Media Ren poses as John Titor on Jimmy Church Radio


Senior Member
I follow a path. A path of truth and love. For if I am loved by God and if I love God and all of his creation it would be a sin against God and myself to lie about it. My path takes me to and fro as I learn and grow in wisdom and understanding as much as an ignorant fool can try to aspire for such things. And from what I understand, Jesus wanted us to worship God in all actions all the time just as he did.

What has faith done for me? You're asking for a testimonial. I will say this about that: When Logic dictates that man will never fly in machines heavier than air some men hold fast to the faith of said logic being a flawed thing.

Faith serves.

Sanyam Deshi

Junior Member
I believe that such a possibility remains on the table. You are just as likely as getting in trouble for posting such a picture as are the thousands of people who illegally download things on a daily basis. If it is real, I don't see how it has any relevance to what we are talking about. Please
I might not represent the entire public, but I sure as heck am a part of it. I have not at any point denied others to the right to stating their opinions, but I am simply pointing out the seemingly uselessness of what you have said thus far.

No, posting a fake honorable discharge in order to gain employment, get disability money, or show someone a fake name is a serious crime and it is not equated with media piracy. On 2008.Mar.26, Randall Moneymaker, age 44 at the time, fabricated his Army Ranger career and was facing up to 35 years in prison.
I'm still not inclined to say yes or no for certain. In the scenario that it is fake, you could have always just faked it for social media and not actually used it for any other purpose. I honestly don't care about this anymore.

As we have seen, he says "I get satisfaction out of convincing you of the impossible." If we look closer, his own referral to supernatural ideas as "the impossible" seems to show that he doesn't even believe in this stuff himself. To me, this seems like satisfaction in a more malicious context than that of a more playful context. Is his own satisfaction really an excuse to spread lies and deceit to as many people as he can? To me, there are two possibilities for why he is doing this. The first possibility is that he is telling the truth of getting his satisfaction in a long-term trolling sort of way, as there are many people willing to buy into the trash that he spews out. The second possibility is that he is just trying to gain influence and popularity within these supernatural communities to spread his own personal agenda. For example, one of the "future predictions" he makes is that a connection between Christianity and Greek mythology is made. This seems to suggest that Ren himself is atheist and wishes to convince others to become one, as well. I respect everyone for beliefs, but trying to convert people with lies is a dirty move. Ren: If this fake time travel stuff is so important to you, and you want to prove that you aren't trying to troll people, then include a disclaimer in your signature that clearly states that you are not a supernatural being and that any time that you claim that you are is just for play. If I was a real time traveler, I wouldn't waste my breath trying to debunk your claims.

I'm not an atheist. And now we know that you are angry with me because of my comments about Christianity and Jesus.
You think you've got it all figured out. I prefer not to feel angry or live an angry lifestyle ever. That doesn't mean I never feel anger or rage, but I don't feel like I accomplish anything productive with any sort of anger or hatred. It is understandable how you may have interpreted it this way. Very often, lengthy and elaborate counterarguments are commonly associated with rage. I type these comments with a straight face as I try to think of the words that will best represent my ideas. I wish to provide my insight to inform those who happen to stumble across my messages in a way that I will not regret having sent the message later on. Also, for a third time, my comments about Christianity have been misinterpreted. You have your "facts" about how everything actually occurred and I'm fine with you believing in what you do. I will say again that my problem was that you were preaching these beliefs with one of your fake time traveler stories. Let me add, that despite my disagreement with how you presented your beliefs, they were not even close to being the catalyst for my entrance into this discussion. My main issue is your obsessive need for power and influence that you seek to get through lies and deceit by referring to yourself as a supernatural being. It seems that you wish to have everyone close to you controlled by strings like a tactful puppeteer. I am a person motivated by my wish to spread moral lifestyles and decisions, so I could not pass up the potential for a debate like the one we are having right now.

And Paula is correct, going back in time to tell people not to put their faith in a lie about the historical Jesus Christ will do a great deal to heal and strengthen people to prepare for what is to come. I'm asking you to look at the evidence and the facts, not to base your beliefs on what you feel. The fact is Josephus mainly wrote the New Testament. Jesus was a character in his play and the main historical source for this was Jesus (Azizus Monobaz) and his brother James (Sohaemus Monobaz). Want to read more? Ralph Ellis of Edfu-Books has more.
Funny, you are the second person that I have debated with recently who has established a large part of his counterargument just by spewing out book titles. I don't care what the book says because no matter how well that book is written, it doesn't make it any more or less valid. Was I asleep during the year where lies and propaganda in a published piece of literature was outlawed? I believe I am allowed to reject the principles of this book just as you are allowed to believe every single inked-out letter in there. You seem to suggest that my counterarguments pertaining to this are controlling and somehow lack tolerance of other beliefs, but it's quite the opposite. You've got all of the "evidence and facts" that we are all so stupid to not follow. :rolleyes: What's so wrong with Christians like myself living in peace?

Faith in Christ saves. The lord will serve those that ask but woe to those that don't ask because they needlessly condemn themselves.

As for going back in time?... how would that affect things on this worldline since all worldlines exist independently? You'd be changing some other worldline but not this one.

And why forsake love? Thats all jesus ever did, was express love on a level above and beyond mortal man. The massage was to get people to understand that God loves them as a father loves his child. Their are no limits to that love. With that in mind it behooves us to be good to our father by not fighting with our siblings or our fellow man but instead showing them the same love and regard we would hold for ourselves and even more.

Love one another.

Of course, titorite. This is your true motivation. What has faith ever done that logic has not done better? Jesus was historically Azizus Monobaz. The fact that you do not know this or care to find out, indicates to me that your advice on any matter is worthless. I believe in God. Just not in your Josephus fabrication. Yes, Josephus invented the false Jesus that you worship. That is so rich. You three accusing me of being a liar when you follow a religion of lies.
So, refusal to agree with you on one issue suddenly nullifies someone's ability to be right about anything else? That is the ultimate discrimination. I'll let you know when my faith and my logic contradict each other.


Senior Member
I'm still not inclined to say yes or no for certain. In the scenario that it is fake, you could have always just faked it for social media and not actually used it for any other purpose. I honestly don't care about this anymore.

Of course you don't care now because you just lost this argument. My name is John Thomas and I was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army. Your doubt is in question because I have just carefully shown you that if I posted that picture, and it was fabricated, I could go to jail. Therefore the picture is real.

You think you've got it all figured out.

Don't I have it figured out? You're angry because I am questioning your faith. If books give you a headache then I'll post a video.

I am a time traveler who's main mission is to tell you that your Christian faith is misguided and people like you are going to get a lot of people killed who should be doing less praying and a lot more surviving.


Sanyam Deshi

Junior Member
I'm going to tie everything together.
#1: Ren believes that Christianity and the Bible are fake and surrounded by lies.
#2: Ren read a book that has all of the "answers" that officially "debunk" Christianity.
Does anyone see something funny here?

I am going to make a conspiracy theory (from a third person limited point of view):
Ren was once a Christian and possibly some sort of Bible reader, believing the contents within the Bible. Next, Ren, feeling a little doubtful of his faith, starts to read books about supposed evidence against the validity of Christianity. What Ren reads compels him and stuns him. Ren becomes frustrated that he has been blindly following a book of lies. Ren then wants to spread his new discoveries to as many people as possible. To convince more people, he claims to be a time traveler... and lies about a future event happening to convince people that Christianity will be debunked. So, in the end, life is much better! Christianity, the violent and evil religion that teaches to kill everyone you ever meet will cease to exist! All of the idiot Christians will stop blindly believing everything that the Bible says and... start blindly believing everything that... some other book says... because someone on the Internet convinced them to believe it... through lies... and... wait a second...


I listened to half of that today. It was actually pretty interesting, especially the part about nobody in the bible being in historical records. That kind of blew my mind.


Senior Member
Well their was this tomb that housed this guy named Johna....

And i'm pretty sure Saul of Tarsus appears on roman census rolls.

So , I am pretty sure some of those folks do indeed appear in historical records.


Well their was this tomb that housed this guy named Johna....

And i'm pretty sure Saul of Tarsus appears on roman census rolls.

So , I am pretty sure some of those folks do indeed appear in historical records.

You'll have to talk to the author about that. I'm new to this stuff. But I could have sworn I heard Ellis saying Saul wasn't.... I honestly could be wrong though... like I said, first time hearing it.

Sanyam Deshi

Junior Member
I'm still not inclined to say yes or no for certain. In the scenario that it is fake, you could have always just faked it for social media and not actually used it for any other purpose. I honestly don't care about this anymore.

Of course you don't care now because you just lost this argument. My name is John Thomas and I was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army. Your doubt is in question because I have just carefully shown you that if I posted that picture, and it was fabricated, I could go to jail. Therefore the picture is real.
Yeah, and people could go to jail for illegal downloads. I could Photoshop your photo with my name, post it on Twitter, and be fairly confident that I won't get in trouble for it. When the risk of getting caught is low and the desperation is high, people are fully willing to break the law. I believe that you are the exact kind of desperate person that I describe. The reason why I have stopped caring is because I don't believe you have any reason to lie about being in the military, besides getting some more blind and biased faith and support from the people who read your messages. Your problem is that you expect people to blindly follow you, books, videos, and other junk like that. I wouldn't believe 100% that you are in the military unless a person who has access to documentation of past military personnel can confirm it to be face to face.

Don't I have it figured out? You're angry because I am questioning your faith. If books give you a headache then I'll post a video.

I am a time traveler who's main mission is to tell you that your Christian faith is misguided and people like you are going to get a lot of people killed who should be doing less praying and a lot more surviving.

I insist, I am not angry. My philosophy is that an argument driven by anger and hatred will always be a bad one. As a matter of fact, the one who is angry here doesn't seem to be me toward you. It's you toward the entire religion of Christianity. It betrayed you. Now you must get it and its people back for misleading you. My religion does not effect my ability to survive. I prefer peace, but I am aware that fighting and violence are sometimes necessary to reach a better outcome. I pray before I go to bed and go to Mass once a week for an hour. This is a decision I choose to make. It hasn't and will never interfere anything I've ever done. I'm just going to get to the point: how will religion ruin my ability to survive?

I refuse to waste my time with any sort of video or book because nothing that any video or book describes is going to suddenly jump out to me and prove itself to be true. Just because a story is elaborately told doesn't mean that any of the information given is valid.


Senior Member
The point of this thread is that REN POSED AS jOHN TITOR ON JIMMY CHURCH'S RADIO SHOW, and he's done it more than once. All of these other discussions on unrelated subjects are irrelevant. :rolleyes: Ren needs to STOP POSING AS JOHN TITOR. That IS the point.

Sanyam Deshi

Junior Member
The point of this thread is that REN POSED AS jOHN TITOR ON JIMMY CHURCH'S RADIO SHOW, and he's done it more than once. All of these other discussions on unrelated subjects are irrelevant. :rolleyes: Ren needs to STOP POSING AS JOHN TITOR. That IS the point.
This is very relevant discussion. I've transformed one simple thread about Ren's supposedly sad role-playing into the exposure of his entire malicious scheme in which he uses the very same lies and deceit that he hates the most to convert Christians and belittle those who don't accommodate. This is important to me. I still don't believe I'm going to successfully convince Ren to tolerate Christianity, but every once in awhile, when I am able to put my thoughts into the words of these forum posts, it gives me bliss.
