Put your money where your Non-Religion is...


Senior Member
I noticed that anyone who takes part in this challenge brings 10K to the table and if they loose they are out some pocket change. This should be interesting to follow, if it is possible to follow. Both believers and non-believers will have to have a lot of faith.


Senior Member
Wow really? there is no proof that earth is only 6,800 years old.......
This is a no win situation, no matter the evidence and proof you bring to the table he will dismiss it, to drop 10k on a argument with a guy who apprently doesn't believe Dinosaurs were real is just silly.


Active Member
Yeah and if you read the end, he says that he already knows that there is no scientific proof to prove otherwise. So it's lose lose. And I'm sure he's going to be the judge and jury.. so it's really just a propaganda stunt. Which is working. It's a neat story to read. Really fires people up.


Senior Member
Lol very true, and people will try it so he is going to make allot of money, assuming there is someone out there who is prepared for a situation such as this and ready to bring him down, but your right his mind is made up and no matter of evidence will change his mind, short of jesus coming down and slapping him in the back of the head.


Active Member
I was really disappointed at this. I was really hoping that it would be on the level and we'd see some very intelligent talks on some levels above what us "peons" do.. You know, maybe like matches. The Pope Vs BT.. or Muhammed Vs JD. Something like that. Sign up, show your credentials and get ready for the chance at 10K to debate something on a large forum level. But it appears its nothing more than a parlor trick. Oh well.


Senior Member
I was really disappointed at this. I was really hoping that it would be on the level and we'd see some very intelligent talks on some levels above what us "peons" do.. You know, maybe like matches. The Pope Vs BT.. or Muhammed Vs JD. Something like that. Sign up, show your credentials and get ready for the chance at 10K to debate something on a large forum level. But it appears its nothing more than a parlor trick. Oh well.
That's right JD...You and Blast bring your 10K to the table and let us know how it went. Maybe it would be safer if you talked him into letting me hold onto the cash while you debate, but I don't know about that being safer, as I am a little short of cash, so that might not be a smart idea either.

T.A. Walters

Junior Member
It's a loaded bet. That is if you don't read the bible, so how would you know other than to believe crackpots like me to tell you that there is no mention in Genesis that in the 'Beginning that the supreme being actually created earth or the world for that matter. He created light, then seas, then birds, then animals that crept over the dry land and then man and he placed them all on this planet that we call earth. How long earth was around before this account of creation, is anyone's guess, but it seemed like a handy place (earth) that was readily available at the time ... just kill off the dinosaurs that would eat all that you created and "Sha-zaam!" Enter Creation! Which by the way, is accurate when you account for the fossil evidence that predates Creation by millenniums ... what you say?


Active Member
Sounds plausible. I guess I was just really hoping when I saw the original title of the news story that this would be a true blue neutral debate with neutral judges and all that. Guess we'll have to wait another 2000 years to see that.
