Media Ren poses as John Titor on Jimmy Church Radio

Sanyam Deshi

Junior Member
Okay, then let me reword my point. Regardless of all of the other duties you have been assigned, your presence on social media has been less than productive. Also, your "proof" is an easily fabricated picture. Please inform your military head to reassign a more gracious person to the social duties.

I know you are not accusing me of fabricating a U.S. Army Honorable Discharge certificate. It is a crime to do such a thing and I would risk incarceration for posting it. So no, it is not fabricated.

It is not just for you to judge my progress. It is for the public to judge. And the jury is still out on that.
I believe that such a possibility remains on the table. You are just as likely as getting in trouble for posting such a picture as are the thousands of people who illegally download things on a daily basis. If it is real, I don't see how it has any relevance to what we are talking about. Please
I might not represent the entire public, but I sure as heck am a part of it. I have not at any point denied others to the right to stating their opinions, but I am simply pointing out the seemingly uselessness of what you have said thus far.



It doesn't seem as if Ren did much harm with his radio interview, and I suspect he may have an honest but ulterior motive.

However, you make a very valid, relevant and commendable point in the spirit of truth.

Sanyam Deshi

Junior Member
As we have seen, he says "I get satisfaction out of convincing you of the impossible." If we look closer, his own referral to supernatural ideas as "the impossible" seems to show that he doesn't even believe in this stuff himself. To me, this seems like satisfaction in a more malicious context than that of a more playful context. Is his own satisfaction really an excuse to spread lies and deceit to as many people as he can? To me, there are two possibilities for why he is doing this. The first possibility is that he is telling the truth of getting his satisfaction in a long-term trolling sort of way, as there are many people willing to buy into the trash that he spews out. The second possibility is that he is just trying to gain influence and popularity within these supernatural communities to spread his own personal agenda. For example, one of the "future predictions" he makes is that a connection between Christianity and Greek mythology is made. This seems to suggest that Ren himself is atheist and wishes to convince others to become one, as well. I respect everyone for beliefs, but trying to convert people with lies is a dirty move. Ren: If this fake time travel stuff is so important to you, and you want to prove that you aren't trying to troll people, then include a disclaimer in your signature that clearly states that you are not a supernatural being and that any time that you claim that you are is just for play. If I was a real time traveler, I wouldn't waste my breath trying to debunk your claims.


As we have seen, he says "I get satisfaction out of convincing you of the impossible." If we look closer, his own referral to supernatural ideas as "the impossible" seems to show that he doesn't even believe in this stuff himself.

Then he's not delusional.

For example, one of the "future predictions" he makes is that a connection between Christianity and Greek mythology is made. This seems to suggest that Ren himself is atheist and wishes to convince others to become one, as well.

He's not atheist. Not being Christian doesn't make you an atheist. Besides, is he on trial for his beliefs?
I thought this was about the phone call. There are people studying Christianity and I actually found out today that Jesus' real name may be Josephus and his geneology may be traced to Cleopatra and Egypt. I've never heard that before, but someone is studying it so it's not like they're pulling it out of their ass. I'm still on the fence, but so far it's interesting stuff. Anyway, I guess I should technically make a new thread out of this paragraph, but please do not hang a man because he doesn't share your beliefs. Thank you.

I respect everyone for beliefs, but trying to convert people with lies is a dirty move.

Nah. I don't think he's trying to convert. He's spreading what he knows and believes in like other people do. Trying to make people aware. Freedom of speech thing, ya know?

Ren: If this fake time travel stuff is so important to you, and you want to prove that you aren't trying to troll people, then include a disclaimer in your signature that clearly states that you are not a supernatural being and that any time that you claim that you are is just for play. If I was a real time traveler, I wouldn't waste my breath trying to debunk your claims.

His signature says "I'm not John Titor, just John Thomas."

Sanyam Deshi

Junior Member
You're completely twisting my words to let your counterarguments work.
As we have seen, he says "I get satisfaction out of convincing you of the impossible." If we look closer, his own referral to supernatural ideas as "the impossible" seems to show that he doesn't even believe in this stuff himself.

Then he's not delusional.
The first problem that you have made is that you assume that I share the opinions with the others in this conversation. Unless I'm being forgetful, I have not called him delusional at any point in this conversation. Others may have implied this, but I do not necessarily agree with this notion.

For example, one of the "future predictions" he makes is that a connection between Christianity and Greek mythology is made. This seems to suggest that Ren himself is atheist and wishes to convince others to become one, as well.

He's not atheist. Not being Christian doesn't make you an atheist. Besides, is he on trial for his beliefs?
I thought this was about the phone call. There are people studying Christianity and I actually found out today that Jesus' real name may be Josephus and his geneology may be traced to Cleopatra and Egypt. I've never heard that before, but someone is studying it so it's not like they're pulling it out of their ass. I'm still on the fence, but so far it's interesting stuff. Anyway, I guess I should technically make a new thread out of this paragraph, but please do not hang a man because he doesn't share your beliefs. Thank you.

I respect everyone for beliefs, but trying to convert people with lies is a dirty move.

Nah. I don't think he's trying to convert. He's spreading what he knows and believes in like other people do. Trying to make people aware. Freedom of speech thing, ya know?
I knew someone was going to pull the discrimination card based on this. I very clearly stated that I respect everyone's beliefs and that my problem was with how he is spreading his views, not the fact that he's spreading them. If he wanted to post a thread about that Egypt stuff so people could discuss it, I'd be fine with that. Instead, he chooses to come up with some pretend event. That freedom of speech comment is pointless because I'm not denying his right to talk. People learn what is socially acceptable through conditioning created by how society responds. Honestly, I don't expect to make any progress here. Sometimes, I "beat a dead horse" for fun.

Ren: If this fake time travel stuff is so important to you, and you want to prove that you aren't trying to troll people, then include a disclaimer in your signature that clearly states that you are not a supernatural being and that any time that you claim that you are is just for play. If I was a real time traveler, I wouldn't waste my breath trying to debunk your claims.

His signature says "I'm not John Titor, just John Thomas."
My whole point about making this comment was to theorize that he is trying to gain publicity. I'm completely aware that Ren wasn't calling himself John Titor, but if everyone was aware of this, nobody would be scolding Ren for calling himself John Titor. To me, this seems to be a cop out. Ren had no good reason to call himself "John Titor II" on the radio show, but by doing so, he potentially gains publicity, as to many, John Titor is a popular Internet icon. This results in boosted search results. Ren seemed to be purposefully unclear in explaining that he is not John Titor, as Jimmy Church seemed quite confused himself.


Senior Member
I believe that such a possibility remains on the table. You are just as likely as getting in trouble for posting such a picture as are the thousands of people who illegally download things on a daily basis. If it is real, I don't see how it has any relevance to what we are talking about. Please
I might not represent the entire public, but I sure as heck am a part of it. I have not at any point denied others to the right to stating their opinions, but I am simply pointing out the seemingly uselessness of what you have said thus far.

No, posting a fake honorable discharge in order to gain employment, get disability money, or show someone a fake name is a serious crime and it is not equated with media piracy. On 2008.Mar.26, Randall Moneymaker, age 44 at the time, fabricated his Army Ranger career and was facing up to 35 years in prison.


Senior Member
As we have seen, he says "I get satisfaction out of convincing you of the impossible." If we look closer, his own referral to supernatural ideas as "the impossible" seems to show that he doesn't even believe in this stuff himself. To me, this seems like satisfaction in a more malicious context than that of a more playful context. Is his own satisfaction really an excuse to spread lies and deceit to as many people as he can? To me, there are two possibilities for why he is doing this. The first possibility is that he is telling the truth of getting his satisfaction in a long-term trolling sort of way, as there are many people willing to buy into the trash that he spews out. The second possibility is that he is just trying to gain influence and popularity within these supernatural communities to spread his own personal agenda. For example, one of the "future predictions" he makes is that a connection between Christianity and Greek mythology is made. This seems to suggest that Ren himself is atheist and wishes to convince others to become one, as well. I respect everyone for beliefs, but trying to convert people with lies is a dirty move. Ren: If this fake time travel stuff is so important to you, and you want to prove that you aren't trying to troll people, then include a disclaimer in your signature that clearly states that you are not a supernatural being and that any time that you claim that you are is just for play. If I was a real time traveler, I wouldn't waste my breath trying to debunk your claims.

I'm not an atheist. And now we know that you are angry with me because of my comments about Christianity and Jesus.


Senior Member
And Paula is correct, going back in time to tell people not to put their faith in a lie about the historical Jesus Christ will do a great deal to heal and strengthen people to prepare for what is to come. I'm asking you to look at the evidence and the facts, not to base your beliefs on what you feel. The fact is Josephus mainly wrote the New Testament. Jesus was a character in his play and the main historical source for this was Jesus (Azizus Monobaz) and his brother James (Sohaemus Monobaz). Want to read more? Ralph Ellis of Edfu-Books has more.


Senior Member
Faith in Christ saves. The lord will serve those that ask but woe to those that don't ask because they needlessly condemn themselves.

As for going back in time?... how would that affect things on this worldline since all worldlines exist independently? You'd be changing some other worldline but not this one.

And why forsake love? Thats all jesus ever did, was express love on a level above and beyond mortal man. The massage was to get people to understand that God loves them as a father loves his child. Their are no limits to that love. With that in mind it behooves us to be good to our father by not fighting with our siblings or our fellow man but instead showing them the same love and regard we would hold for ourselves and even more.

Love one another.


Senior Member
Faith in Christ saves. The lord will serve those that ask but woe to those that don't ask because they needlessly condemn themselves.

As for going back in time?... how would that affect things on this worldline since all worldlines exist independently? You'd be changing some other worldline but not this one.

And why forsake love? Thats all jesus ever did, was express love on a level above and beyond mortal man. The massage was to get people to understand that God loves them as a father loves his child. Their are no limits to that love. With that in mind it behooves us to be good to our father by not fighting with our siblings or our fellow man but instead showing them the same love and regard we would hold for ourselves and even more.

Love one another.

Of course, titorite. This is your true motivation. What has faith ever done that logic has not done better? Jesus was historically Azizus Monobaz. The fact that you do not know this or care to find out, indicates to me that your advice on any matter is worthless. I believe in God. Just not in your Josephus fabrication. Yes, Josephus invented the false Jesus that you worship. That is so rich. You three accusing me of being a liar when you follow a religion of lies.
