Predictions For 2015?


Junior Member
  1. Another more tragic false flag attack worse than 9/11. Maybe in Washington DC. Non-Islamic country blamed.
  2. Bergdahl labeled a traitor and hauled into court for High Treason.
  3. Amnesty for Illegal Aliens approved. Flight of Whites and Blacks alike to formerly sparsely populated states such as Alaska,Montana,and the Dakotas. Border states and metropolises fill up with fence hoppers.
  4. Renewed cries for secession. At least one state succeeds in leaving the union. Most likely Texas or California.
  5. Ukraine reconquered by Russia. Former territories being prodded to rejoin Russia too.
  6. Several nations including at least one powerhouse abandon the dollar as its reserve. Public may or may not be told about this though. Pay attention to how much your dollars buy you in the next 18 months.
  7. North Korea attempts to regain the "southern provinces". Keep in mind they don't recognize South Korea as a sovereign nation and won't be happy until they are one Korea again.
  8. Orwellian Police State complete. Must watch oneself at ALL times. Petty comments against the government no longer tolerated. See Something, Say Something will no longer be a catchy slogan,but mandatory.
  9. Tightening on gun owning laws.
  10. University students who accepted government loans will be shocked by new legislation reminiscent of Communist Cuba that obligates them to work as assigned for the rest pf their lives. For example if one wants to be a teacher the government has full authority to determine where and what subject one teaches.
  11. At least one trade embargo imposed on the US.
  12. Presidential candidates are Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton.(my money is on Clinton to win in 2016. The US is too socialist to vote in a Republican. )
  13. Obamacare does not flop,but increases government spending to train new health care professionals.
  14. Internal Passport System implemented.
  15. Stagnant Economy.
Feel free to add your own.​
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Junior Member
16. Patriotism all but illegal.
17. Electronic devices that watch YOU.
18. Government censored internet.
19. Wealth redistribution intensifies. Time to start choosing your profession by passion,because financial incentives will fast disappear.
20. Rationing as the US struggles to cope with the influx of new "citizens".

walt willis

Senior Member
Much of what may happen will depend on this Novembers election.
If the house and senate turn right Obama will fight with his pen and phone and use the media to bad mouth the right wing.
This may cause much more violence on the main streets of America that will lead to more anti-gun laws that will lead to more violence.
Civil unrest may start to pick up from the right directed towards black thugs playing the knock out game.
Then all hell could break lose if Obama tries to sign executive orders that further infringe article two of the bill of rights!
A treat followed by the overt act of aggression against the bill of rights may be the tipping point to another civil war...


Junior Member
21. Constitution and Bill of Rights(One Nation Under God) officially abandoned. Yes I know it's what America was found on,however in reality America has kicked God OUT of nearly every aspect of life. We serve a pagan leader now, Almighty King Dollar.

22. Increased violence the country over as tyranny and anarchy rise as more people try to take the law into their own hands feeling they have no real say in government(I'm not so sure most of the time myself).


Active Member
In terms of your 17. Most electronic devices such as laptops tablets and Smart TVs have cameras that can be remotely accessed via the internet. Windows Mac, and Ubuntu computers have this backdoor, also did you know that Smart TVs have the capability to send ads based on what you like/ what you are doing. Also beware of GPS.

Here's mine.
1. Around March, to create another false flag event to start WW3, Obama authorises a nuclear detonation in New York. Obama gains Emergency powers and effectively becomes a dictator. Now the official dictator Obama declares war on Russia in an attempt to install the New World Order.
2. A revolution against the Dictatorial governments begins.
3. Obama Detonates Nuclear weapons in Russia in an attempt to disrupt their communications and power grids, in response Putin declares war on the American government and launches nuclear strikes on American weapon bases.
4. The American Government is destroyed.
5. China declares war on nearby countries, including Australia.
6. Most of Europe declares war on Russia after the False Flag.
7. People in viewable range of the launch site of the H-Bomb will be assassinated.
8. Australia fends of the Chinese invasion, but most cities will be destroyed. Knowing that the US caused WW3, Australia has a sour relationship with America and because of what China did, Australia cuts ties to all countries in the region, leaving the US as either the sole trading partner, or one of a small number.
9. China uses Nuclear weapons on Australia. Perhaps one in the Blue Mountains.
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1. Around March, to create another false flag event to start WW3, Obama authorises a nuclear detonation in New York. Obama gains Emergency powers and effectively becomes a dictator. Now the official dictator Obama declares war on Russia in an attempt to install the New World Order.
I'm curious to know what would motivate Obama to detonate on nuke in New York. Did you see the Avengers? ;)


Temporal Engineer
1. Around March, to create another false flag event to start WW3, Obama authorises a nuclear detonation in New York. Obama gains Emergency powers and effectively becomes a dictator. Now the official dictator Obama declares war on Russia in an attempt to install the New World Order.
I'm curious to know what would motivate Obama to detonate on nuke in New York. Did you see the Avengers? ;)

Probably to wipe out an Alien infestation problem. But we'll never be told that kind of truth.


Junior Member
23. Demoralization and Destabilization of America complete by end of 2014. Next year begins Insurgency ie coup failed or sucessful or invasion.

24. China flexes it's muscles in the Pacific Ocean maybe getting into a notable skirmish with Japan or Vietnam.

25. Declassified archives reveal earthshattering information about past politicians that serve to chill America's relationships with so called allies. Particularly the number of former Nazis the US hid.

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walt willis

Senior Member
1. Around March, to create another false flag event to start WW3, Obama authorises a nuclear detonation in New York. Obama gains Emergency powers and effectively becomes a dictator. Now the official dictator Obama declares war on Russia in an attempt to install the New World Order.
I'm curious to know what would motivate Obama to detonate on nuke in New York. Did you see the Avengers? ;)

Please allow me to answer:

If you truly don't know how the world of politics works I'll try to explain...

For the incumbents to be re-elected they "MUST" have one or both things going in their favor:

1. A strong economy
2. A national crisis

Because we now have a very weak economy they must have a crisis.
Not just any crisis will do because the economy is extremely weak.
Sandy hook help push the anti-gun agenda, but failed to get enough democrats on board.
If they learned their lesson they will up the Anny with something much bigger.
How do you spell nuclear?
