Should Slowjamastan be allowed to join Nato despite being a dictatorship?


Senior Member
Or should the country be nuked to free its people from a life of oppression?
Republic of Slowjamastan - MicroWiki

The situation could get tense if China decides to recognize Slowjamastan as a sovereign nation and send a diplomat, in a tit for tat move following the Taiwan visit.
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Senior Member
Or should the country be nuked to free its people from a life of oppression?
Republic of Slowjamastan - MicroWiki

The situation could get tense if China decides to recognize Slowjamastan as a sovereign nation and send a diplomat, in a tit for tat move following the Taiwan visit.

my god, they finally have a new fake wiki for the first time in a long time since the banning of
Encyclopedia Dramatica and the even longer ago discontinued Uncyclopedia


What exactly Slowjamastan's purpose is, and even what it will ultimately be, is unclear — even to Williams.

Micronations don't have any official recognition by the United States government, meaning any laws or policies that conflict with U.S. law could draw the ire of American law enforcement. This means the ability of micronation residents to "live by (their) own rules" is no more than residents of any other rural patch of land in the country.

That is probably
a moot point, since the nature of the project belies any serious political intent.

Williams said he didn't pay his first tax bill to Imperial County for Slowjamastan's land, but instead made a "foreign aid" payment that just happened to exactly match the amount on the tax bill. He said he anticipates Slowjamastan will continue to make such payments in the future.



Govt might not want any more like these popping up close them down via a legal technicality?

The govt here doesn't recognize it at all because, it has no legal ground to stand upon, period.

Typical SoCal looney-ism.

If Texas can't do it....No nutter in California is going to do so....Either.


Senior Member
The govt here doesn't recognize it at all because, it has no legal ground to stand upon, period.

Typical SoCal looney-ism.

If Texas can't do it....No nutter in California is going to do so....Either.
The same could be said about the official US states, because mistakes were being made with the initial paperwork during early colonization. If several non-recognized states such as Somaliland recognize each other, they are just an alternative world order with their own international institutions.


Senior Member
reminds me of a real life version of this:

Strong Badia (sometimes misspelled as Strongbadia) is the field behind the dumpsters that is ruled over by Strong Bad (though so far these dumpsters remain to be seen). It consists of a dirt field in front of a white fence, with a tire leaning against it. There is also a stop sign reading "STRONG BADIA POP: TIRE," which leans on a cinder block. It is directly adjacent to The Field, as revealed in the Strong Bad Email monument. Strong Bad introduced his monarchy in i rule. In colonization, he tells the story of how it was founded (which took place around the time that the wireless web and energy drinks were invented) when Strong Bad started renting land from Bubs so he could have the freedom to put ketchup on his eggs.

Citizens of Strong Badia include Strong Bad, Strong Mad, The Cheat (although all three of which do not actually live here), the Tire, the Stop Sign, the Cinder Block, the Bear Holding a Shark, General Tso's Chicken, and the ghost of the Tandy 400. However, the official population of Strong Badia, as recorded on the Stop Sign, is "Tire". Since the tire is inanimate, Strong Badia is completely devoid of any permanent flora or fauna. In the email 2 years, Strong Bad predicted that by September 2005 (two years after the email was released), the population would have tripled to also include a bundt cake pan and Coach Z. The Cheat would also have painted a mural on the fence, reading "FIReWORKS or die", and there would be a world-class hole. Also, the Cinder Block and Sign were to have separated, the Tire would have "won the title", and Strong Sad would have become more whiny. However, none of these events ever came to pass.

In the email flag day, Strong Bad sings the Strong Badia National Anthem and the flag of Strong Badia is first shown. This anthem later appears on Strong Bad Sings and Other Type Hits. The Stop Sign and the Cinder Block serve as an unfinished monument to Strong Badia's monarch. This monument is unfinished due to the fact Strong Bad and The Cheat were distracted by The Thnikkaman. Strong Bad gives Strong Badia a firm scrubbing every Thursday for community service due to a prior arrest, as he explains in other days. As seen in the email little questions, Strong Badia is, or at some point was, on very good economic and political terms with Sweden (perhaps even to the point of an alliance).

Strong Badia also has its own local news station which broadcasts on Action Cool 5, and a space program called The Strong Badian Administration of Some Aluminum Foil (or SBASAF), dedicated to the manned taping of aluminum foil to cardboard. Their rivals are the Italian Space Program, who have once attempted to spy on Strong Badia with a satellite, according to Strong Bad. Strong Badia also has a pizza joint called The Pizz, with Homestar Runner and The Cheat as employees. It also has a website called, where you can create your own piece of pizza and spend Pizz points, although people use that advantage to place orders by talking to Strong Bad. Although The Pizz was not as popular as "Cheatsa Pizza", The Cheat's pizza place, it still has logos on pizza boxes, as seen in Homestar Ruiner. In 2007, Strong Badia held the Strong Badathlon, an Olympics-like group of contests like The Cheat Chuck, Greco-Roman Homestar Crud-Out-of-Beating, Remote Put, Clean and Jerk Strong Mad's Underwear Over his Head, and Probably something with Guitars Lazors Robots and Hot Girls. It ends with Marzipan and Strong Sad swirling ribbons, interrupted by Homestar.

In 2004, Homestar Runner attempted to conquer Strong Badia with his Homestarmy, which at the time consisted of himself, Strong Sad, Homsar, the Painting of a Guy with a Big Knife, and a popcorn maker named Frank Bennedetto. Homestar made the mistake, however, of trying to recruit Strong Bad, giving Strong Badia plenty of warning of the impending Battle of Strong Badia. Though Strong Bad was outnumbered almost 2 to 1, Homestar agreed to cancel the invasion because Strong Bad, The Cheat, and Strong Mad were playing badminton. The only casualty was Bennedetto, who was seriously wounded and even considered dead after sustaining severe kick trauma from Strong Bad.

In the email keep cool, Strong Bad interrupts his usual reading of the email to explain that Strong Badia consists only of the field behind the dumpsters and not the many other locations of Free Country, USA. He may have been driven to do this by emailers whose usage of the term "Strong Badia" implied a mistaken belief that this was the name of the whole town. In the email unnatural, King Bubsgonzola Supreme crushed part of Strong Badia's fence. Afterwards, the fence was rebuilt (although this was only mentioned at the end of the toon). In Strong Badia the Free, Strong Badia comes to rule the land of Free Country, USA, as Strong Bad slowly conquers the nations in his way and overthrows the King of Town. Eventually though, he tricks the King back onto his throne, presumably ending Strong Badia's rule. Additionally, Strong Bad mentions that he traded the patch of grass in the bottom left-hand corner of Strong Badia to Strong Mad for a giant gummy foot. Apparently, Strong Mad got the better deal. In 8-Bit is Enough, Trogdor escaped from his video game and burninated Strong Badia. Strong Bad retaliated by journeying to slay Trogdor.
