Should we take vitamins?


A post Harte made recently makes me wonder if it's either good or bad to take vitamins. I know that you can get sick if you take too much of them, so as for a lot of other things in this world, balance is the key.

That being said, Are we supposed to take vitamins? Is it worth it, does it change anything?


Temporal Engineer
Yes, you should take them. The propaganda created that says you shouldn't is designed to get you so malnourished that you will need to seek medical help. Who do you think would benefit from this tactic?

There were many studies done to determine daily requirements.

And in my opinion, Harte is B vitamin deficient by choice.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
I take vitamins everyday for skin, hair, and nails.. :) Especially if you don't eat fresh and healthy, and let's face it: not everyone does..Why not take vitamin supplements? Too much vitamins might be harmful, but so is being malnourished...


Senior Member
IF you want your body to get the most out of everything taking vitamins can go a long way.

Those super huge super enduring athletes, they take vitamins to get the most out of their training.
I believe it was the Optimum Nutrition Bible that said that taking too much of any *one* vitamin is extremely unbalanced for your body, and that unless a doctor diagnoses you with a specific imbalance you should always take a multi-vitamin in addition to any individual vitamins you might decide to try.

The point of the multi-vitamin is a sort of shotgun tactic to counter any undiagnosed deficiencies you may have, and allow your body to absorb more nutrients from your diet that you otherwise wouldn't because of those deficiencies.

And even so, in my understanding vitamins and minerals work together to boost each other's absorption and use by the body. Any seriously missing element can be like a monkey wrench thrown into a well-oiled machine (and no, I'm not talking about sex... although...), and bring the whole system grinding and groaning (seriously, no sex is being referred to here) to a halt.

(okay, climax phase complete, disengage thruster in 3... 2... )


Junior Member
I take vitamin D and B because I was severely deficient in those.. I take a multi-vitamin just to "balance" everything out because I don't feel that a multi-vitamin is considered "excess" vitamins. That's why they created the daily allowances for each.. I have taken vitamin C in excess to prevent a cold "and it worked" unless it was placebo but how could we really know for sure? The antioxidants is an interesting read because they always have said they are good for us.. I guess it just goes to show everything in moderation..


Senior Member
Honestly, i am probably one of the most unhealthy individuals you could meet, the only thing "healthy" i do is not drink pop. But other than that all is game, i don't take vitamins i don't get my flu shots and vaccines i rarely exercise, yet everyone else around me has a extremely nasty stomach flu that is highly contagious and i don't have it even though i have been in direct contact with people who do, i very rarely get sick and if i do i am over it in 24 hours, i don't meditate my sleep habits are horrible i find water gross so i typically drink regular tea "Not green or black or anything special, every day ordinary Lipton"

So in my opinion, nah Vitamins are pointless lol


Junior Member
Honestly, i am probably one of the most unhealthy individuals you could meet, the only thing "healthy" i do is not drink pop. But other than that all is game, i don't take vitamins i don't get my flu shots and vaccines i rarely exercise, yet everyone else around me has a extremely nasty stomach flu that is highly contagious and i don't have it even though i have been in direct contact with people who do, i very rarely get sick and if i do i am over it in 24 hours, i don't meditate my sleep habits are horrible i find water gross so i typically drink regular tea "Not green or black or anything special, every day ordinary Lipton"

So in my opinion, nah Vitamins are pointless lol
The only "healthy" thing i do is take a multi vitamin... And i get sick a lot more than i used to.. I smoke ciggarettes, i drink beer sometimes, i drink pop, i eat fried, processed foods, and i never exercise.. the ONLY healthy thing that i do is take a vitamin each day.. it's my small effort to try and do something healthy.. I get bronchitis all the time, anytime my son gets a cold i get one "unless i take excess vitamin C"... i don't know if the vitamins help or not but i think i other changes like not smoking, not drinking, exercising and eating better would be more beneficial than anything.


Senior Member
Taking a single daily multivitamin supplement is very unlikely to be harmful. Worst case would probably be that it is harmless.

However, unless you have some sort of clinical deficiency, chances are you are getting all the vitamins you need if you vary your diet a minimal amount and drink milk (almost all of which is fortified with vitamins during processing) every now and then.

Megadoses of anything can get you in trouble.

