Present "Predictions" to the past


Active Member
From time to time I have considered a time travel to the original One of the issues would be what "proof" would I bring with me of the future. Many have correctly dismissed such proof as being psychic abilities and not proof of time travel. I completely agree with that argument. Equally unavoidable such prophecy is what is nearly universally requested of anyone claiming to be a time traveler, regardless of their stated motive for posting messages. Yesterday I came across the following distractify news page. It reminded me of this forum and a possible prophecy of our timeline to be given to the past.

Distractify | These 75 Iconic Photos Will Define The 21st Century So Far. Everyone Needs To See This.

Somethings came to me on looking at it for this purpose.

It is somewhat Lochness monster like in its lack of specifics. Things are hinted to indirectly in the manner that upset so many people in regards to time traveler responses and triggers to consider them fake.

Another thing occurred to me. Some of this is really upsetting news to be telling a person from the past, and yet I am not really that hung up that it happened. I do find some embarrassment in my emotional reactions at the time. I felt upset during 911 and felt Bush was in his right on his hunt for Osama Bin Laden.

I am going to share some personal theories on time travel that you are welcome to accept or not. Time travel is the change from one now to a different now. We are doing it all the time. We move forward at one second per second because we agreed to on entry to third density awareness. There is a mechanism responsible for that travel that can even accomplish the "physical time travel" of classical meaning, going from one now to another now not part of the agreed sequence of nows held by third density perception.

The mechanism is presently generally referred to as law of attraction; whatever your mind is focusing on, or resisting, will attract circumstances related to the focus. If our focus is on a New World Order or resisting the American Federal Empire our experience will attract circumstances that follow the NWO motif and prophecy. We time travel to what are conscious is spending awareness on. If we focus attention on messages from our animal brothers, reconnecting with plants, minerals, weather and nature, being authentic with ourselves and at peace with our feelings; we time travel into that motif and prophecy. I don't see the NWO motif and WWIII as the same timeline in which we connect with the extraterrestrial/interdimensional collective. I see one permeated with a general sense of fear and otherness and the other allowing a sense of love, connection, and play. I think the work of nonviolent communication and restorative justice and help to foster the love motif. In the end I don't see it really as binary and much of it is up to us and our creativity, as it should be.

I see the pictures I linked to suggesting both the fear and aspects of love and whimsy. As time always has been, we chose what to do in the time and role we find ourself in. I don't consider it a wise idea to seek to avoid our death. I think far too much energy and complications of getting hung up on abstract principles go into that. That dynamic is often called acting from the ego. I consider it equally wasteful to seek death or its rewards. I think what should be focused on is the here and now. What we are doing. Who we are. By being present in the now the unseen begins to be seen, previously ignored because of the energy spent in identity. Also the eternal and infinite behind all of it gets felt and adds to a sense of peace. The idea of being powerless and a victim are released to a realization that you work in concert with your higher self. That when the ego works in the synchronicities and intuitions of acting in concert with their calling, no higher dimensional being or ascended master knows more or can do more in that person's awareness than the person working with their higher self.

If the words I have chosen do not hold meaning I am willing to communicate more to clarify. In the end though these are just my ideas right now. I wish to assure each and everyone else, who they are and how they see things is exactly who they should and need to be.


Active Member
So... umm... Time only exists because we agreed it would? Gee, and all this time I thought physics had something to do with it. :)


Basically, that would mean you and I can choose our future, depending what we decide to focus on. If we focus on negative thoughts and negative energies, we might end up in a bad timeline. On the other hand, if we are able to focus on good things, positive energies and such we might be able to cause a subtle timeline shift for ourselves and move forward to a better future with no WW3 for instance.

That's how and understand your theory. I think I heard several versions of it over time and I believe it makes some sense. As everything starts with a thought, we are the ones who can make a difference for ourselves, right?

By the way, welcome back Phoenix! I'm glad you made it back! :)


Active Member
Basically, that would mean you and I can choose our future, depending what we decide to focus on. If we focus on negative thoughts and negative energies, we might end up in a bad timeline. On the other hand, if we are able to focus on good things, positive energies and such we might be able to cause a subtle timeline shift for ourselves and move forward to a better future with no WW3 for instance.

That's how and understand your theory. I think I heard several versions of it over time and I believe it makes some sense. As everything starts with a thought, we are the ones who can make a difference for ourselves, right?

By the way, welcome back Phoenix! I'm glad you made it back! :)
Yes Num, your feedback demonstrates an understanding and a hesitation. Where you state "might" I would choose "likely". Your hesitation is also apparent from the frame "believe it makes some sense". However your hesitation is absolutely fine.

Anyone wishing to see a practical demonstration of the principle can have the 11:11 experience. If your mind focuses on it, you start to see it more and more. It gives one a good intuitive feel how the principle works.

Thank you for the welcome.

As for the initial comment on physics, within the context, of coarse time has to do with physics. As much as Frodo returning the one ring to Mount Doom has to do with preventing the dominion of Sauron. Then again I would be amused to have someone try and explain to me how by using physics alone an event like WWIII can be prevented.

As for the "poor lost soul" comment, a person is certainly not lost relying on physics within the context of third density perspective. Unless one gets into the finer details of modern physics, then I wouldn't blame them for feeling lost.

But lastly I do need thank those comments for surfacing social anxieties I still cling to in myself.


You are right, I'm not completely sure that's the way things work, but I'm absolutely open to the possibility.

Like I said, I like to think that everything starts with a though. Positive thinking, optimism and such. Those things have a point and will definitely make your life easier if you are able to become aware that they do make a difference. Although I have to admit that I never pushed my thinking far enough to reach such things as timeline shifts.

I wasn't aware that the 11:11 experiences have something to do with it, which is very interesting. They can perhaps be seen as some sort of guide to whether or not you are heading in the right direction, what do you think?


Active Member
You are right, I'm not completely sure that's the way things work, but I'm absolutely open to the possibility.

Like I said, I like to think that everything starts with a though. Positive thinking, optimism and such. Those things have a point and will definitely make your life easier if you are able to become aware that they do make a difference. Although I have to admit that I never pushed my thinking far enough to reach such things as timeline shifts.

I wasn't aware that the 11:11 experiences have something to do with it, which is very interesting. They can perhaps be seen as some sort of guide to whether or not you are heading in the right direction, what do you think?
"I never pushed my thinking far enough to reach such things as timeline shifts."

I think I may have but they only manifested as breaks in time line in my high school years. I was thinking a great amount about time travel, a desire to time travel, and the possibility of other dimensions beyond what is visible. The break was somewhat prosaic. A difference of order between me and my friend of who played two commodore 64 video games; Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders and AR: The City. In the former timeline my friend introduced me to the games, in this time line I asked him for assistance in them and it was the first he saw them.

There are others from the who used a mental focus method of time travel. They perceived the experience as running their body through a fine mesh. I had no such experience and cannot tell where the break in timeline occurred other than there was one. I came to the time travel forum in the early 2000's hoping to discover how and what happened to me. At the time we called them time slips and other members of the board admitted to having them.

The 11:11 experience I consider equivalent to a hello world program. Not very useful on its own but it does get your an introductory feel that you can work off from.

The idea that this use of focus or "vibration of consciousness" can be used to travel in space and time I derive from the channeled messages of Bashar by channel medium Darryl Anka.
