SkarPZ is the username, but....


Junior Member
I have gone away from this username in almost everything but three forums.

Something about me: I'm terrified at driving cars. I have only driven less than a week in my entire life. Found out that I could create amazing music if I can only figure out how. I can write poems, but don't think I could ever write a novel. I believe that we can all change our future by creating it to what we manifest. I'm trying to figure out the right path for me. I can get delusional at times and other times be really rather rational. I'm a liar to myself sometimes since I can't tell what the truth really is. Someone showed me this forum. I trust people first before anything. I'm gullible. I love to laugh but only when I trust someone.

When life will get too busy I may have to stop using forums since they take up a lot of time and other matters need to be focused more.

I'm trying to live life to the best I can and pause to escape reality but keep holding on.


Senior Member
Hi Skarpz, Welcome to Paranormalis! Thanks for sharing about yourself. I hope you enjoy your stay here. :)



Welcome! Better late than never. We're glad to have you here. :)

Enjoy the place and the good company!
