After Agincourt, the French cut off the two fore-fingers of any Englishman that they found, just in case they were Lonbowmen. Those Longbowmen who still had their Bow-fingers, stuck them up at French troops as an insult. The English and French are Chalk (White cliffs of Dover) and Cheese (Camembert) quite literally. :lol:

Heheh...yeah I do get a little confused sometimes, but people generally get what you're talking about!!!

Wow everyone here is just full of interesting little tidbits aren't they!!

I wish I had tidbits..... :(

? In the year 1999 and seven months
? From the sky will come the great King of Terror.
? He will bring back to life the King of the Mongols;
? Before and after war reigns.

However, Nostradamus is a highly accurate prophet, so let's give a little here...

I mean Nostradamus predictions of Napoleon and Hitler seemed to be right could what he is saying be true and do you think we will face this in our lifetime.. I hope not because most people would be gone :D'oh: and that would suck...

I don't mean to offend anyone, but I have been glancing over this "Prediction" forum, and have noticed a great deal of common misconceptions about Nostradamus's prophecies.

I have yet to become familiar with what is and is not considered spam on this particular board, so I apologize if this post would be deemed "spam". If it helps, I am in no way affiliated with this site, but I have found it to be a helpful basic resource for presenting Nostradamus in a more realistic light. It is not avidly for or against his validity as a prophet; it simply gives the facts, a luxury which is difficult to find when it comes to information on Nostradamus.

EDIT: Also, I didn't realize how outdated this topic was before posting. I'm also not familiar yet with the exact taboo level of reviving "dead" topics, so please forgive me if I've stepped over that line.

Welcome to the plantation Kalagast. I'm not on staff here, but you're not breaking any rules written or otherwise. There's no time limit on threads being inactive. I'm impressed with your manners and circumspect. A good number of new members jump in with guns 'a blazin', while others register and never post. I appreciate the link you provided.

