
I think we can see who is/was married here. LOL.
If the aliens were to advertise and target married couples they would have all the samples they needed. Of course they would need to show themselves and go thru the all out disclosure process. Get your alien sex now...two probes for the price of one. This deal is out of this world!
I think we can see who is/was married here. LOL.
If the aliens were to advertise and target married couples they would have all the samples they needed. Of course they would need to show themselves and go thru the all out disclosure process. Get your alien sex now...two probes for the price of one. This deal is out of this world!

Alien married-couple sex therapy?
Hi paula:
Well, you say everyone has a soul.

I still remember what an alien woman told me.
"I do not have a soul. If you marry me. Our children will have souls. Also, I will share your soul."
Needless to say... this chilled me to my very core.

I asked her, "What happens when you die?"
She said, "Well, you go to heaven. However, it is not the same for me. It is like when a radio dies. The radio does not go to heaven."

Hi watch dog:
Perhaps, but most aliens see us as what we are - angry savages.

I still remember what an alien woman told me.
"I do not have a soul. If you marry me. Our children will have souls. Also, I will share your soul."
Needless to say... this chilled me to my very core.

At least that's what the alien believes. If it's true, it justifies Jesus a bit, doesn't it?
Still, if certain aliens are not spiritual people, they may not believe in a soul even if it really exists.
May I ask how you met an alien?
Hi Paula:
I want to answer your question, but I do not want to hi jack the thread.

Hi num:
please create a new thread. Thank you.
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Hijack away! If it's my thread I started and I say it's cool.. then that means it's cool, right? Do kids still say cool? Mine don't.
