Series of Ruby RIdge, Waco, type events

Series of Ruby RIdge, Waco, type events

So you're telling me that these waco type events have been happening and the media just didn't report it? Why, that's just crazy talk!

Series of Ruby RIdge, Waco, type events

Awesome find hippy superstar. I don't know if the distraction with the Middle East, or the Middle East is the distraction. My guess is the corporate controlled media doesn't want to report anything but "happy talk". Look at the sanitized news we've been getting about the Iraq occupation in general and the Fallujah massacre in particular. Nobody in power wants a public acknowledgement that something is seriously wrong in this country, especially with the power structure. If one of these fringe groups does manage something spectacular, the cat just might get out of the bag.

Thanks again for the link.


Series of Ruby RIdge, Waco, type events

I wonder if this counts?

SEATTLE - Terrorism task force agents arrested at least 10 Seattle-area residents Thursday, accusing them of taking part in a scheme to illegally bring people from the West African nation of Gambia into this country.

The men were scheduled to appear in federal court in the afternoon on bank and immigration fraud charges and weapons offenses.

A search warrant obtained by KOMO-TV in Seattle said agents searched a barber shop in Seattle, looking for training documents on urban warfare.
Series of Ruby RIdge, Waco, type events

Well, theres the patriot act raising it's ugly head. Also this one shows that there has been a more active resistance movement than we've heard about.
Seriously some of these guys did deserve to get busted, but terrorism. In some of the cases thats rediculas.

BTW the author of that article is one of the people responsable for bringing the government's attention to Ruby ridge, and Waco. He frequently feeds the feds bad info on "hate groups" and they seem to act on it without a second thought.
Series of Ruby RIdge, Waco, type events

I wonder if this counts?

SEATTLE - Terrorism task force agents arrested at least 10 Seattle-area residents Thursday, accusing them of taking part in a scheme to illegally bring people from the West African nation of Gambia into this country.

The men were scheduled to appear in federal court in the afternoon on bank and immigration fraud charges and weapons offenses.

A search warrant obtained by KOMO-TV in Seattle said agents searched a barber shop in Seattle, looking for training documents on urban warfare.

It might, but I really have no sympathy for anyone helping forign terrorists do anything more than die in this country. If this is true, they should be given their rights, and publically tried for treason the old way.
Series of Ruby RIdge, Waco, type events

As far as that article goes, there does not seem to be too much regarding what I would typetify as a 'terrost'. There have been wackos running around since the 70's with the emphasis on the Green / Earth nuts.

I wonder if any of you fine people remember reading or seeing News regarding folks that would Spike trees up in North California and above? Those folks back then were not referred to as 'Terr' as some other term was used. Only recently do you see them referred to as 'Eco Terrost.'

The midwest seems to be growing a lot of disgruntled people if that article is to be believed. Perhaps the safest place to live is: Nowhere near a forest, Not close by a Federal Bldg., Far away from Exploding Abortion Clinics, Far, Far away from Nurseries as they may be viewed as exploiting mother nature also.

As far as the "Dirty Nambian Dozen" Serves their collective law breaking asses right. They deserve all that our Govt can throw at them and more. It looks as if they conduct business differently in Nambia and perhaps fraud, bad checks, intimidation tactics to secure meeting places is standard practice in Nambia. Lucky for us they were too stupid to stay long here. However, I do question the validity of them being actual 'Terrost' even though the story may allude to a different slant and the participation of that 'task force' Phew....
Series of Ruby RIdge, Waco, type events

Originally posted by Darkwolf@Nov 19 2004, 12:16 PM

It might, but I really have no sympathy for anyone helping forign terrorists do anything more than die in this country. If this is true, they should be given their rights, and publically tried for treason the old way.

I'm not judging these people one way or the other . I just posted this to compare to the titor story not to pass a moral judgment.
Series of Ruby RIdge, Waco, type events

Originally posted by StarLord@Nov 19 2004, 01:22 PM

As far as the \"Dirty Nambian Dozen\" Serves their collective law breaking asses right. They deserve all that our Govt can throw at them and more.

So , do you think the government should be able to do whatever they want to whomever them deem terrorist worthy?
Series of Ruby RIdge, Waco, type events

Happy talk? sensors must be off....I don't see much happy talk in the media.

A lot of "mays" or "coulds"

A lot of nothing that is ever really known for sure....
