Russia to Begin Moon Colonization in 2030


🖥️ Staff
Russia has drafted a program for colonization of the moon, and plans to send the first expeditions to build a permanent lunar base in 2030, the Russian Izvestia daily said Thursday, citing an official document.

"The moon is a space object for the future exploration by terrestrial civilization, and a geopolitical competition for the Moon's natural resources may begin in the 21st century," said a report on a potential lunar program prepared by the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Roscosmos space agency and Moscow State University.

The program aims to build an inhabited moon base and testing ground by the middle of the century, which would allow mineral extraction on Earth's only natural satellite.

The project calls on developing a range of long-distance space technology to ensure the country can explore the moon independently from foreign partners. Earlier proposals for lunar exploration focused on strong international cooperation, as it was believed no single country could afford interplanetary projects on its own.

Russia will plan separate three- or four-year-long lunar projects for the next 16 years, according to the plan. The first four will take place between 2016 and 2025 and will focus on defining the physical and chemical composition of the moons south pole, where the future base will be sited. Space roundtrips are scheduled for 2028-30, and manned lunar exploration for 2030-40.

The first stage will cost the government 28.5 billion roubles ($800 million), Izvestia said.

Previous lunar expeditions, which started with the USSR's Luna program in 1959 and the US landing the first man on the Moon 10 years later, discovered aluminum, iron, titanium, rare earths and other minerals.

Russia to Begin Moon Colonization in 2030 – Report | Russia | RIA Novosti
2030, 2040, 2050. Why not send something to the moon right now? I mean its only a three day trip. Why do we have to wait so many years? We haven't been to the moon since the 70s. You ever notice the eta dates change. I mean take 30 years ago, they were talking about colonizing the moon in 2015. Its 2014 and we haven't had a man on the moon since 1972. Now they are saying 2030?

Manned missions to the moon are possible, we've done it. Now manned missions to planets... that's a tricky subject. There are so many different factors for manned planet landings, than there are for the moon. Time it takes to get there, the gravitational effect, resources, etc.

I first thought they could promote the moon colony if they set it up as some sort of resort. It could be populated by those beautiful Russian women...but the more I thought about this idea... the more I thought...bad idea. What would you do if you wanted to try to get away from the situation? Not that easy to return to earth, you would be forced to go to the dark side of the moon to get away.

Colonization won't help them...hahaha... I will believe about Chinese moon colonization, they have rabbits there :) if you understand what I mean.
