Recent Down Times


Like Cosmo said, it's very likely some kid in his basement. There's no real way to know where it's coming from, sadly.

I don't think it's the government or the FBI though.

Glad things are fixed and stable now.


This door is now closed.
I'm a web developer and we see this kind of thing with our clients all the time. More often than not, it's not some guy in a basement trying to mess with Num.

These kinds of attacks are usually penetration testing, trying to find weaknesses in the software or server so they can inject malicious code into the site. This isn't done by a person, but a botnet or an automated script that's programmed to hit a ton of sites to find a weakness.

Look at the footer of this site - Do you see where it says "Forum Powered by xenForo"? That's all it takes to get on someone's hacking list. If you know the software a site uses, and you know older versions of that software have security vulnerabilities, it's as simple as Googling for that "powered by" message and targeting whatever sites show up.

Could it be some asshole at the Pentagon trying to take this place down? ...Sure. Why not. I doubt it though.

I told Num7 that I would not be returning here to post any longer, but the above post by Cosmo got me to thinking that I owe someone an apology. Before I get to that, however, there are a few questions I have:

If Cosmo's statement is true, and I'm sure that it is, then it would seem that others here knew this as well. If they know that I'm not responsible for what happened, then why was I singled out by Num7, Mayhem, and Forever Conscious (a.k.a. Meditation Sync, a.k.a. Mr. Capslock) as the culprit? Why did Mayhem say that it was because I wanted to get rid of the Discord server, when it was the forum - not the server - that was temporarily down? And why did Num7 - who was also leaning towards getting rid of Discord - suddenly do an about-face on the issue? Why is it that he was blaming me for the problems a few days ago on Discord, yet now posts, on the forum, that "he doesn't know" who did it?

Lots of questions, but no answers - and no apology from those who have wrongfully accused me. Until I receive that apology - not only from Num7, but from each and every person who maligned my character with baseless accusations and defamatory comments, I will not be returning to this site.

Now for my apology. I want to apologize to Night Vision for accusing her of what I have been (and continue to be) accused of. She was probably as innocent of this mess as I was, and did not deserve to be accused of something that she obviously did not do. I am deeply and sincerely sorry for accusing you, Night Vision, and I hope that you will forgive my rash and foolish pre-judgement.

(See, folks? That's how you do that. Give it a try sometime.)

Lastly, since I doubt that any apology to me will be forthcoming, I'll say goodbye now - especially to TimeFlipper, Harte, titorite, Kairos, Einstein, Peaceseeker, and the handful of others whose posts I have enjoyed reading, agreeing with, and especially arguing with. You are good folks.
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Senior Member
Like Cosmo said, it's very likely some kid in his basement. There's no real way to know where it's coming from, sadly.

I don't think it's the government or the FBI though.

Glad things are fixed and stable now.

Ok , ok . I dont think thats what cosmo said , double.check ... but he pointed out the very valid third option as i read his post.... which was money.

Big ole auto bot nets probing for weakness to see if bad script can be installed to exploit data and systems for a dollar.

That explanation actually makes the most sense to me in terms of events , target, reasoning , ease of programming....

I still want that magical computer wand waved cosmo. Or barring that directions to a good forum that focuses on optimization. Just point me in the general direction. Ill stumble there.
Two words....Good riddance....I may leave an apology in my will for you but more than likely i'll just troll you for some afterlife laughs at this point, because that's all you are...a big finger lickin' toxic troll.

You have got to be one of the biggest pains in the a$$ I've come across on an internet forum to date (well maybe second) & trust me that is saying a lot! Take it as a badge honor at this point because that's pretty much all you deserve.

You started this entire thing from its inception and now YOU expect apologies from others? That is rich, RICH!

(Btw like my caps? They are the coolest and you know it)

I full expect zero point zero people to come to your defense after your most recent chain of antics.

I'm usually pretty kind to people but two faced slime like you have to be put in place once and a while. So sit back and enjoy....

Here is your super secret playbook exposed:
You've been doing this crap for over a year now with trolling, complaining, moaning, changing names, trolling, moaning, leaving (apparently), trolling, changing names again, moaning some more, coming back (apparently), & trolling some more for good measure....Rinse and Repeat the playbook until your baba is ready and someone pays attention to you.

Don't you ever get tired and want to find meaning in your life? I seriously hope you find happiness but fear you will be stuck in a moaning troll vortex for at least this lifetime if you continue down this road.

Maybe you should be the one doing the apology tour? I'm of course not holding my breathe, but that might be a good start, otherwise as I said good riddance grand master troll.

Send me your information so I can leave you in my will.

Hugs & Kisses
Yours Truly,

(Mods/Num feel free to delete this if you want but I'm not holding my breathe on this troll anymore - plus he is the one who decided to go the distance by even involving me and others in this thread)


Senior Member

what do i need to do? Defrag more often? Set some win10 setting to zero? Pray to pagan computer gods? How do i get better performance outta my beast. Wave your magical computer wand at me that i might have decent steam gaming again.
Start by turning your computer off, carefully unplugging all cables and cords, then throwing it out the fucking window.


Senior Member
I'm a web developer and we see this kind of thing with our clients all the time. More often than not, it's not some guy in a basement trying to mess with Num.

These kinds of attacks are usually penetration testing, trying to find weaknesses in the software or server so they can inject malicious code into the site. This isn't done by a person, but a botnet or an automated script that's programmed to hit a ton of sites to find a weakness.

Look at the footer of this site - Do you see where it says "Forum Powered by xenForo"? That's all it takes to get on someone's hacking list. If you know the software a site uses, and you know older versions of that software have security vulnerabilities, it's as simple as Googling for that "powered by" message and targeting whatever sites show up.

Could it be some asshole at the Pentagon trying to take this place down? ...Sure. Why not. I doubt it though.

Thankfully you were around to help out Num7 and members :)..


Senior Member
Start by turning your computer off, carefully unplugging all cables and cords, then throwing it out the fucking window.
I was thinking that might be the correct solution. The fuckers at frys electronics didnt even provide me with a win10 install disk. I woulda told them off but it was my sister buying the shit for me as an apology for something else she did.

Meh, time to pour some red bull on the beast and test out its wings.
