science fiction versus real science


Senior Member
Get a book of 50's science fiction and what do you see. It is a robot driving a big "plutonium powered" truck delivering packages in the year 2020 - yes a metal man.

A robot captain steering an ion rocket from another planet full of cargo. A robot pilot flying a super sonic nuclear powered jet filled with human passengers.

However, there is no talk about tiny quad copters acting like motorized pigeons. Let us face facts, having a robot driving a truck makes no sense. After all, the truck could drive itself like a self driving car. However, those books sold millions of copies. They describe a world with a robot doctor and a robot nurse - performing surgery. OK we had a metal man and a metal woman once again. A multi arm machine makes more sense.

Still, few people back in the 50's saw the power of computers would be placed into tiny quad copter zooming in our air.


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I agree that not much people back then saw computers coming. It was easier to imagine robot operators, versus devices working on their own.

Another thing, is that they couldn't possibly imagine how far miniaturization would go.
