Prior skeptic with new view


New Member
I wouldn't have posted here a year ago, but since my recent research on UFO's, particularly pertaining to the so-called 'Foo Fighters' (not to be confused with the rock band), and reading a few books by some people who are more spiritually minded that I, I have changed my attitude of skepticism to one of plausibility regarding most paranormal activity surrounding phenomena that could be considered metaphysical.

So, being still somewhat outside the community of those who would consider themselves 'true believers' in the existence of the paranormal, I wanted to hear each of your views on this theory that I have run across regarding UFO's. This is a theory which, while I at first held it myself as an initial intuitive feeling, I've found is supported quite substantially by a lot of others, including writers (my favorite of which happens to be Hieromonk Seraphim Rose of Platina, CA, a Russian Orthodox convert from secular atheism).

The theory is that UFO's are merely a way in which demons have chosen to manifest themselves to people in technologically advanced societies that are open to the suggestion of extraterrestrial visitation. I began to think this at first because of the description of alien figures made by people who claim to have seen aliens. The descriptions are varied, but the variations are all similar to the variations of demonic sightings as well. The description of a dark, man-shaped figure, sometimes manifesting wings (not always), often thin are all common also to descriptions of demons. Additionally, I've read reports of alien encounters which also mention a smell of sulfur, and other accounts mention electrical disturbances and the observer experiencing an altered emotional state. These things are also common to accounts of demonic activity.

Since demons are known to be an intelligent force which is, more often than not, intentionally deceptive, I hold that this theory is not far fetched at all, but may have some truth to it.

Your opinions/thoughts?
First I'd like to say: I'm not Christian or Jewish, I'm one of the other groups. I tend to believe about 30% of what you have stated and you stated it quite well. Many of the sightings spoke about in the Christian and Jewish books. I believe a combination of UFO sightings like: “Ezekiel saw a wheel within a wheel” and “Jonah was swallowed by a whale”. Could this have been a UFO under water. Jonas time he probably would've explained it as a whale. I also believe many accounts of the demons and devils were probably UFO and ET sightings.

Now here's where I differ with you. Foo fighters spoke of for hundreds of years in the four corners area of the United States. The four corners are
Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. Back in the 1880s Teddy Roosevelt was in that general area on horseback and saw many foo fighters as the Indians called the sightings of fast flying shiny objects in the sky. Please check out Dulce, New Mexico it's on the Indian reservation. Phil Schneider shot and killed a 7 foot gray in an underground area in Dulce, New Mexico. There were also foo fighters craft found there. At the end of the firefight 44 aliens dead and 66 Delta force dead. The aliens were not demons and devils; they had been in the underground area for about 800 to 1000 years. The aliens were real flesh and blood extraterrestrials.

I also believe there are inter-dimensional demons they can manifest themselves which is what you're speaking of in the above posting. Many of the UFOs are from outside our solar systems and these are flesh and blood extraterrestrials. Please do not write them off as demons and horrible deformed creatures just because they don't look like you or I.

According to a source within the government of the US, England, Russia, and other countries, there has been about 160 different species visiting this planet. I believe some of these would fit your description of demonic demons and others could very well be our loss brothers and sisters.

First I'd like to say: I'm not Christian or Jewish, I'm one of the other groups. I tend to believe about 30% of what you have stated and you stated it quite well. Many of the sightings spoke about in the Christian and Jewish books. I believe a combination of UFO sightings like: “Ezekiel saw a wheel within a wheel” and “Jonah was swallowed by a whale”. Could this have been a UFO under water. Jonas time he probably would've explained it as a whale. I also believe many accounts of the demons and devils were probably UFO and ET sightings.

Now here's where I differ with you. Foo fighters spoke of for hundreds of years in the four corners area of the United States. The four corners are
Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. Back in the 1880s Teddy Roosevelt was in that general area on horseback and saw many foo fighters as the Indians called the sightings of fast flying shiny objects in the sky. Please check out Dulce, New Mexico it's on the Indian reservation. Phil Schneider shot and killed a 7 foot gray in an underground area in Dulce, New Mexico. There were also foo fighters craft found there. At the end of the firefight 44 aliens dead and 66 Delta force dead. The aliens were not demons and devils; they had been in the underground area for about 800 to 1000 years. The aliens were real flesh and blood extraterrestrials.

I also believe there are inter-dimensional demons they can manifest themselves which is what you're speaking of in the above posting. Many of the UFOs are from outside our solar systems and these are flesh and blood extraterrestrials. Please do not write them off as demons and horrible deformed creatures just because they don't look like you or I.

According to a source within the government of the US, England, Russia, and other countries, there has been about 160 different species visiting this planet. I believe some of these would fit your description of demonic demons and others could very well be our loss brothers and sisters.

This sounds like a better balanced view than what I held. Things are seldom as black and white as I made it out to be in my OP. I do have a bias towards my religious beliefs, but, well, we all have biases and that's the point of sharing our ideas and experiences with each other to arrive at something closer to the truth.

I'm not sure yet that I'm ready to take the leap and believe in the existence of extraterrestrial beings (though that may change someday), but there may be another explanation that applies to some UFO and extraterrestrial sightings that has a physical element to it, such as an actual physical entity or being of some kind that we can't quite explain the existence of at this moment.

:)I was not a believer,based on the fact that I had never seen anything that couldn't be explained as UFO(s). There was/were always a "more" reasonable explanation and I simply wasn't interested. That was until an uncled on my father's side who was a "lifer" in the USAF, at Wright-Patterson AFB, and the best I could recall was involved in what was labeled, I think, "Operation Blue Book" by the USAF. Based on what I can recall, note the word recall, when we had family reunions, the uncles to me, actually more correctly designated as 5 borthers who served in various branches of the military and planned to make it a lifetime commitment, would sit around and talk about this and that but grew silent when I walked up and tried to interact with all, or some, on various topics. The two USAF "uncles", who were raank at least a major and I can't recall the others ranks but he was sorta a "screw-ball" and was probably a "non-com" officer. The only thing I can take away from those week long family get togethers was an all pervasive silence related to when the topic of UFOs came up. I later got a copy of "Operation Blue Book", seemed like USAF propaganda but after seeing some "odd" events in Florida, I became a "firm believer", still am, aand nothing, short of an act of God is going to make me change my mind, no, I am not open-minded on the topic.:cautious:
Welcome josiah. I always glad to hear different perspectives. My view on "Demons" is that they are non-physical, malevolent entities. For me, this would rule out any physical UFOs or ETs. I do feel that some UFO phenomenon do fall into the non-physical category though. Still, I do not believe that they are of a demonistic nature. Some UFOs are extraterrestrial and some are from parallel realities. But, as with you, these are only my opinions and not "facts".

opmmur, thanks for the lead on Dulce. I'm just starting to look into it, but so far, it is pretty interesting. The following link is a good place to start. It has 34 chapters, each on a different Dulce topic.

Graveyard Hound, Skeptics are those who have not had the experiences to make them believers. I enjoyed hearing about your past experiences in these areas. As for Florida, seeing is believing, eh?
Thanks for sharing Josiah, and welcome to the fold of searching for truth. The UFO subject and ET's is a vast subject, once you really open up to the research you find this is such a bigger deal than "what crashed near Roswell in 47'" and "is the government covering up the truth?" Once you start asking around, and people feel comfortable sharing their experiences, you begin to find that there is an enormous number of people who have had experiences, seen things they can't explain away, tons of people who neither report their sightings or discuss them until they feel comfortable. Many that I've spoken to try to originally upon having the sighting attempt to rationalize them away, with what they know are ridiculous theories, that make them feel a little more safe and secure, since what they experienced is so unknown to them.

The volume of sightings year after year is astonishing, and one thing to keep in mind, that is still a small percentage of the actual sightings, most go unreported. So, keep that in mind when you begin to look at or NufoRC or any UFO sighting data base. I personally know of 5 people that I'm friends with, that aren't into UFO's and researching them, that have had sightings of craft within 1000 feet of them (some within 100 feet), they cannot deny what they experienced, they were looking for answers from me. These were all sightings that took place just in the last few months, in the midwest of the US. All live within 40 miles of me. Only 1 filed a report with Mufon, and it took me staying on them to get them to actually do it. And she had 2 seperate sightings within a month and a half, and never reported the first sighting, and she and 2 family members were within about 300 feet she said, of a large rectangular craft. Which she could describe in detail, and sketched an amazing picture of. Yet, she still wouldn't report it.

My own step son, along with 6 other kids (17 year olds) spotted a craft near their school, in the middle of the afternoon, watched it for 45 seconds to a minute, then he and one of the original 6 that saw it the first time, saw it again 2 weeks later, in the same area, seemed to be the same craft, moving in nearly the same area it was the first time. I begged him to type up a report to turn into Mufon, but he hasn't. These aren't "misidentifications" as many skeptics want to believe that most of these sightings are. These are real people, seeing very real craft, close up, but just don't turn in a report. And these are people who know me, and I attempted like crazy to get them to file a report, and yet they still didn't.

So, then imagine how many people out there are experiencing something, and either have no idea where to report it, don't know that you can or should report these things, and most of all, are just too scared and worried about what people will think about them if they do. So, they choose not to.

One of my friends that I talked into reporting one of her sightings, likely only did because there were numerous people that saw the same thing she did. So I think she felt safer for some reason to report it. 6 other family members of hers saw what she saw, and numerous other cars on the road pulled over and were pointing at it. This was over a major city. Likely hundreds if not thousands of people viewed this, and it was not conventional craft. It was making sudden movements from one spot to another, multiple times. Before I knew about her sighting, I had my own sighting about 30 hours later, about 15 to 20 miles north of hers. I saw a white blimp shaped object, fairly large (100 feet or more long) for about 6 to 8 seconds, and then it was gone, gone from the sky, no where to be found, just disappeared. There is no doubt what I saw. When I told her about what I saw, she was blown away, and told me about her sighting 2 days before, and it sounded just like what I saw, and others who reported from her UFO sighting, reported very similar stuff to mine. Even though her sighting was over a major city of millions of people, there weren't hundreds of reports filed, even though it is extremely likely that hundreds if not thousands saw this object.

Sure there are some misidentifications, there are a few hoaxes, but in reality, there are thousands of sightings each year reported, and many, many more that go unreported (I promise you). The shear volume of this phenomena is incredible. UFO's and other beings have been around Earth for much longer than our current human form has been. This isn't a phenomena that began around 1947, or kicked off with "Foo Fighters" in WW2, it has been ongoing for thousands of years. Beyond sightings, there are thousands that have experienced contact in numerous ways.

The truth has been kept from us far, far too long. And the reasons behind that go so deep, if we knew a fraction of them, it would be almost impossible to comprehend.

Good luck in your search for truth, nice to see people waking up to this reality. And if this was all about physical beings coming here simply from some other planet in our a neighboring part of our galaxy, it would be much easier to comprehend or get close to the truth. The "can't get here from there" arguments are hilarious. Like we know everything there is to know about what is possible, and the technology that other civilizations have. We can't put a cap on the true possibilities from our limited knowledge of the universe and physics. There are no limits, only limited minds. This shows all throughout our history of our own evolution of science. Just over 100 years ago, we couldn't fly, now look at our advance in 100 years time. Now imagine a civilization thousands or millions of years in advance to our tech. It would and does look like magic to us, simply because it is advanced to our own reality. And what we "think" is possible and impossible. There are hundreds of billions of stars just in our 1 galaxy, and there are billions of galaxies, just in the "known" universe. Yet people still want to think we are alone, we are the only ones, and that even if there are others, they can't get here from there. Hilarious, time to wake up people.
I have to admit that I haven't been here in a while, but after reading these posts, I am intrigued. Not sure why I came back today. I do know that the government doesn't tell us everything - I saw a huge object fall from the sky in a ball of fire in 2009 or there-about that as far as I read in the media reports, was misidentified and then never sufficiently explained. I was in MD, but apparently the event happened over VA and people in several states saw it.

I'm not calling that a proper extraterrestrial witnessing, just something unidentified that the government never fessed up to (or did and I just didn't find the right article). But the point here is, there are secrets.

As for extraterrestrials, I have never personally seen anything that would cause me to suspect they exist, but the stories I hear from others can be compelling at times. More compelling is the statements that leak out from within the world's governments. If ETs really to exist, I suspect it could throw a wrench in the whole Judeo-Christian idea that man is the center of creation and his sin corrupted the universe and caused it to start deteriorating. Based on what I have seen myself in the religious realm, though, I am not really willing to throw in the towel on Christianity holding the most genuine and fundamental truths. I have seen and touched more than one weeping icon and know several healed of such things as cancer and epilepsy. I also have two friends who witnessed a (still living) Greek Orthodox Elder travel from Arizona to New York State in less than 5 minutes (they both talked to him within minutes of talking on the phone with each other). As for myself, I guess I am not pure enough to see angels, though I know people who have seen Saints (deceased), but I do have my own very real personal experiences with demons ("dreams", my roommate has seen them around my bed on more than one instance, and just generally being more 'aware' of my thoughts - no doubt in my mind they don't all come from me), and some more difficult to explain experiences of God that I won't even try to type out, but generally I recognize those times by peace and contentment, and clarity/mental sharpness, and sometimes a sort of warm energy - all of it always banishing anything cold and demonic when it comes, yet it also makes me acutely aware of my imperfections with a desire to be forgiven and to forgive. It sort of sounds like the textbook Biblical description of an experience with the Holy Spirit, but, well, it describes my experience, so why change it just to avoid being cliche? I can't really beat the description that is already there.

Anyway, since I can't share on ETs, I figured I would share on something I could that comes from my own experience. I had no idea there was any documentation around an actual physical contact encounter with an ET. My skepticism on figures and lights in the sky remains to a degree, as there are such phenomena such as ball lightening and what not that can come close to explaining some of the less visually detailed accounts of ET craft, though I am open to the possibility that there are genuine sightings of strange physical craft out there. On the other hand, what are the possibilities? These craft and creatures (for lack of a better, more dignified word) could be anything - including, simply, time-travelling humans. It may be more far fetched than ETs, but the point I mean to make is that I haven't seen a report yet that points exclusively to ET. The reports are, still, very mysterious and intriguing, and I am keeping an open mind regarding it.

** Edit: I just read some parts of the DULCE book. I recognize some of the stuff in it from various science fiction pieces I am aware of, so I find myself unable to distinguish fact from fiction in it, at present. As with everything, there is probably a grain of truth in it, but truth is best hidden in a mixture of truth and fiction. I may be a strange egg on here - willing to listen, but not necessarily willing to take anything at face value, more often settling for 'I don't know' than any other response. I hope that doesn't turn anyone off. **
I have argueed the Aliens are Demons theory with a few here "SAM lol" and i do not agree with it at all, i have seen the likes of a Possession and i have personal "kinda personal" interaction with Possible ET's and the first thing i can tell you is there is a much different Aura among the 2.

When i was a witness to a possession back in my Ghost Hunting days i can tell you that you KNEW the demon was there the coldness and overall fear in the room was very very prominent, i have never felt so uneasy my whole life.

Compared to the ET trait where the only real Fear is the Initial fear of " o hey looky here there are 2 little people magically in my room" The whole "probing" and sexual assault theory's i am 50/50 on but i can tell you there is a day and night difference, you can tell good from evil and through my experiences and study's with ET i have never once felt as if my soul or life was in danger. The Evilness of ET's is only perpetuated by Hollywood such as the new movie Dark Skies, completely false in most of the movies accusation but it only goes to help the fear of "Aliens are evil"
