Shadow People & Dark Mass Humanoid Figures in Trees


Interesting.. I have a question and without trying to seem like I'm derailing your thread, at what point in your life did you consider them shadow people or did you always consider them this? I've only recently started hearing this name within the last few years. I've seen dark figures here or there but always just considered them ghosts.

Well, you can not just put a generic label on them. There are shadow people, then there are black masses. There are also a plethora of other "dark" humanoid things about. I have no idea if some of these are ET's or they could be inter-dimensional, dead humans(?), still looking for answers.


I started seeing dark humanoids in the trees after the black mass attack.

EDIT: To clarify, I've dealt with "shadow people" my whole life. These "tree people" humanoid things are different.

That 'black mass' sounds like a hierarchical warning in that you were attacked by a spirit that was given direction to do so, I can only imagine the pain.(!)

I can't shake the idea that in an earlier investigation, someone or 'something' noticed what you were trying to do..some/most don't wish to be exposed and because of this, when you were finally alone, it attacked.

The 'dark humanoids' are called watchers. They can be sent also to watch and report back to the sender.

You mentioned in a different thread that some spirits seem to follow an order or rank of some kind well, you're right some do.

One more thing I will wager as a guess... I'd bet that since after the attack, your senses became heightened and you became more aware of these spiritual entities. Like overwhelmed by them.

This can also happen after having a NDE.

I Hope you are no longer seeing these odd 'dark humanoids'.

Fwiw...I was told 'shadow people' are basically harmless spirits that seem intrigued by people who are gifted/can see them.

I hope that some of this Post makes sense to you.

Actually, a lot of it does make sense.

If I summarize a bit:

  • I was seeing shadow people (hat man type) when I was 3
  • I had a NDE in 2004, this is when I became extremely sensitive.
  • Started investigating and seeking answers in 2007
I agree and think Shadow people are rather harmless. Black masses on the other hand are NOT, nor have ever been human and are quite easy to piss off. I've had several encounters with them. The tree people could be what you say, watchers. They are rather new to me and seem to follow me around.

I've had several channeling episodes, I can get pretty ill during these, I have been careful not to let this happen when alone. I'm to afraid to... :rolleyes: I get crap loads of information in a brief episode though, so it is helpful.

And finally I've picked up some hijackers just will not leave me... I've tried. They manifest in balls of light (energy). They never leave my side, I do not fear them, in fact I consider them guardians of a type. They warned me and i feel like they protect me to some point. there are times they have fled, this is when I really know to get myself out of where ever I am.

So... I have come to know many types of ethereal characters. Still looking for answers...

I believe you.

I too must summarize a few points, it seems we have traveled on similar paths-

- I had A NDE when I was around 2 years of age, I was electrocuted and the strange thing is, I remember being literally pulled away from the electric current although there was no one else corporeal near.

- I also started investigating back in 2003 to get my own answers as to what was going on all around me, this started when I was 3 years old.
the things I saw we're horrible, I could never explain to my family just what I saw but when it happened it was like a black mass would wave out and over them and what happened after that is... I still can't go there.

-I stopped investigating around the end of 2007 early 2008 somewhere around there, I had lost my job and during the Great recession, nearly lost everything. I instead endeavored more towards the spiritual aspects, I searched for answers starting with the Church seeking information which also led me to seeking Native American aspects which were highly enlightening.

-I also have been attacked a few times over by these so called black masses. One incident, something nearly snapped my neck(!).
I too started seeing at times, these tree people as you call them, through much personal investigation I learned how to protect myself through some very ancient tools taught to me.

-also, I began to notice these quite beautiful orbs of light which also after trying, never left my side. I've come to understand that these are protector guardians.

So, yes the hunter becomes the hunted at times and ohhh yes, black mass p*ss off very readily when they become exposed.

It's an oxymoron actually.. The people I help have these events happening in their lives with these things exposing themselves to these people right? yet when they become exposed to the affected then, they get angry. :eyeroll:

so to sum up, after about 48 years of probable experience, I am still seeking answers...

as a investigator I found it increasingly frustrating to not be able to prove what I thought I saw so, for me uniquely, I gave up that sort of investigation.

I attended conventions and met every psychic, pranic healer, guru, crystal enchanter, and all types Under the Sun, only very few stood out to be true so eventually I just walked away from them (conventions) in respect of finding truth.
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I wonder Wind7, have you done considerable EVP work, at home?

I did although I wouldn't call my endeavors a considerable amount.

I have some very wild stories involving my old recordings.

I almost exclusively used micro cassette devices until they became noisy which got expensive to replace.

Went to digital but never had any good results.. The devices would malfunction or become destroyed. Literally.

I have had occurrences sometimes just trying to have cell phone conversation with friends.

One was not so very long ago.

"That was not human!!"

My usual reply is about how cellular signals get crossed :rolleyes:

I have no hard evidences anymore for proofs.. A few witnesses, that's about it.

Have you ever had this cellular 'issue'? Just curious.


I wonder Wind7, have you done considerable EVP work, at home?

I did although I wouldn't call my endeavors a considerable amount.

I have some very wild stories involving my old recordings.

I almost exclusively used micro cassette devices until they became noisy which got expensive to replace.

Went to digital but never had any good results.. The devices would malfunction or become destroyed. Literally.

I have had occurrences sometimes just trying to have cell phone conversation with friends.

One was not so very long ago.

"That was not human!!"

My usual reply is about how cellular signals get crossed :rolleyes:

I have no hard evidences anymore for proofs.. A few witnesses, that's about it.

Have you ever had this cellular 'issue'? Just curious.

I have had issues with cell service but I never considered it to be paranormal.


I wonder Wind7, have you done considerable EVP work, at home?

I did although I wouldn't call my endeavors a considerable amount.

I have some very wild stories involving my old recordings.

I almost exclusively used micro cassette devices until they became noisy which got expensive to replace.

Went to digital but never had any good results.. The devices would malfunction or become destroyed. Literally.

I have had occurrences sometimes just trying to have cell phone conversation with friends.

One was not so very long ago.

"That was not human!!"

My usual reply is about how cellular signals get crossed :rolleyes:

I have no hard evidences anymore for proofs.. A few witnesses, that's about it.

Have you ever had this cellular 'issue'? Just curious.

I have had issues with cell service but I never considered it to be paranormal.

Yeah, cellular sometimes isn't all it's cracked up to be......However,
I am on the fence over a couple incidents, one was hair raising
and witnessed.

But paranormal? I just don't really i let these go
as nothing more than bad signal incidents.

I guess that's why I asked you, this is more your area of experience/expertise.
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I did although I wouldn't call my endeavors a considerable amount.

I have some very wild stories involving my old recordings.

I almost exclusively used micro cassette devices until they became noisy which got expensive to replace.

Went to digital but never had any good results.. The devices would malfunction or become destroyed. Literally.

I have had occurrences sometimes just trying to have cell phone conversation with friends.

One was not so very long ago.

"That was not human!!"

My usual reply is about how cellular signals get crossed :rolleyes:

I have no hard evidences anymore for proofs.. A few witnesses, that's about it.

Have you ever had this cellular 'issue'? Just curious.

I have had issues with cell service but I never considered it to be paranormal.

Yeah, cellular sometimes isn't all it's cracked up to be......However,
I am on the fence over a couple incidents, one was hair raising
and witnessed.

But paranormal? I just don't really i let these go
as nothing more than bad signal incidents.

I guess that's why I asked you, this is more your area of experience/expertise.

I frequent a ½ dozen forums. There are quite a few cell phone related reports, however most are centered on calls from no where. With a CID of all 0's and a garbled or demonic type voice.


I have had issues with cell service but I never considered it to be paranormal.

Yeah, cellular sometimes isn't all it's cracked up to be......However,
I am on the fence over a couple incidents, one was hair raising
and witnessed.

But paranormal? I just don't really i let these go
as nothing more than bad signal incidents.

I guess that's why I asked you, this is more your area of experience/expertise.

I frequent a ½ dozen forums. There are quite a few cell phone related reports, however most are centered on calls from no where. With a CID of all 0's and a garbled or demonic type voice.

yes, I am familiar with that but that particular incident or incidents only happened with my landline according to my then room mate(s), only once with me at home...that was a long time ago now and I no longer have a landline.

The cellular thing would happen during a conversation which I think (hope) is nothing more than a bleed through from another cell source.

It was a loud, 'gutteral' roar followed by unintelligible words.
It was quick and scared my friend to no end.

So, I am left with more questions...


Active Member
Hey! I have the same issue of hypnagogia. Usually all I see are (don't laugh) are gears and inventions spinning and working, basically like if Leonardo Da Vinci was drawing them in front of my eyes and I see alot of mechanical like birds flying up my walls , but they are beautiful & made of out sparkling gems. Every once in a while, I will see a person. And I can see every detail, like hair on the arms and how long the nails are. That usually makes me sit up straight in the bed & stare right at it, til it disappears in front of me.
I'm lucky I think, cause I've read of others with hypnagogia that see absolutely terribly scary things in front of them.
