Questions for hell believers.



Did she do magic or spells or something to make that stuff happen? Was she doing rituals constantly? I'm just naturally curious and want as much information as possible despite if I don't believe 100% of it.


Senior Member
I know a few witches and that stuff doesn't occur, you mean just black witchcraft?

All witchcraft. It's not necessarily going to obviously impact the person engaging in it. But if you consider the kinds of women who are into this, you are talking about total dumpster fires. Multiple marriages. Kids without their fathers. Abortions. Demons are quite active in their lives even if they don't want to believe it.

It doesn't work the way they think it does. When you do shit like that, you place yourself outside God's protection. Demons are given more leeway to really mess with you and your family. A demon might carry out their wishes as advertised in the silly spell they cast from some book they picked up at Barnes and Noble, but then that demon claims ownership of them at judgment.

Do not engage in spells, witchcraft, sorcery, tarot cards, and especially not ouija boards. I think something always happens whether you are aware of it or not. Hard pass, dude. It's bloody awful.


Senior Member
If you want an example of how insidious it can be, those witches that placed some kind of curse on Donald Trump claimed to be the "good" kind. They invited the public to come witness their rite. Except you had to make a donation to watch. The donation was to Planned Parenthood. So to participate in the ritual you are making a blood sacrifice of a baby. They are so mindfucked that they don't see it for it what it is.


Junior Member
There can't be darkness without light.

Hell is a place were you as humans put yourself.
The sins ppl do put them there. Yes I being hell.
Hell us run by the 1/3 of fallen Angel's that turned against God.
Morning star the true name of
What religions call him
Satan,,devil,, Lucifer,, Diablo

Gnostic Christian

Active Member
Of cause there is hell just as there is heaven

1. Why do you believe in this particular idea?

simple logic - you cant have one sided coin

2. Do you believe it is eternal or temporary?

I believe its eternal since you already living your temporary life on this earth

3. Have you had personal experiences that led you to believe in this?

No but life is short , either you enjoy this short life or you work for the next one. what I meant is you get to live 100 plus yrs if you are lucky vs infinity so which one do you choose.

What are your thoughts on this?



I believe in worse hells than this life would hold. Poverty, Thanatos(hell), ghost life, even reincarnation is hell than this life itself. I also believe in heaven, a nirvana for weary souls. As a Spiritual person, you have to prove you are worthy to get to heaven. Otherwise, who wants to be a ghost in hell for eternity?

Gnostic Christian

Active Member
I believe in worse hells than this life would hold. Poverty, Thanatos(hell), ghost life, even reincarnation is hell than this life itself. I also believe in heaven, a nirvana for weary souls. As a Spiritual person, you have to prove you are worthy to get to heaven. Otherwise, who wants to be a ghost in hell for eternity?

How do you know this as a fact?

Are you going by faith without facts?

