"Sleep paralysis"


So I figure we should share our own experiences of this 'purely psychological' phenomena. Here is one I had last night (between 3-5 9/28) actually. Much different than usual.

So I was up late on the phone ranting to a friend. I fall asleep around three. Then I wake up in that twilight phase and feel and hand on my arm. I'm sleeping on my left side. I vaguely saw a creature at the foot of my bed near the door. About 3 feet tall. Honestly I think that was some pants that were leaning off my ironing board lol. The thing was that it was spinning. Like a kid jumping and spinning left then right twirling its head. I got a "cmon let's go" feeling from it.

At first I was terrified, but I have been conditioning myself to eliminate my instinctive fear/panic response. It helps that i have learned how to move/resist the paralysis. The one touching my arm even coaxed me. I got a feeling of "its OK its OK. I won't hurt you I care about you." I tried reaching for the hand on my arm and kind of got a glimpse of it. It was... disembodied but looked like electricity or white energy like veins to a leaf that shaped a hand.

After seeing the hand I fell asleep. That was probably my first 'pleasant' experience with something at night in my entire life.


New Member
Sorry if you don't believe in God but it was probably an angel or something.


Senior Member
I absolutely despise the term "Sleep paralysis" since some yahoo started saying it, it has been used to explain everything having to do with being unable to move while sleeping, yes i am sure there at paralysis cases no doubt in my mind but it needs to be used far far more lightly, i have heard of people who have stated a black masses held me down in bed i couldn't move just to hear the counter argument "o that was sleep paralysis nothing paranormal" I have personally been restrained while sleeping the marks on my arms and seeing the figure is proof enough to me that it wasn't sleep paralysis but people will instantly say it was.....Ok sorry for the rant on to your story lol

I have been trying to condition my self to swallow my fear as well when things happen it makes you far more open and helps you under stand what is going on and even control the situation, some instances specially if woken up in a deep sleep scares me and makes me panic but i'm working on regaining my composure after the initial wake up.


Lol I hate it too. I've asked shrinks about it, but I realized they have more issues than anyone I've ever met. I've asked fellow students and they all say... do you think you're schizophrenic? Thoughts crossed my mind but I've been reading about this since 10 ( 13 years ago) and you started... 3 years ago? If that

Blast. The first thing you need to do is condition your mind. Every time you go to sleep... chant a mantra. Mine was something like this. "I will keep control of my body. I will not be afraid. I will know before it happens." Over and over. I did that for a while at age 13/14 ish. Eventually it stuck. I even have video of me at a sleep clinic experiencing an 'episode.' I wasn't sure if I was actually moving or not until I got a copy of the DVD. I have respiration rates and oxygen levels, EEG, EKG, electrodes on major muscle groups. Its interesting to say that each time I felt a moment of 'oppression' I had a recordable event of interrupted breathing.

I was being tested for sleep apnea btw. When I get home I'll try and find the DVD and convert it to something uploadable.


Temporal Engineer
I don't think you should complain about this. I had to train myself to invoke this paralysis state. Where your body is asleep, but your mind is awake. It's the prelude to astral projection. It's real. You can actually step out of your body during this state and go for a spin.


I figured that but so any bad experiences with that state... I'll try it once I fully conquer my fear. I'm almost there. Only one time did it happen though. I literally felt like I was two places at once. I was "seeing" from two distinct vantage points. One my body the other.... mg body floating above me


Temporal Engineer
I figured that. Only one time did it happen though. I literally felt like I was two places at once. I was "seeing" from two distinct vantage points. One my body the other.... mg body floating above me

If you learn to meditate, you can train yourself to invoke this state of mind. Once you have it mastered, then an HDR might be something to try. But the HDR is useless if you haven't mastered the technique first.


Junior Member
Once I go to sleep a hurrican can't wake me up hardly. Everytime I try to meditate I fall asleep and thats it.
