Ren's Predictions for the US: Beyond Time-Travel Now


Junior Member
A prediction... or an obvious conclusion? what is an obvious conclusion compared to a psychic vision? Are they one in the same with defined labels from 2 different spectrums; the arcane and the scientific. Then it's all a matter of Performance IQ. Mines pretty high... but I don't see the future, I see obvious conclusions... but they can be shattered. Is a Psychic vision a dream into another parallel dimension then, to see the outcome... maybe... but that's delirium regardless. Even if you were from another time in the same dimension, the future, you either never escaped your fate as a paradox, or you're in a dimension separate from your own. All this talk about time... What if the Illuminati are Time Travellers then? All of this mass destruction in the escape from our own extinction at the hands of people from the future trying to prevent the worst. The Devil was just a time bomb.
Anyway, I suppose that at the end of the day, when shit really starts to hit the fan, a majority of the people in here are going to know what to do while others will not. That's one hell of a woe, but the future needs you. Hahaha Have a wonderful day.

walt willis

Senior Member

Listen to what Jim Garrow has to say about the future if we continue as we have...

Matt Bracken wrote four good books that are a must read for all patriots starting with his first book called: ENEMIES FOREIGN and DOMESTIC.


Senior Member
To ren:
What do you see. I am going to tell more people about what is coming.



Senior Member
Listen to what Jim Garrow has to say about the future if we continue as we have...

Matt Bracken wrote four good books that are a must read for all patriots starting with his first book called: ENEMIES FOREIGN and DOMESTIC.
Good info Walt...I anyone thinks this is BS I suggest they look up Executive Orders and go from there. They will find that the rabbit hole gets deeper and deeper. The debunkers say nothing is happening...maybe not this minute but maybe in the next hour. Get ready and enjoy present day life as we may not know exactly when it will all change. Oh yeh...for better security when purchasing and a better way to monitor your health/welfare services don't forget to get your implant....It is the American way...just like apple pie.


Senior Member
To ren:
What do you see. I am going to tell more people about what is coming.

Once we reach TeraBytes, the measurement of data will be catagorized in terms of years. For example, all the issues of Marvel publishing from year 1 to the present. The text in each issue is searchable. After that, all the publishing companies in the world every issue ever published. People using chronovisions to recover lost publications. This is all housed in a decentralized system called The Archive. It is a redundant system. Most people have an updatable copy of the archive in there personal storage. As far as implants go, yes, I have them. I control all the data that goes on these "cards". I also have GPS built in. If I am lost, I can be found. GPS in children is difficult to tamper with. We start tracking down kidnapped children, rescue them, and hang the kidnappers (but not parent kidnappers of their own children) publicly. This is also coming to a future near you.
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Senior Member
Once we reach TeraBytes, the measurement of data will be catagorized in terms of years.

Uh, no... There's no reason to switch from a standard unit of measurement to a nebulous, subjective one. Nobody is going to walk around saying "my SD card is 7 seasons of Doctor Who".
